Who Are Parents, Duties of Parents, Characteristics of Responsible Parenthood Social Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Social Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: Social Studies
Class: Primary 5
Term: First Term
Week: 6
Age: 10 years
Topic: Responsible Parenthood
Sub-topic: Who Are Parents, Duties of Parents, Characteristics of Responsible Parenthood
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain who parents are.
  2. Describe the duties of parents.
  3. Outline the characteristics of responsible parenthood.

Keywords: Parents, Duties, Responsible parenthood, Characteristics, Family

Set Induction:
Start with a discussion on what makes someone a parent. Ask pupils about their parents and what they do for them.

Entry Behaviour:
Pupils should have a basic understanding of family roles.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Charts showing duties of parents
  • Examples of responsible parenting
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Videos or stories illustrating parental responsibilities

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:
Connect the lesson to previous discussions on family roles and marriage practices by highlighting how parenthood fits into these roles.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication skills
  • Empathy

Learning Materials:

  • Visual aids depicting parental duties
  • Stories or examples of responsible parenting
  • Written scenarios for discussion

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Social Studies Textbooks

Instructional Materials:

  • Charts
  • Visual aids
  • Video clips


  1. Who Are Parents?
    • Parents are individuals who bring children into the world and provide care and support.
    • They can be biological parents, adoptive parents, or guardians.
  2. Duties of Parents
    • Providing Basic Needs: Ensuring children have food, shelter, and clothing.
    • Emotional Support: Offering love, encouragement, and security.
    • Education: Supporting and guiding children’s learning and development.
    • Discipline: Teaching appropriate behavior and setting boundaries.
  3. Characteristics of Responsible Parenthood
    • Love and Care: Showing unconditional love and providing emotional support.
    • Responsibility: Fulfilling duties and being accountable for children’s well-being.
    • Guidance: Offering advice and direction in various aspects of life.
    • Support: Helping with physical, emotional, and educational needs.


  1. Parents are individuals who provide __________ and support to their children. (a) care (b) neglect (c) avoidance (d) disregard
  2. One duty of parents is to provide __________ needs such as food and shelter. (a) emotional (b) basic (c) financial (d) irrelevant
  3. Parents offer __________ support by providing love and encouragement. (a) emotional (b) physical (c) financial (d) educational
  4. __________ is a duty where parents guide their children’s learning. (a) Education (b) Neglect (c) Disregard (d) Avoidance
  5. Responsible parenthood includes showing __________ and providing emotional support. (a) anger (b) neglect (c) love (d) avoidance
  6. Fulfilling __________ is a characteristic of responsible parenthood. (a) duties (b) neglect (c) avoidance (d) anger
  7. Providing __________ is one of the duties of parents. (a) love (b) neglect (c) anger (d) avoidance
  8. Parents must provide __________ for their children’s well-being. (a) security (b) confusion (c) avoidance (d) neglect
  9. Responsible parents offer __________ in various aspects of life. (a) advice (b) neglect (c) anger (d) avoidance
  10. __________ is important for guiding children’s behavior. (a) Discipline (b) Avoidance (c) Confusion (d) Neglect
  11. Parents show __________ by fulfilling their responsibilities. (a) neglect (b) avoidance (c) responsibility (d) anger
  12. Providing __________ needs is a key duty of parents. (a) basic (b) irrelevant (c) confusion (d) avoidance
  13. Offering __________ and direction is a characteristic of responsible parenthood. (a) advice (b) neglect (c) anger (d) avoidance
  14. Emotional __________ is a duty that parents fulfill for their children. (a) support (b) neglect (c) confusion (d) avoidance
  15. Parents should provide __________ and guidance throughout their children’s lives. (a) love (b) neglect (c) confusion (d) avoidance

Class Activity Discussion 

  1. Who are considered parents?
    Parents are those who care for and support their children, including biological parents, adoptive parents, and guardians.
  2. What are some basic needs that parents provide?
    Food, shelter, and clothing.
  3. How do parents offer emotional support?
    By providing love, encouragement, and a sense of security.
  4. Why is education a duty of parents?
    It supports children’s learning and development.
  5. What is responsible parenthood?
    It includes showing love, fulfilling duties, guiding children, and providing support.
  6. What is one characteristic of responsible parenthood?
    Providing unconditional love and care.
  7. How do parents help with their children’s education?
    By supporting their learning and guiding their development.
  8. What does parental discipline involve?
    Teaching appropriate behavior and setting boundaries.
  9. Why is guidance important in parenting?
    It helps children make informed decisions and navigate life effectively.
  10. What role does emotional support play in parenting?
    It helps children feel secure and valued.
  11. How do responsible parents demonstrate accountability?
    By fulfilling their duties and being reliable for their children’s well-being.
  12. What are the duties of parents beyond providing basic needs?
    Emotional support, education, and discipline.
  13. What does it mean for parents to be responsible?
    It means fulfilling their duties and supporting their children’s needs.
  14. Why is showing love important in parenting?
    It provides children with emotional security and strengthens the parent-child bond.
  15. What are some examples of guidance parents provide?
    Advice on making choices, handling challenges, and personal development.


  1. Step 1: Review previous lessons on family roles and responsibilities.
  2. Step 2: Introduce the concept of responsible parenthood and its characteristics.
  3. Step 3: Discuss the duties of parents and provide examples of responsible parenting.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain who parents are and their duties.
  • Discuss the characteristics of responsible parenthood using examples.
  • Engage pupils in a discussion about how responsible parenting affects family dynamics.

Understanding the Role of Parents

  1. Who are Considered Parents?
    • Parents are the mother and father or guardians responsible for raising and caring for a child. 👨‍👩‍👧
  2. Basic Duties of Parents
    • Providing: Parents ensure their children have food, shelter, clothing, and education. 🏠
    • Caring: They care for their children’s health and well-being. 🌟
    • Guiding: Parents teach their children right from wrong and help them make good decisions. 🧭
  3. How Do Parents Provide Emotional Support?
    • Listening: Parents listen to their children’s concerns and feelings. 👂
    • Encouraging: They offer words of encouragement to boost their children’s confidence. 🌈
    • Comforting: Parents provide comfort in times of sadness or difficulty. 🤗
  4. Key Characteristic of Responsible Parenthood
    • Consistency: Responsible parents are consistent in their actions and decisions, providing stability for their children. 🔄
  5. How Can Parents Support Their Children’s Education?
    • Involvement: Parents help with homework and stay involved in school activities. 📚
    • Encouragement: They motivate their children to do well in school. 🏅
    • Providing Resources: Parents ensure their children have the necessary materials for learning, like books and a quiet study space. 📖
  6. Role of Discipline in Parenting
    • Teaching: Discipline helps children learn what behavior is acceptable. 🧑‍🏫
    • Setting Boundaries: It creates clear rules and limits to guide children’s behavior. 🚦
    • Developing Self-Control: Discipline helps children develop self-discipline and responsibility. 💼
  7. Why is Showing Love Important for Parents?
    • Building Trust: Love helps build a trusting relationship between parents and children. ❤️
    • Creating Security: It makes children feel secure and valued. 🛡️
    • Promoting Well-being: Love contributes to children’s overall happiness and emotional health. 😊
  8. How Responsible Parenthood Affects Family Dynamics
    • Strengthening Bonds: Responsible parenting creates strong, healthy relationships within the family. 🤝
    • Promoting Harmony: It leads to a peaceful and cooperative family environment. 🎶
    • Ensuring Stability: Responsible parents provide a stable foundation for the family. 🏡
  9. Examples of Parental Guidance
    • Advice on Friendships: Parents guide their children in choosing good friends. 👫
    • Career Guidance: They help their children explore career options and make decisions about their future. 💼
    • Moral Values: Parents teach their children important values like honesty, respect, and kindness. 🌟
  10. How Do Parents Fulfill Their Duties?
    • Being Present: Parents spend quality time with their children and are actively involved in their lives. 🕰️
    • Providing: They meet their children’s basic needs, such as food, shelter, and education. 🍎
    • Nurturing: Parents nurture their children’s emotional and social development through love, care, and guidance. 🌱

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in discussions about the roles and duties of parents.
  • Complete fill-in-the-blank questions and FAQs.
  • Share examples of responsible parenting from their own experiences.


  • Observe participation in discussions and activities.
  • Review answers to fill-in-the-blank questions and FAQs.
  • Provide feedback on understanding of responsible parenthood.

Ten Evaluation Questions:

  1. Who are considered parents?
  2. What are the basic duties of parents?
  3. How do parents provide emotional support?
  4. What is a key characteristic of responsible parenthood?
  5. How can parents support their children’s education?
  6. What role does discipline play in parenting?
  7. Why is showing love important for parents?
  8. How does responsible parenthood affect family dynamics?
  9. What are some examples of parental guidance?
  10. How do parents fulfill their duties?

Summarize the lesson by reviewing the definition of responsible parenthood, the duties of parents, and the characteristics that define effective parenting. Ensure pupils understand the importance of these concepts and their impact on family life. Address any remaining questions and provide feedback.

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