Computer users make use





CLASS: PRIMARY 2                







  1. Computer users make use of their _________ to type. (a) legs                      (b) fingers  (c) ears
  2. The black and white monitor also called _____________ (a) speaker (b) mouse  (c) monochrome
  3. The monitor looks like the ________________ (a) keyboard              (b) Television  (c) Radio
  4. There are _______ types of monitor. (a) two  (b)  three  (c)  four
  5. The keyboard is used to ___________ (a) input (b) output  (c) send
  6. The two types of monitor are colour and black and white monitor. ( True  /  False )
  7. The monitor can be referred to as ______________ (a) keyboard               (b) speaker  (c) V. D. U
  8. There are _______ types of monitor (a) one  (b) two  (c)  three
  9. The mouse is an input device. ( True  /  False )
  10. The mouse is used to drag _____________ (a) posture (b) postal  (c) picture
  11. The brain of computer is ___________________ (a) monitor (b) system unit  (c) keyboard
  12. The mouse looks like a _______________ (a) lizard  (b) rat  (c) goat
  13. The system unit is the central processing unit. ( True  /  False )
  14. The cover of a system unit is called ____________ (a) case (b) base  (c)  face
  15. Computer is an electronic device or machine. (  True  / False  )


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