First Term Examination Questions Home Economics Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Week 12: Examination Instructions and Questions

Examination Instructions

For Teachers:

  1. Preparation: Ensure all students have their materials (pen, pencil, eraser, etc.) ready.
  2. Seating: Arrange the seating to minimize the possibility of cheating.
  3. Instructions: Clearly explain the exam instructions to the students before starting.
  4. Monitoring: Walk around the classroom to monitor students and prevent any form of malpractice.
  5. Time Management: Keep track of time and ensure the exam ends promptly.
  6. Collection: Collect all answer scripts and ensure no one leaves the room with their script.
  7. Assistance: Provide assistance only for clarification of questions, not for answering them.

For Students:

  1. Honesty: Answer the questions on your own without seeking help from others.
  2. No Talking: Do not talk to other students during the exam.
  3. No Cheating: Do not look at others’ scripts or use unauthorized materials.
  4. Listen Carefully: Pay attention to the instructions given by the teacher.
  5. Time Management: Use your time wisely and complete all sections of the exam.
  6. Respect: Respect the exam environment and your fellow students.

Part A: Objective Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank with Options)

  1. Home Economics teaches us about managing the ______.
    a) office
    b) home
    c) school
    d) garden
  2. A ______ family consists of parents and their children.
    a) nuclear
    b) extended
    c) single-parent
    d) blended
  3. ______ is used to temporarily hold fabric in place.
    a) Running stitch
    b) Backstitch
    c) Tacking
    d) Hem stitch
  4. The ______ stitch is used to join pieces of fabric.
    a) cross
    b) backstitch
    c) running
    d) overcast
  5. A family tree shows the ______ among family members.
    a) distance
    b) relationships
    c) hobbies
    d) names
  6. ______ helps keep family members close.
    a) Cooking
    b) Bonding
    c) Reading
    d) Shopping
  7. An extended family includes ______ and cousins.
    a) grandparents
    b) friends
    c) neighbors
    d) teachers
  8. ______ tools are used to make clothes.
    a) Cooking
    b) Gardening
    c) Sewing
    d) Cleaning
  9. A ______ family has only one parent.
    a) nuclear
    b) single-parent
    c) extended
    d) communal
  10. The ______ stitch is used to finish the edges of fabric.
    a) basting
    b) running
    c) backstitch
    d) overcast
  11. A sewing ______ is used to cut fabric.
    a) needle
    b) pin
    c) thread
    d) scissor
  12. The role of the mother often includes ______ for the children.
    a) providing
    b) teaching
    c) cleaning
    d) caring
  13. ______ is a simple cooking tool.
    a) Scissors
    b) Pan
    c) Yarn
    d) Needle
  14. The father’s role often includes ______ the family.
    a) cooking for
    b) caring for
    c) providing for
    d) sewing for
  15. ______ tools are used to make garments.
    a) Cooking
    b) Knitting
    c) Gardening
    d) Sewing
  16. A ______ stitch is used to hold fabric pieces temporarily.
    a) backstitch
    b) running
    c) tacking
    d) cross
  17. The family ______ includes parents, children, and other relatives.
    a) structure
    b) tree
    c) bond
    d) recipe
  18. The ______ stitch is used to attach pieces of fabric together.
    a) basting
    b) overcast
    c) running
    d) cross-stitch
  19. A family ______ helps understand relationships among members.
    a) tree
    b) house
    c) garden
    d) tool
  20. The mother’s role often involves ______ the home.
    a) decorating
    b) managing
    c) repairing
    d) painting
  21. The ______ stitch is often used to finish the edges of a garment.
    a) basting
    b) running
    c) overcast
    d) cross-stitch
  22. ______ tools are used for making clothes.
    a) Cooking
    b) Knitting
    c) Sewing
    d) Cleaning
  23. The role of the father may include ______ for the family.
    a) managing
    b) cooking
    c) providing
    d) sewing
  24. A family ______ shows how different members are connected.
    a) schedule
    b) chart
    c) tree
    d) plan
  25. A ______ stitch is used for temporary sewing.
    a) backstitch
    b) running
    c) tacking
    d) overcast
  26. A nuclear family usually does not include ______.
    a) grandparents
    b) siblings
    c) parents
    d) children
  27. ______ tools help with cooking food.
    a) Sewing
    b) Cooking
    c) Gardening
    d) Knitting
  28. The ______ stitch is a basic stitch used to join fabric pieces.
    a) running
    b) overcast
    c) cross
    d) backstitch
  29. A ______ family often includes several generations.
    a) nuclear
    b) single-parent
    c) extended
    d) small
  30. The family tree diagram helps us understand ______ among members.
    a) jobs
    b) relationships
    c) hobbies
    d) ages

Part B: Theory Questions (30 Short Answer Questions)

  1. Define Home Economics.
  2. What is a nuclear family?
  3. List two roles of a father in a family.
  4. What does a family tree represent?
  5. Name a tool used in sewing.
  6. Explain what a temporary stitch is.
  7. How do you care for cooking tools?
  8. Why is family bonding important?
  9. Describe the role of the mother in a family.
  10. What is an extended family?
  11. How do you create a family tree?
  12. What are the basic tools for sewing?
  13. Describe the backstitch.
  14. How does a family tree help us?
  15. What is the role of the father in a family?
  16. Name two simple cooking tools.
  17. Why is it important to revise topics?
  18. How do you care for sewing tools?
  19. What is the importance of Home Economics?
  20. What is a single-parent family?
  21. Explain the use of a tacking stitch.
  22. How does family bonding affect relationships?
  23. Name two sewing tools and their uses.
  24. What does the term ‘nuclear family’ mean?
  25. What are the main features of an extended family?
  26. Describe a temporary stitch and its purpose.
  27. How do cooking tools aid in food preparation?
  28. What is the function of a backstitch?
  29. Why should sewing tools be maintained?
  30. What is a family tree used for?

Part C: True or False Questions (30 Questions)

  1. A nuclear family includes grandparents. (False)
  2. The backstitch is used to hold fabric pieces together. (True)
  3. A family tree shows how family members are related. (True)
  4. The role of the mother is only to cook. (False)
  5. Temporary stitches are meant to be permanent. (False)
  6. An extended family includes aunts and uncles. (True)
  7. Cooking tools are used in sewing. (False)
  8. The father’s role often includes providing for the family. (True)
  9. A single-parent family includes two parents. (False)
  10. The family tree helps show relationships among members. (True)
  11. A backstitch is used for temporary sewing. (False)
  12. The mother’s role can include managing the home. (True)
  13. Sewing tools include needles and thread. (True)
  14. An extended family consists only of parents and children. (False)
  15. Family bonding helps family members stay close. (True)
  16. A temporary stitch is a permanent stitch. (False)
  17. A family tree shows the names of family members only. (False)
  18. The father’s role often includes caring for the children. (False)
  19. Sewing tools are used to cook food. (False)
  20. An extended family includes multiple generations. (True)
  21. A single-parent family includes one parent and children. (True)
  22. The family tree helps with understanding family roles. (True)
  23. The backstitch is a type of cooking tool. (False)
  24. Family bonding is not important for relationships. (False)
  25. A family tree shows how family members are related. (True)
  26. Sewing tools are used for gardening. (False)
  27. The father’s role is usually to provide for the family. (True)
  28. A nuclear family includes only parents and children. (True)
  29. Family trees are used for creating sewing patterns. (False)
  30. Temporary stitches are used for long-term sewing. (False)

Part D: Fill in the Gaps (30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions)

  1. Home Economics is about managing the ______.
  2. The ______ family includes parents and their children.
  3. A ______ stitch holds fabric in place temporarily.
  4. The ______ stitch is used to join pieces of fabric.
  5. A family ______ shows the relationships among members.
  6. ______ helps keep family members close.
  7. An extended family includes ______ and cousins.
  8. ______ tools are used to make clothes.
  9. A ______ family has only one parent.
  10. The ______ stitch is used to finish the edges of fabric.
  11. A sewing ______ is used to cut fabric.
  12. The role of the mother often includes ______ for the children.
  13. A ______ is a simple cooking tool.
  14. The father’s role often includes ______ the family.
  15. ______ tools are used for making garments.
  16. A ______ stitch is used to hold fabric pieces temporarily.
  17. The family ______ includes parents, children, and other relatives.
  18. The ______ stitch is used to attach pieces of fabric together.
  19. A family ______ helps understand relationships among members.
  20. The mother’s role often involves ______ the home.
  21. The ______ stitch is often used to finish the edges of a garment.
  22. ______ tools help with cooking food.
  23. The role of the father may include ______ for the family.
  24. A family ______ shows how different members are connected.
  25. A ______ stitch is used for temporary sewing.
  26. A nuclear family usually does not include ______.
  27. ______ tools are used for making clothes.
  28. The ______ stitch is a basic stitch used to join fabric pieces.
  29. A ______ family often includes several generations.
  30. The family tree diagram helps us understand ______ among members.




NAME: ___________________________

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions

  1. A place where food is prepared is the ____
    (a) verandah (b) parlour (c) kitchen (d) store
  2. Mud, cement, terrazzo, tile, wood are examples of _____
    (a) floor covering (b) ground (c) floor (d) surface
  3. ________ and __________ are forms of vegetables
    (a) tuber and grain (b) legumes and cereals (c) fish and meat (d) root and leaves
  4. We dispose of our dirt in the ___________
    (a) dustbin (b) wardrobe (c) nylon (d) bag
  5. Perishable foods easily get ___________
    (a) cooked (b) spoilt (c) sweetened (d) long
  6. _________ is the cooking of food with dry heat
    (a) boiling (b) frying (c) roasting (d) steaming
  7. Moimoi can be cooked by _____________ method of cooking
    (a) frying (b) steaming (c) grilling (d) stewing
  8. The diet that contains all the classes of food in the right proportion is _____
    (a) super diet (b) normal diet (c) balanced diet (d) supplement
  9. To prepare home-made polish, the following materials are used except ______
    (a) candle wax (b) soap (c) water (d) kerosene
  10. We entertain our visitors in the ______
    (a) bedroom (b) living room (c) kitchen (d) bathroom
  11. ___________ are very rich in vitamins and protect the body from germs
    (a) soya beans (b) vegetables (c) yam (d) palm oil
  12. The following are examples of food prepared by roasting except ______
    (a) bread (b) corn (c) plantain (d) groundnut
  13. _____________ is the cooking done in a closed pre-heated container by direct radiation
    (a) steaming (b) baking (c) frying (d) boiling
  14. Water boils at ________________
    (a) 100°C (b) 0°C (c) 100°F (d) 50°C
  15. There are _____________ methods of cooking
    (a) five (b) three (c) two (d) seven
  16. _______________ is the process of preparing food for eating
    (a) preservation (b) cooking (c) storage (d) packing
  17. The following are reasons why we cook our food except _______
    (a) to make it tasty and palatable (b) to kill germs (c) to make it soft and aid digestion (d) to allow it to spoil
  18. The following food can be prepared by cooking before eating except _____
    (a) cucumber, tomatoes, cabbage (b) beans, rice, yam (c) meat, fish, cake (d) cocoyam, potato, egg
  19. Which of the following groups of food is classified as vegetables?
    (a) yam, cassava, maize (b) meat, milk, egg (c) rice, millet, groundnut (d) cabbage, lettuce, cucumber
  20. Home-made polish can be used to clean our furniture
    (a) true (b) false (c) not sure (d) maybe
  21. A balanced diet helps in ________
    (a) keeping us hungry (b) maintaining good health (c) making us sick (d) none of the above
  22. Boiling is a method of cooking that uses ______
    (a) dry heat (b) water (c) oil (d) air
  23. When food is cooked, it becomes easier to _______
    (a) digest (b) chew (c) spoil (d) waste
  24. Proper food storage helps to ______
    (a) preserve nutrients (b) waste food (c) increase spoilage (d) reduce quality
  25. ___________ is an example of a perishable food
    (a) yam (b) bread (c) canned food (d) dried beans
  26. __________ is the primary purpose of cleaning the home
    (a) to make it dirty (b) to attract insects (c) to maintain hygiene (d) to avoid visitors
  27. __________ is a cleaning agent that can be made at home
    (a) detergent (b) soap (c) polish (d) all of the above
  28. __________ is an example of a non-perishable food item
    (a) fresh tomatoes (b) rice (c) milk (d) meat
  29. Kitchen hygiene is important to prevent __________
    (a) accidents (b) illness (c) cooking (d) none of the above
  30. Steaming is a cooking method that requires _______
    (a) water (b) oil (c) direct heat (d) none of the above

Section B: Theory

  1. a.) Mention five methods of cooking food.
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
    (c) ________________________________
    (d) ________________________________
    (e) ________________________________b.) What is cooking?

  2. a.) Define home-made cleaning agents.

    b.) Mention three categories of home-made cleaning agents.
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
    (c) ________________________________

  3. a.) What is a surface?

    b.) Mention three types of floor covering.
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
    (c) ________________________________

  4. a.) List four materials that can be used to clean in the home.
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
    (c) ________________________________
    (d) ________________________________b.) State four items that can be used for cooking.
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
    (c) ________________________________
    (d) ________________________________
  5. a.) State four reasons for cooking our food.
    (a) ________________________________
    (b) ________________________________
    (c) ________________________________
    (d) ________________________________


Primary 5 Home Economics Examination: Testing Your Knowledge on Cooking, Nutrition, and Home Management

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