Exploring Unity in Cultural Diversity Social Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Social Studies Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Subject: Social Studies
Class: Primary 5
Term: First Term
Week: 2
Age: 10 years
Topic: Unity in Cultural Diversity
Sub-topic: Meaning of Cultural Diversity and Unity; Culture as a People’s Way of Life; Customs and Traditions; Changeable Customs
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define cultural diversity and unity.
  2. Describe culture as a way of life.
  3. Explain customs and traditions.
  4. Name changeable customs.

Keywords: Cultural diversity, Unity, Culture, Customs, Traditions, Changeable customs

Set Induction:
Begin with a discussion about different cultural festivals or traditions they may have seen or participated in. Ask pupils to share their experiences with cultural diversity.

Entry Behaviour:
Pupils should have a basic understanding of what culture means from previous lessons or experiences.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Pictures of different cultural festivals
  • Videos or slides showing various customs and traditions
  • Chart paper
  • Markers

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:
Discuss the concept of culture from a global perspective, and link it to local customs and traditions.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Appreciation of diversity

Learning Materials:

  • Cultural diversity charts
  • Custom and tradition flashcards
  • Videos showing different cultural practices

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Social Studies Textbooks

Instructional Materials:

  • Visual aids
  • Cultural diversity posters
  • Audio-visual materials


  1. Meaning of Cultural Diversity and Unity
    • Cultural Diversity: The presence of various cultural groups in a society, each with their unique practices and beliefs.
    • Unity: The state of being united or joined as a whole despite differences.
  2. Culture as a People’s Way of Life
    • Culture includes the beliefs, customs, arts, and habits of a particular society or group.
    • Examples: language, food, clothing, and rituals.
  3. Customs and Traditions
    • Customs: Practices or behaviors that are common in a particular culture (e.g., greeting with a handshake).
    • Traditions: Long-established practices that are handed down through generations (e.g., celebrating specific festivals).
  4. Changeable Customs
    • Customs that can evolve or change over time (e.g., modern wedding ceremonies).



  1. Cultural __________ refers to the variety of cultures within a society. (a) diversity (b) unity (c) tradition (d) custom
  2. __________ is the state of being joined together despite differences. (a) Diversity (b) Unity (c) Custom (d) Festival
  3. Culture includes a society’s __________, customs, and arts. (a) buildings (b) people (c) language (d) food
  4. __________ are behaviors commonly practiced in a culture. (a) Festivals (b) Customs (c) Traditions (d) Language
  5. Traditions are handed down from __________. (a) friends (b) family (c) neighbors (d) teachers
  6. __________ customs can change over time. (a) Changeable (b) Permanent (c) Traditional (d) Fixed
  7. An example of a custom is __________. (a) a historical event (b) a cultural practice (c) a global festival (d) a personal hobby
  8. Celebrating New Year is an example of a __________. (a) custom (b) building (c) food (d) technology
  9. The way people greet each other can be considered a __________. (a) tradition (b) custom (c) hobby (d) belief
  10. __________ refers to the long-established practices of a culture. (a) Custom (b) Tradition (c) Food (d) Technology
  11. People from different cultures can achieve __________ through mutual respect. (a) division (b) conflict (c) unity (d) misunderstanding
  12. __________ is how a people live, including their beliefs and customs. (a) Culture (b) Technology (c) Economy (d) Environment
  13. Modern wedding ceremonies can be considered __________ customs. (a) changeable (b) permanent (c) traditional (d) fixed
  14. __________ customs are often passed down from generation to generation. (a) Temporary (b) New (c) Changeable (d) Traditional
  15. An example of cultural __________ is celebrating Diwali in India. (a) diversity (b) unity (c) belief (d) custom

Class Activity Discussion 

  1. What is cultural diversity?
    Cultural diversity is the presence of different cultural groups within a society.
  2. What does unity mean in the context of culture?
    Unity means being joined together despite differences in cultural practices.
  3. What is culture?
    Culture includes the beliefs, customs, arts, and way of life of a particular group.
  4. What are customs?
    Customs are common practices or behaviors in a particular culture.
  5. What are traditions?
    Traditions are long-established practices passed down through generations.
  6. Can customs change over time?
    Yes, customs can evolve and change as society progresses.
  7. What is an example of a changeable custom?
    Modern wedding ceremonies, which can differ from traditional ones.
  8. How does cultural diversity benefit society?
    It enriches society by bringing various perspectives, practices, and traditions.
  9. What is the difference between customs and traditions?
    Customs are daily practices, while traditions are long-standing practices.
  10. How can people achieve unity despite cultural diversity?
    By showing mutual respect and understanding towards each other’s cultural practices.
  11. What role do traditions play in a culture?
    Traditions help preserve the cultural heritage and identity of a group.
  12. Are all customs permanent?
    No, some customs can change over time depending on societal changes.
  13. What is an example of a tradition?
    Celebrating cultural festivals like Eid or Christmas.
  14. How can understanding cultural diversity improve relationships?
    It helps people appreciate and respect different cultural backgrounds.
  15. Why is it important to learn about other cultures?
    Learning about other cultures fosters tolerance, respect, and understanding.


  1. Step 1: Revise the previous lesson on family roles and relationships.
  2. Step 2: Introduce the concepts of cultural diversity and unity with examples and visuals.
  3. Step 3: Discuss customs and traditions, emphasizing changeable customs and their role in culture.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain and illustrate the concepts using visual aids.
  • Facilitate discussions on customs and traditions.
  • Guide pupils through the completion of fill-in-the-blank questions and FAQs.

Understanding Cultural Diversity and Its Aspects

  1. What is Cultural Diversity?
    • Cultural diversity means having many different cultures in one place.
    • It includes various languages, foods, customs, and traditions. 🌍
  2. Unity and Cultural Diversity
    • Unity is about coming together despite our differences.
    • It helps people from different cultures live and work together peacefully. 🤝
  3. What Culture Includes
    • Culture includes language, food, art, music, and beliefs.
    • It also covers customs and traditions unique to each group. 🎨🍲
  4. Customs vs. Traditions
    • Customs: Everyday practices or habits in a culture (e.g., greeting with a handshake).
    • Traditions: Long-standing practices passed down through generations (e.g., holiday celebrations). 🎉
  5. Example of a Changeable Custom
    • Wearing casual clothes to work can be a changeable custom.
    • It might change based on the company’s policy or fashion trends. 👕
  6. How Customs Evolve Over Time
    • Customs can change due to new influences, like technology or global trends.
    • For example, greeting styles might change from formal to casual. 🔄
  7. Role of Traditions in Culture
    • Traditions help preserve cultural identity and heritage.
    • They connect people to their history and community. 🏛️
  8. Benefits of Understanding Cultural Diversity
    • It promotes tolerance and reduces prejudice.
    • It enriches communities by sharing different perspectives and ideas. 🌟
  9. Difference Between Customs and Traditions
    • Customs are everyday behaviors, while traditions are long-standing practices.
    • Customs can change more easily than traditions. 🔄
  10. Importance of Respecting Different Cultures
    • It fosters peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding.
    • Respecting cultures helps build stronger, more inclusive communities. 🤗

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in discussions about cultural diversity.
  • Describe their own customs and traditions.
  • Answer questions and participate in activities related to the lesson.


  • Observe student participation in discussions and activities.
  • Review answers to fill-in-the-blank questions.
  • Provide feedback and clarify any misunderstandings.

Ten Evaluation Questions:

  1. What is cultural diversity?
  2. How does unity relate to cultural diversity?
  3. Describe what culture includes.
  4. What are customs and how do they differ from traditions?
  5. Give an example of a changeable custom.
  6. How can customs evolve over time?
  7. What role do traditions play in a culture?
  8. How can understanding cultural diversity benefit society?
  9. What is the difference between customs and traditions?
  10. Why is it important to respect different cultures?

Review the key concepts of cultural diversity, unity, customs, and traditions. Ensure students understand the difference between changeable and permanent customs. Check students’ understanding and provide feedback.
