God Called Us For A Purpose Christian Religious Studies Primary 4 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Subject: Christian Religious Studies

Topic: The Story of the Call of Abraham and the Purpose of God’s Call

Term: First Term

Week: 5

Duration: 40 minutes

Performance Objectives:

  • Identify the purpose for which God calls us.
  • Give reasons for which God calls us.
  • Explain the ways we respond to God’s call.
  • Narrate the story of the call of Abraham.
  • Mention the benefits of obedience to God’s call.

Instructional Materials:

  • A Bible or storybook with the story of Abraham.
  • A map to trace Abraham’s journey.

Method of Teaching: Interactive discussion and storytelling.

Reference Materials:

  • Scheme of Work.
  • 9-Years Basic Education Curriculum.
  • Christian Religious Studies Course Book.
  • Relevant Material.

Content of the Lesson:

The Story of the Call of Abraham – Genesis 12:1-3:

  • Read Genesis 12:1-3 to the students.
  • Explain that God called Abraham to leave his country and go to a new land.

The Purposes of God’s Call:

  • Discuss why God calls us, emphasizing that it’s often for service.
  • Mention that God calls us to bless us and be a blessing to others.

Right Response to God’s Call – 1 Samuel 3:10, Isaiah 6:8:

  • Discuss how we should respond to God’s call, like listening to Him and being ready to do what He wants


Benefits of Obedience to God’s Call – Luke 5:1-11, Genesis 12:1-20:

  • Explain that obedience to God’s call brings blessings and happiness.
  • Give examples like Peter catching a large number of fish because he obeyed Jesus

Content :




Genesis 12


1 The Lord said to Abram, “Leave your country, your

relatives, and your father’s home, and go to a land that I am going to show

you. 2 I will give you many descendants, and they will become a great nation. I

will bless you and make your name famous, so that you will be a blessing.


I will bless those who bless you,


But I will curse those who curse you.


And through you I will bless all the nations.


God promised Abram that he would be a blessing. All the

families on the earth would be blessed because God would:


Make a Great Nation of him.


Bless him.


And make his name great.


Bless those that blessed him.


Curse those who dishonoured him.




The main purpose of God’s call is for service.


God calls us to bless us and to be a blessing to others.



God calls us to be messengers to His words.



God calls us to save other people from bondage.



God calls us so that we can fulfil our life purpose.



God calls us to be children of the light.



God calls us give us wisdom and understanding.


RIGHT RESPONSE TO GOD’S CALL – 1 Samuel 3:10, Isaiah 6:8.



Listen to God as He speaks.


I Samuel 3,


10 The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other

times, “Samuel! Samuel!”


Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”



Be ready to do what God wants you to do or go to where He wants

to send.


Isaiah 6


8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I

send? And who will go for us?”


And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”






God blesses those who are obedience to him. Obedience to God

makes us happy.



Peter obedience to Jesus makes him the fisher of men.



He let them down his net and caught such a large number of fish

that the nets were about to break. So they call to their partners in the other

boat to come and help them. They came and filled both boats so full of fish

that the boats were about to sink.



Abraham obedience to God makes him father of many nations.


The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your

people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.”


“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you;

I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who

bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will

be blessed through you.”

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. God called ______________ to leave his country. a) Samuel b) Abraham c) David d) Moses
  2. According to Genesis 12:1-3, God promised to make a great nation of ______________. a) Isaac b) Jacob c) Abraham d) Joseph
  3. The main purpose of God’s call is for ______________. a) fishing b) service c) happiness d) traveling
  4. God calls us to be messengers of ______________. a) gifts b) His words c) food d) games
  5. According to 1 Samuel 3:10, Samuel was ready to ______________. a) sleep b) eat c) listen d) dance
  6. The story of the call of Abraham is found in the book of ______________. a) Matthew b) Genesis c) Psalms d) Mark
  7. Abraham obeyed God and left his ______________. a) school b) country c) family d) room
  8. Obedience to God’s call brings ______________. a) sadness b) blessings c) anger d) trouble
  9. In Luke 5:1-11, Peter caught a large number of ______________. a) birds b) fish c) cows d) snakes
  10. God’s call makes us children of the ______________. a) stars b) light c) darkness d) moon
  11. God’s call gives us wisdom and ______________. a) toys b) strength c) understanding d) food
  12. According to Isaiah 6:8, Isaiah was ready to ______________. a) sleep b) run away c) dance d) go where God wanted.
  13. God called ______________ to leave his people. a) Samuel b) David c) Abram d) Solomon
  14. The purpose of God’s call is often for ______________. a) sleeping b) service c) playing d) singing
  15. When we listen to God’s call, we become ______________. a) dancers b) messengers c) singers d) painters


Step 1: Introduction (5 minutes):

  • Start by revising the previous lesson by asking students about when their parents call them and why.
  • Encourage participation and discussion.

Step 2: Purpose of God’s Call (10 minutes):

  • Discuss the purpose of God’s call, why He calls us, and what it means to be called to serve.
  • Encourage students to read relevant Bible passages.

Step 3: Right Response to God’s Call (10 minutes):

  • Explain the right way to respond to God’s call, like listening and being ready.
  • Have students share examples of how they respond to their parents’ calls.

Storytelling (5 minutes):

  • Narrate the story of the call of Abraham, emphasizing how he obeyed God and left his country.

Benefits of Obedience (5 minutes):

  • Discuss the benefits of obeying God’s call, such as blessings and happiness.
  • Relate this to the story of Peter and Abraham.

Conclusion (5 minutes):

  • Summarize the lesson and link it to the following week’s lesson, “God Gave His Law to Us.”

Lesson Evaluation:

  • Ask students to mention three people God called in the Bible.
  • Have them give reasons why God calls us.


  • Instruct students to narrate the story of Abraham and his obedience to God’s call.

By the end of this lesson, Primary 4 students should have a clear understanding of the story of the call of Abraham, the purpose of God’s call, and the benefits of obedience to God’s call. 📖🙏🌟

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