Each of the following words lettered A – D describes what the other three are. Write the best word which describes the other


Class : Primary 6

Subject : Verbal Reasoning

Instruction :

Answer all the questions

Section A: Each of the following words lettered A – D describes what the other three are. Write the best word which describes the other

Sample (a) June (b) August (c) Month (d) May

Ans = Month

1.) (a) engineering (b) law (c) medicine (d) profession ______________

2.) (a) day (b) mouth (c) period (d) year ______________

3.) (a) church (b) market (c) mosque (d) place ______________

4.) (a) ailment (b) fever (c) stomach ache (d) headache ______________

5.) (a) engine oil (b) groundnut oil (c) kerosene (d) liquid ______________

Section B:
Pick of the word that does not belong to the group

Sample : (a) Daddy (b) Father (c) Man (d) Woman

Ans = woman

6.) (a) Bus (b) Lorry (c) Canoe (d) Car ______________

7.) (a) Dance (b) Road (c) Ball (d) Sleep ______________

8.) (a) Vehicle (b) Valley (c) Hole (d) Well ______________

9.) (a) River (b) Forest (c) Stream (d) Ocean ______________

10.) (a) Sing (b) Whistle (c) Whisper (d) Jump ______________

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