Ss 1 Government Second Term Question

Class: SSS 1


Subject : Government


Term : Second Term Examination




Instruction: Answer all questions




  1. In a parliamentary system of government, the head of government is usually (a) Selected by the council (b) Selected by the supreme court (c) the majority leader in the legislature (d) the head of state

  2. A unicameral legislature has ____ (a) two houses (b) one house (c) three houses (d) one head of state

  3. The modern concept of the rule of law introduced by (a) K.C. Wheare (b) A.V. Dicey (c) Otto Von Bismarck (d) Justice Holmes

  4. In a monarchy, the Head of state is usually (a) a military ruler (b) the chief justice (c) the speaker of the legislature (d) a hereditary ruler

  5. The concept of separation of powers was popularized by (a) Nicholo Machiavelli (b) A.V. Dicey (c) Baron de Montesquieu (d) Harold laski

  6. Which of the following principles negates the concept of the rule of law ? (a) supremacy of the law (b) prevention of arbitrariness in authority (c) Equality before the law (d) exercise of absolute power by the president

  7. A constitution is said to be flexible when its provisions are (a) known by the rulers (b) scattered In several books (c) mainly in one document (d) easy to amend

  8. In a cabinet system of government, the ministers are collectively responsible to the (a) president (b) parliament (c) electorate (d) judiciary

  9. All of the following are sources of constitutions except (a) acts of parliament (b) devolution of power (d) conventions (d) customs

  10. One of the functions of a party whip in the legislature is to _____ (a) punish erring members of the party in the house (b) ensure that members are present during important sessions (c) ensure that the house is properly dissolved (d) lead the minority party in the house debate

  11. Which of the following is a means of limiting the rule of law ? (a) supremacy of law (b) equality before the law (c) immunity granted to diplomats (d) strike action by workers

  12. A constitution is said to be rigid if it (a) can be amended by the president only (b) is difficult to amend (c) is written (d) is decreed by soldiers

  13. The number of chambers in a bicameral legislature is (a) four (b) three (c) two (d) one

  14. The judicial organ of government is the body which _____ (a) initiates bills (b) interprets the law (c) makes law (d) maintains law and order

  15. A unitary system of government is most suitable for a (a) highly religious country (b) country with a lot of mineral deposits (c) small homogeneous country (d) highly populated country

  16. There are _____ types of bills (a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 2 (d) 1

  17. Another word for representative government is _____ (a) indirect democracy (b) direct democracy (c) checks and balances (d) elections

  18. House of senate is consists of how many members? (a) 100 (b) 108 (c) 109 (d) 110

  19. House of representatives is consists of how many members? (a) 314 (b) 419 (c) 360 (d) 500

  20. ______ is defined as the ability or willingness to do something and the power of doing what has been conceived without interference or influence from any other source (a) liberty (b) fundamental human rights (c) human rights (d) rule of law







Instruction: Answer question one and any other four

1a. Define monarchy

b. Mention five differences between presidential system & cabinet system

c. Enumerate the two types of executives


2a. Define fundamental human rights

b. Explain the forms of monarchy


3a. Define constitution

b. Highlight the types of constitution


4a. Explain the types of bills

b. Define separation of power


5a. Define rule of law

b. Differentiate between constitution and constitutionalism


6. Explain the following terms:

i. Bills

ii. Unitary constitution

iii. Representative government

iv. Liberty



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