Examination Questions Primary 4 Bible Knowledge First Term


  1. God gave us a commandment to ___one another (a) hate (b) love (c) dislike
  2. Jesus fasted for 40days and _____nights. (a) 20 (b) 30 (c) 40
  3. To ____means to break God’s law (a) repent (b) sin (c) forgive
  4. The blind beggar at Jericho was ___(a) Zacchaeus

(b) Nicodemus (c) Bartimaeush

5. When we fail to do what we are asked to do we are _____(a) disobedient (b) respectful (c) obedient

6. The chief tax collector that cheated people was ___(a) Zacchaeus (b) Peter (c) Nicodemus

7.  __ is when we feel sorry for our sins .

(a) sin (b) disobedience (c) repentanceT

8. he paralytic man at Capernaum could not ___

(a) walk (b) see (c) talkJ

9. Jesus raised _____ from the dead. (a) John

(b) Lazarus (c) MaryF

10. Forgiveness means _____(a) sin (b) pardon

(c) offenceW

11.we need ____ for our prayers to be answered

(a) fear (b) doubt (c) faithN

12. Nicodemus was a ruler of the ___(a) Jews (b) Israelites (c) Pharises

13.There is great ___in heaven over a sinner that repents. (a) sorrow (b) joy (c) unhappiness

14. Jesus prayed in the garden of ___(a) Gethsemane (b) Eden (c) Nazareth

15. ___brings us to a close relationship with God. (a) offence (b) prayer (c) sin

16. Jesus taught the ______the Lord’s prayer (a) Jews

(b) scribes (c) disciples

17. When we forgive people, we will be _____ also

(a) forgiven (b) punished (c) abused

18. _____ was a very short man that wanted to see Jesus. (a) Herod (b) Nicodemus (c) Zacchaeus

19. The blind beggar at Jericho could not ____(a) see

(b) ear (c) talk

20. The _____ son asked his father to give him his own share. (a) slave (b) younger (c) elder

21. Jesus speaks in _____(a) Tiv (b) Greek (c) parables

22. Showing love to one another promotes ____ (a) sin

(b) unity (c) fighting

22. Jesus cast out demons from ____(a) Mary Magalene (b) Martha (c) Hannah

23. ____asked Jesus how he could be born again. (a) Matthew (b) James (c) Nicodemus

24. The way God cares, feeds and protect us is a way of showing his ____(a) love (b) dislike (c) hatred[mediator_tech]


1._______________ has power to forgive sins

2. The blind beggar sat by the _________begging

3. _____________climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus?

4. The prodigal son’s father had _________ sons.

5. Who said son of David have mercy on me at Jericho? _______________________

6. Jesus fed __________________ people with five loaves of bread and two fishes.

7. As Christians we should pray for __________________ and ________________

8. Sin can bring ____________________________

9. Jesus told _______________________ today salvation  has come to your house.

10.______________ was a ruler of the Jews that went to Jesus by night.

_11._____________________ wasted all that he had in a distant country.

12. The sinner Jesus was going to be his guest is ___________________

13. We should pray having ______________________

14. Jesus was passing through _______________ when he met Zacchaeus.

14. Jesus is the son of ____________________________


1a. What is prayer? ______________________________

b. Write three importance of prayer.

i. _________________________________________


iii. _________________________________________

2. List three advantages of showing love to one another

i. _________________________________________


iii. _________________________________________

3. Write four reasons why Jesus prayed.

i. _________________________________________


iii. _________________________________________

iv. ________________________________________

4. List two conditions necessary for forgiveness of sins.

i. _________________________________________


5. Write the memory verse John 3 verse 16.


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