Exams ICT JSS 2

JSS2 Information Technology

  1. Which of these is a component of computer system? a. Hardware b. Software c. People ware d. All of the above
  2. _________ software is a system software that helps maintain a computer. a. Hard b. Utility c. Application d. Damaging
  3. The keyboard, scanner, printer, speaker and mouse are all examples of computer ________. a. software b. hardware c. electric ware
  4. There are ____ types of software. a. one b. two c. three d. four
  5. Programs that help the user solve day-by-day problems and tasks are called _______ a. application software b. translator c. system software d. none of the above
  6. People who have undergone some formal computer training are called computer ________. a. teachers b. trainee c. professionals d. trainers
  7. The _____ or ______ are the people working with the computer. a. software, hardware b. thing ware, big ware c. people ware, users d. ready-made, hardware
  8. One of these operating system types allows a user to interact with several applications at the same time. a. Multi-jugging b. Multitasking c. Ultra tasking d. Multi programming
  9. ________ operating system type allows for actual simultaneous execution of several programs at the same time. a. Multiprogramming b. Multitasking c. Multiprocessing d. Multi execution
  10. Which of these is not a unit of storage? a. Byte b. Kilobyte c. Megabyte d. None of the above
  11. Which of the following is the second generation language? a. Machine b. Assembly c. High level d. French
  12. Which of the following language is used for scientific and mathematics based problems? a. FORTRAN b. COBOL c. BASIC d. JAVA
  13. Which of the following language is machine-independent? a. Machine b. Assembly c. High level d. Robotics
  14. Which of the following software converts the assembly language instructions into machine language? a. Assember b. Compiler c. Interpreter d. Processor
  15. Which of the following is an example of drawing package? a. MS Paint b. Photoshop c. CorelDRAW d. Photo editor
  16. In the paint window, the topmost bar is called: a. Status Bar b. Title Bar c. Tab Bar d. Task Bar
  17. Which of the following is used to draw freehand lines or shapes? a. Text Tool b. Pencil Tool c. Line Tool d. No hand Tool
  18. Which of the following shape tools will you to make a shape with any number of sides? a. Hexagon b. Pentagon c. Polygon d. Circle
  19. The first telephone was developed by: a. Alexander Graham Bell b. Charles Babbage c. Larry Page d. Boss Mustapha
  20. ________ acts as an interface between the user and the computer hardware. a. Packege b. Operating System c. Monitor d. Keyboard


Instruction: Answer all questions

  1. Write four differences between Low Level Language and High Level Language

b. Outline five (5) examples of High Level Language

  1. What is graphic Packages

b. List and explain the two types of graphic packages.


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