Unity in Cultural Diversity Social Studies Primary 5 First Term Week 2

Subject : Social Studies

Topic :  Unity in Cultural Diversity

Class : Primary 5

Term :  First Term

Week : Week 2

Previous Knowledge : Pupils have previous knowledge of

Other people in the Family

that has been taught in their former lessons and classes

Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson , pupils should be able to

. Define culture

. Explain the meaning of unity

. Mention things that Nigerians can do to uphold unity in diversity

Methods Of Teaching 

  • Discussion
  • Explanation
  • Questions and Answers
  • Role Modelling

Instructional Materials 

  • Wall Charts
  • Pictures
  • Online materials
  • Textbooks


What is culture ?

Culture is the way of life of some group of people. It is the behavior, customs and attitude of a group of people that distinguish a particular set of people from other sets of people

  What is Unity ? 

Unity is the act of coming together to become one in thoughts, ideas and behaviors. Unity is made possible in a community or society where there is cooperation. United we stand, Divided we fall.

What is Unity In Diversity 

Nigeria is a multi ethnic and cultural society. With so many ethnic groups and tribal organisation and affiliation. There is a need for Nigerians to be united despite our cultural differences and diversity.

Ways Of Promoting Cultural Diversity Among Nigerians 



  1. Making friends people that are from different ethnic or cultural background
  2. Taking time to learn and study other people’s culture to have better understanding of how other people behave because of their culture or tradition ,
  3. Inter ethnic marriage should be encourage to dismiss ethnic sentiment and bias ,
  4. Learning to speak languages of other ethnic groups been truthful in you interaction with people, etc.
  5. Attend festivals and events organize by other ethnic tribal groups in order to know more about them .


The topic is presented step by step

Step 1 : He revises the previous topics

Step 2 : The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3 : The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions and he or she corrects them when the needs arise




1. To promote cultural diversity, we can start by _____.
a) making friends with people from different backgrounds
b) only socializing with people from our own culture
c) ignoring others who are different from us

2. A way to foster unity in cultural diversity is _____.
a) avoiding any contact with other cultures
b) learning about different cultures to understand them better
c) sticking to our own cultural beliefs only

3. Encouraging inter-ethnic marriages can help _____.
a) strengthen ethnic biases
b) reduce ethnic sentiment and bias
c) isolate cultural communities further

4. Learning to speak languages of other ethnic groups can _____.
a) limit our understanding of diverse cultures
b) improve our interaction with people from different backgrounds
c) have no impact on cultural diversity

5. Attending festivals and events organized by other ethnic groups _____.
a) doesn’t contribute to cultural awareness
b) helps us learn more about different cultures
c) should be avoided to maintain cultural purity

6. Promoting cultural diversity involves _____.
a) isolating ourselves from diverse perspectives
b) building connections with people from various backgrounds
c) focusing solely on our own cultural traditions

7. Understanding other people’s cultures requires _____.
a) ignoring their customs and beliefs
b) taking time to learn and study their culture
c) pretending to be from the same culture as them

8. Unity in cultural diversity means _____.
a) everyone should conform to a single culture
b) respecting and celebrating different cultures together
c) avoiding any discussion of cultural differences

9. A key way to break down cultural barriers is _____.
a) embracing stereotypes about other cultures
b) being truthful in our interactions with people from different backgrounds
c) avoiding any communication with diverse groups

10. Promoting unity in cultural diversity involves _____.
a) segregating communities based on cultural differences
b) building bridges between different cultural groups
c) pretending that cultural diversity doesn’t exist

11. Encouraging cultural diversity means _____.
a) avoiding contact with other cultures
b) celebrating and respecting the richness of different cultures
c) isolating ourselves from cultural interactions

12. Learning about other cultures can help us _____.
a) reinforce stereotypes
b) develop a better understanding and appreciation of diversity
c) make everyone conform to a single culture

13. Attending festivals and events from various cultures _____.
a) has no impact on promoting cultural diversity
b) exposes us to new experiences and traditions
c) should be avoided to maintain cultural purity

14. Interacting with people from different backgrounds can _____.
a) reinforce cultural biases
b) broaden our perspectives and promote cultural diversity
c) lead to cultural homogeneity

15. Unity in cultural diversity requires _____.
a) closing ourselves off from the world
b) embracing the differences and similarities among cultures
c) pretending that cultural diversity doesn’t matter


1. What is culture ?

2. What is Unity?

3. What is diversity ?

4. What is cultural diversity

5. What is inter ethnic marriage

6. Mention four ways by which Nigerians can enhance unity in diversity

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Please kindly prepare for the next lesson by reading about

Processes of Changing Culture and Differences

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