Mock Exams SS 3 Biology


3. The maintenance of a constant internal environment is referred to as (a) plasmolysis (b) diuresis (c) homeostasis. (d) glycolysis

4. All the organs below are homeostatic in function except (a) liver (b) kidney (c) food vacuole

(d) skin

5. Which of the following is not a kidney disease? (a) oedema (b) hepatisis (c) nephritis (d) kidney stones

6. Which of the following is not one of the effects of kidney diseases (a) absence of blood cells in urine (b) oedema (c) high blood pressure (d) excessive urination.

7. One of the following is not a function of kidney. (a) Removal of poisons (b) maintaining salt balance (c) excretion (d) it regulates water level.

8. The pigment in the malpighian layer responsible for skin colouration is known as (a) melanin

(b) haemoglobin (c) haemoyanin (d) keratin

9. Which of the following specialized structures are stimulated by touch, pressure, pains heat and cold? (a) Receptor (b) synapse (c) cell bodies (d) muscle

10. The increase in width of the blood vessels in the mammalian skin at high temperature is known as (a) vasodilation (b) sweating (c) vasoconstriction (d) vasculation

11. Which of the following stimuli is not provided through the skin of mammals? (a) light (b) pressure (c) pain (d) touch

12. Which of the following parts of mammalian skin is directly involved in excretion? (a) Sebaceous gland (b) sweat gland (c) horny layer (d) blood capillaries

13. Which of the following statement is correct? Hormones are (a) secreted into the blood through ducts (b) secreted directly into the blood stream (c) inactive chemical substances in the blood stream (d) not important

14. The pituitary is called “master glands” because (a) it is located in the brain (b) its secretions are more numerous than any other glands. (c) it secretion controls other glands (d) it is used in mastering learning.

15. The condition known as cretinism is caused by the deficiency of (a) thyroxine (b) adrenaline (c) vitamin A (d) oxytocin.

16. Auxins are produced in the (a) apical region of roots and shoot (b) edges of leaves (c) epidermis of roots (d) epidermis of shoots.

17. All these are plant hormones except (a) thyroxine (b) auxins (c) abscisic acid (d) ethylene

18. The fore brain is made up of the following except (a) cerebellum (b) thalamus (c) hypothalamus (d) cerebrum

19. The part of the brain that controls the body homeostatic is the (a) thalamus (b) medulla oblongata (c) hypothalamus (d) cerebrum

20. The human brain consumes of the body oxygen supply (a) 10% (b) 25% (c)50% (d) 75%

21. The shock absorber fluid filling up the spinal canal and the brain ventricle is (a) intercellular fluid (b) cerebrospinal fluid (c) vertebraterial fluid (d) amniotic fluid

22. The band of fibres connecting the two halves of the cerebrum together is called (a) median fissure (b) pons varolii (c) corpus callosum (d) thalamus

23. The muscle and the gland together are referred to as a) receptor b) effector c) neurone d) sensory cell

24. A neurone that transmits messages from the sense organ to the central nervous system is a) sensory neurone b) motor neurone c) relay neurone d) effector

25. Which of the following is not a structural part of a typical neurone a) axon b) dendron c) cell body d) dendrite

26. Which of the following neurons has no myelin sheath a) afferent b) efferent c) relay d) motor

27. A point where one neurone connects with another is called a a) dendron b) myelin sheath c) synapse d) ganglion

28. Automatic responses to stimuli which do not involve higher centre of the brain are referred to as actions a) voluntary b) reflex c) muscular d) nervous

29. Behavioural patterns acquired only through learning are referred to as a) reflex action b) conditioned reflex c) voluntary action d) learning

30. Which of these is not a conditioned reflex a) walking b) typing c) driving d) sneezing

31. Transmission in hormonal coordination is through a) blood stream b) nerve fibre c) lymph d) neurone

32. Which arrangement shows the correct pathway of impulse transmission

33. Axon —– cell body —– dendrites synaptic knob

34. Dendrites —– synaptic knob —– cell body axon

35. Dendrites —– cell body —- axon synaptic knob

36. Cell body —- dendrites —– synaptic knob axon

37. Specialized cells for detecting stimuli are referred to as which change the detected stimuli into

38. Which of the following is false (a) sensory receptors are evenly distributed in the skin (b) the nose is human olfactory organ (c) both small and taste sensations are closely related. (d) choroid layer of the eye is highly vascularized.

39. The image of an object is formed on the of the eye at a point called

40. All these are true about seeing a distant object with the eye except (a) the ciliary muscles relax (b) the suspensory ligaments relax (c) the lens becomes elongated (d) the suspensory ligament contract.

41. Converging lens is used to correct the following eye defects except (a)myopia (b) hypermetropia (c)presbyopia (d) long sightedness

42. The following are parts of the inner ear except a) ampulla b) semi-circular canal c) cochlea d) ear ossicles

43. ——– helps to equalize air pressure on either side of the ear drum. a) sacculus b) Eustachian tube c) ampulla d) endolymph

44. The following are concerned with hearing except a) organ of corti b) semi circular canals c) cochlea d) acoustic nerve

45. Which part of the ear is responsible for the maintenance of balance a) cochlea

b) perilymph c) semi-circular canal d) stapes

46. The inner ear is filled with ——– and fluid

47. The following insects undergo incomplete metamorphosis except (a) grasshopper (b) cockroaches (c) butterfly (d) termite

48. The young tad pole feeds on ——– (a) small animals (b) water weed (c) egg yolk (d) fish

49. Which of these is not a function of the string of jelly covering on eggs laid by toad (a) nourish the embryo (b) protect eggs from microbial attack (c) protect eggs from mechanical damage( d) protect eggs from drying up

50. Larvae of mosquito is called (a) caterpillar (b) grub (c) wriggler (d) imago

51. A common process that occurs in metamorphosis of insects is (a) moulting (b) feeding (c) fertilization (d) dormancy


1. Differentiate between metamorphosis in butterfly and termites

2. Differentiate between the external and internal gill stage of toad’s development


1. Explain why a person that has been spinning feel dizzy for sometime after stopping.

2. State five causes of deafness


1. Explain why a person in a dark room feel dazzled for some seconds when suddenly exposed to bright light.

2. Differentiate between yellow and blind spots of the eye


1. Describe what happens when you accidentally picked up a hot object

2. Differentiate between instinctive and conditioned reflexes.


1. Give five examples of the antagonistic actions of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.

2. State the functions of five structural parts of a typical neurone THEORY

1. Explain briefly the dorsal root ganglion

2. Differentiate between cerebrum and medulla oblongata


1. State six effects of adrenaline as an emergency hormones on body organs

2. In a tabular form state the gland, location, functions, effects of undersecretion and over secretion of (a) thyroxine (b) insulin (c) somatotropin


Explain how skin acts as: (a) an organ of temperature regulation (b) an excretory organ


1. Why do people urinate more on a cold day?

2. Explain briefly ‘Dialysis

























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