Exam Questions Second Term SS 2 Phonics



1. All these are true about Monothong except __________ a. it is a pure vowel sound. B. it is a consonant sounds c. it has one quality sound d. it is one mouth shape sound

2. /e/ is __________ while /eI/ is ___________ respectively a. monothongs and diphthongs b. diphthongs and triphthongs c. triphthongs and monothongs d. triphthongs and quarthongs

3. A three mouth shaped sound is called _________ a. monothongs

b. dipthongs b. tripthongs c. quarthongs

4. The phonetic symbols for TAL and CAL is _________ and _______ respectively a. /cal/ and /tal/ b. /cel/ and /tel/ c. /kl/ and /tl/ d. /cl/ and /tl/

5. Phonetic symbol for the past thense marker in the word “plotted” is ___ a. /tl/ b. / id/ C. /d/ d. /rd/

Indicate the correct phonetic symbol for the past tense marker “ed’ belowe.g Flabbergasted = /Id/

6. Framed ____________

7. Rugged____________

8. Trapped____________

9. Insured_____________

10. Faced_____________

Choose the correct answer that best represent these phonetic symbols

11. /eI/ ______________ a. stage b. Back c. wall d. when

12. /e/ ______________ a. sad b. said c. plait d. plate

13. /I/ ______________ a. bleat b. green c. gin d. dine

14. /i:/ ______________ a. police b. bright c. side d. bit

15. /k/ ______________ a. aidb. Machine c. chin d. ache

From the underlined letters below, choose the sound that rhyme

16. World_____________ a. ward b. word c. wall d. walk

17. said _____________ a. breath b. brand c. wait d. sad

18. Plait______________ a. braid b. eight c. sat d. sink

19. locked _________ a. flat b. break c. fled d. aided

20. local __________________ a. total b. brazil c. faith c. pickle


Transcribe the words below e.g said /sed/

1. Shirt _____________

2. Curve____________

3. Worm_____________

4. Nerve____________

5. Verb________________















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