First Term Examination Questions Christian Religious Studies Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Subject: Christian Religious Studies

Class: Primary 4

Term: First Term

Week: 12

Age: 8 years

Instructions for Teachers and Students

For Teachers:

  1. Preparation:
    • Ensure that all examination materials are ready and accessible.
    • Arrange the examination room to minimize distractions.
    • Explain the examination instructions clearly to the students.
  2. Monitoring:
    • Supervise the examination closely to prevent cheating.
    • Make sure all students are following the rules.
  3. Handling Papers:
    • Collect the papers as soon as the time is up.
    • Review the answers promptly and fairly.

For Students:

  1. Before Starting:
    • Read all instructions carefully.
    • Make sure you understand each question before you start.
  2. During the Examination:
    • Answer the questions to the best of your ability.
    • Do not talk to other students or look at their papers.
    • Raise your hand if you have a question or need help.
  3. After Finishing:
    • Review your answers if you have time left.
    • Hand in your paper neatly and on time.

Remember: Cheating is not allowed and will be dealt with seriously. Do your best and show what you have learned.

Part A: Objective Questions

30 fill-in-the-blank questions with options a, b, c, or d

  1. God speaks to us through ____.
    (a) dreams (b) games (c) TV (d) noise
    (Answer: a)
  2. A model family ____.
    (a) fights a lot (b) ignores each other (c) supports and loves each other (d) is always busy
    (Answer: c)
  3. Samuel first thought ____ was calling him.
    (a) Eli (b) his friend (c) God (d) his mother
    (Answer: a)
  4. Laws are ____.
    (a) suggestions (b) rules (c) guidelines (d) laws
    (Answer: b)
  5. The Ten Commandments are important because ____.
    (a) they tell us how to live (b) they are old (c) they are optional (d) they are not needed
    (Answer: a)
  6. God’s call is ____.
    (a) random (b) surprising (c) purposeful (d) unimportant
    (Answer: c)
  7. The difference between laws and rules is that laws are ____.
    (a) temporary (b) optional (c) permanent (d) flexible
    (Answer: c)
  8. To follow God’s call, we should ____.
    (a) ignore it (b) question it (c) listen and obey (d) forget it
    (Answer: c)
  9. God reveals Himself to us through ____.
    (a) other people (b) stories (c) nature (d) all of these
    (Answer: d)
  10. Samuel’s story teaches us about ____.
    (a) disobedience (b) patience (c) listening to God (d) ignoring God
    (Answer: c)
  11. The purpose of God’s laws is to ____.
    (a) guide our behavior (b) confuse us (c) limit our freedom (d) make us unhappy
    (Answer: a)
  12. A child of God is someone who ____.
    (a) follows God’s teachings (b) ignores God (c) argues with God (d) forgets God
    (Answer: a)
  13. God’s revelation helps us to ____.
    (a) avoid understanding (b) know His will (c) ignore Him (d) disobey Him
    (Answer: b)
  14. Being a child of God means ____.
    (a) following His teachings (b) ignoring Him (c) arguing with Him (d) being rude to Him
    (Answer: a)
  15. Samuel was ____.
    (a) a king (b) a prophet (c) a warrior (d) a teacher
    (Answer: b)
  16. Laws are made to ____.
    (a) guide behavior (b) confuse people (c) create trouble (d) make life difficult
    (Answer: a)
  17. The Ten Commandments are also called ____.
    (a) rules (b) guidelines (c) laws (d) suggestions
    (Answer: c)
  18. God’s call to Abraham was to ____.
    (a) ignore him (b) follow Him (c) fight (d) run away
    (Answer: b)
  19. Samuel thought Eli was calling him because ____.
    (a) Eli was calling loudly (b) he was sleeping (c) he was dreaming (d) he was hungry
    (Answer: b)
  20. We should respond to God’s call by ____.
    (a) ignoring it (b) following it (c) arguing with it (d) forgetting it
    (Answer: b)
  21. The law given by God is meant to ____.
    (a) guide us (b) punish us (c) ignore us (d) avoid us
    (Answer: a)
  22. Samuel’s story is important because ____.
    (a) it teaches about listening (b) it shows disobedience (c) it ignores God (d) it forgets God
    (Answer: a)
  23. God’s laws help us ____.
    (a) live rightly (b) be unhappy (c) argue (d) disobey
    (Answer: a)
  24. The purpose of God’s laws is to ____.
    (a) guide our behavior (b) confuse us (c) make us unhappy (d) ignore us
    (Answer: a)
  25. God reveals Himself to us to ____.
    (a) guide us (b) ignore us (c) confuse us (d) avoid us
    (Answer: a)
  26. Following God’s call means ____.
    (a) listening and obeying (b) ignoring it (c) arguing (d) forgetting
    (Answer: a)
  27. The Ten Commandments help us ____.
    (a) live a good life (b) disobey God (c) ignore each other (d) be unhappy
    (Answer: a)
  28. Samuel’s story helps us understand ____.
    (a) listening to God (b) ignoring God (c) arguing with God (d) avoiding God
    (Answer: a)
  29. God’s call is ____.
    (a) important (b) confusing (c) unimportant (d) disturbing
    (Answer: a)
  30. A child of God should ____.
    (a) follow God’s teachings (b) ignore Him (c) argue with Him (d) be rude to Him
    (Answer: a)

Part B: Theory Questions

30 simple short answer questions

  1. How does God speak to us?
  2. What should our attitude be when God speaks to us?
  3. Explain how Samuel was called by God.
  4. What are the Ten Commandments?
  5. Why did God give us laws?
  6. How does God reveal Himself to us?
  7. What does it mean to be a child of God?
  8. How should we respond to God’s call?
  9. Describe the purpose of God’s laws.
  10. Why is it important to follow God’s teachings?
  11. How can we be good children of God?
  12. Explain the difference between laws and rules.
  13. What is a model family?
  14. Why is Samuel’s story important?
  15. What should we do when we hear God’s call?
  16. Why did God give us laws?
  17. How does God’s revelation help us?
  18. Describe the role of the Ten Commandments.
  19. Why should we live peacefully with others?
  20. What is the purpose of God’s call?
  21. How can we follow God’s call in our daily lives?
  22. What are the benefits of God’s call?
  23. How should we act when we hear God’s call?
  24. What is the difference between laws and rules?
  25. Describe the importance of Samuel’s story.
  26. What does it mean to live according to God’s laws?
  27. How does God’s revelation impact our lives?
  28. Why is it important to listen to God?
  29. What can we learn from the Ten Commandments?
  30. Why are laws important for our behavior?

Part C: True or False Questions

30 True or False questions

  1. (True/False) God speaks to us only through dreams.
  2. (True/False) Samuel was a king who heard God’s call.
  3. (True/False) The Ten Commandments are a set of rules.
  4. (True/False) God reveals Himself to confuse us.
  5. (True/False) Samuel thought Eli was calling him before he realized it was God.
  6. (True/False) Laws are temporary and changeable.
  7. (True/False) It is important to obey God’s call immediately.
  8. (True/False) God’s revelation helps us understand His will.
  9. (True/False) The story of Samuel’s call teaches us about disobedience.
  10. (True/False) A model family is one that supports and cares for each other.
  11. (True/False) God gave us laws to guide our behavior.
  12. (True/False) Samuel was not under the care of Eli.
  13. (True/False) The Ten Commandments include rules on how to live a good life.
  14. (True/False) God’s laws are optional and can be ignored.
  15. (True/False) Being a child of God means we follow His teachings.
  16. (True/False) Samuel’s story is about ignoring God’s call.
  17. (True/False) God’s laws are meant to guide us in how to live.
  18. (True/False) The Ten Commandments are suggestions, not laws.
  19. (True/False) Samuel thought Eli was calling him because he was awake.
  20. (True/False) God’s call is always easy to understand.
  21. (True/False) A child of God always follows God’s teachings.
  22. (True/False) Laws are often made to be flexible.
  23. (True/False) God reveals Himself through nature and other people.
  24. (True/False) The Ten Commandments are old and not important.
  25. (True/False) The story of Samuel helps us learn about obedience.
  26. (True/False) God’s call should be ignored if it seems difficult.
  27. (True/False) God’s laws are important for guiding our behavior.
  28. (True/False) A model family is one that ignores each other.
  29. (True/False) Following God’s call means we listen and obey.
  30. (True/False) Samuel thought Eli was calling him because he was confused.

Note: Be honest in your answers and do not share your answers with others. Good luck!

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