Exams PHE JSS 2 First Term


  1. A sport event that an athletes does alone and not part of a team is ________ a. poor event b. swim event c. field event d. Probe
  2. A ________ is thrown in shot put by contestants. a. heavy metal pail b. heavy metal ball c. heavy metal stone d. heavy metal book
  3. All these are field event Except ________ a. Shot put b. Discuss Throw c. Javelin d. Ludo Throw
  4. _______ is one of the oldest games practiced on earth. a. Bull throw b. Discus throw c. Ball throw d. Javelin throw
  5. Which of these is a type of pass in hockey? a. Drive pass b. Wet pass c. Food pass d. Bad pass
  6. ________ is a field event played between two teams comprising of eleven players each. a. Table terms b. Wrestling c. Hockey d. Relay race
  7. A ________ is awarded against an attacking team that commits a foul outside the striking circle a. free hit b. free ball c. free move d. none
  8. Which of these is a skill in hockey in hockey? a. Pay off b. Tackling c. adject d. None mentioned
  9. Female Genital Mutilation is usually carried out using a ________ a. cutlass b. Shovel c. rake d. blade
  10. FGM means __________ a. Female Good Moral b. Female Gene Movement c. Female Genital Mutilation d. Female Gentle Mutilation
  11. The first menstrual cycle of a girl is called _________ a. ovum b. stem c. menarche d. blood
  12. What are the possible changes that may occur in the family? a. Divorce and death b. Paper and tonic c. phone and clothes d. None of the above
  13. Reproduction in humans is __________ a. sexual b. stamen c. pistil d. romance
  14. A girl is old enough to be a mother when she can produce ____________ a. ova b. stem c. stigma d. fertilizer
  15. __________ is the inability of the sperm to fertilize an egg. a. Force b. Sterility c. womb d. Bladder
  16. ________ is the sex before marriage between two parties. a. Pre-sex b. Premarital sex c. Post marital sex d. Semi-marital sex
  17. ______ is the process of growing old. a. Ageing b. Death c. Failure d. Health
  18. Death begins when the heart stops ________ a. laughing b. dancing c. beating d. gisting
  19. _________ is the ability of an individual to perform well without feeling too tired. a. Physical fitness b. Physical power c. Demonstrate d. None of the above
  20. Physical fitness improves ________ a. death b. stamina c. sickness d. Madness


INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions

  1. What is human trafficking
  2. Mention six groups of human trafficking
  3. Highlight four causes of human trafficking
  4. . Define posture.
  5.  Mention four (4) characteristics of a good posture.
  6. List five (5) kinds of posture.
  7. Enumerate five factors that influence posture.
  8. Define tort. 
  9. What is negligence? 
  10. What is legal liability? 
  11. What are the precautionary measures a physical educator should take to avoid being suit?
  12. Mention four ways of negligence by a physical educator.
  13. Mention four (4) skills in Hockey
  14. List four (4) equipment used in hockey
  15. Explain any three (3) above
  16. In a tabular form, write out four differences between field and track events. Give three examples each
  17. Differentiate between dramatic rhythms and creative rhythms.
  18. . What do you understand by the term camping?
  19. Mention three (3) types of hiking.
  20. Define hunting.
  21. The game of judo was formed by ______
  22. He was a native of ______
  23. When did judo become one of the Olympic events ______
  24. Judo came to Nigeria in ______
  25. Who was the first Judo coach in Nigeria ______
  26. The first judo coach in Nigeria was a native of ______ in ______ state in Nigeria
  27. What is the governing body of Judo called in Nigeria ______
  28. Jokoda means ______
  29. Nigeria Judo federation was formerly known as ______
  30. The first time judo was competed for at the Olympics was the one that took place in ______
  31. List five benefits of judo ______, ______, ______, ______ and ______
  32. List five rules of judo ______, ______, ______, ______ and ______
  33. List five skills in judo ______, ______, ______, ______ and ______
  34. List five benefits of judo ______, ______, ______, ______ and ______
  35. List five techniques in judo ______, ______, ______, ______ and ______


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