Revision Home Economics Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 11

Subject: Home Economics

Class: Primary 5

Term: Second Term

Week: Week 11

Topic: Revision

Sub-topic: Various aspects covered in Home Economics lessons

Duration: 60 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

  1. Define key concepts in Home Economics.
  2. Identify essential skills learned in previous lessons.
  3. Recall the importance of family values, sewing, and cooking tools care.
  4. Engage actively in class discussions and activities.

Key words: Home Economics, family values, sewing, cooking tools, care, revision

Entry Behaviour: Students should have basic knowledge of home economics terminologies and concepts from previous lessons.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  1. Textbooks on Home Economics
  2. Visual aids (charts, diagrams, pictures)
  3. Whiteboard and markers
  4. Sewing materials (needles, thread, fabric)
  5. Cooking tools and cleaning agents

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: Reviewing concepts previously taught in Home Economics lessons helps students reinforce their understanding and retention of the subject matter. It also provides an opportunity to link new information to existing knowledge.

Embedded Core Skills:

  1. Critical thinking
  2. Problem-solving
  3. Communication
  4. Practical skills (sewing, cooking)

Learning Materials:

  1. Worksheets with revision questions
  2. Interactive activities related to family values, sewing, and cooking tools care

Reference Books: Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary Schools

Instructional Materials:

  1. Introduction to the revision topic
  2. Review of previous lesson content
  3. Interactive discussion on key concepts
  4. Group activities and demonstrations
  5. Assessment tools (quiz, evaluation questions)


  1. Definition and meaning of family values
  2. Overview of sewing techniques and stitches
  3. Importance of caring for cooking tools and utensils
  4. Understanding the role of family in home economics

Home Economics Revision:

  1. Definition and Meaning of Family:
    • Family is a group of people who live together and are connected by blood or marriage. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
    • Example: A family can include parents, siblings, grandparents, and sometimes even pets.
  2. Family Values and Family Tree:
    • Family values are the beliefs and principles that guide a family’s behavior and decisions. 🌳
    • Family tree shows the relationships among family members across generations.
    • Example: Respect, honesty, and kindness are important family values.
  3. Family and Family Circles:
    • Family circles are the different levels of relationships within a family, like immediate family, extended family, and relatives. 🔵🔴
    • Example: Immediate family includes parents and siblings, while extended family includes grandparents, aunts, and uncles.
  4. Family and Personal Resources:
    • Personal resources are the skills, talents, and abilities that each family member brings to the family unit. 💼
    • Example: Cooking, cleaning, and budgeting are personal resources that contribute to a family’s well-being.
  5. Cleaning Agents for Cooking Tools:
    • Cleaning agents are substances used to remove dirt, stains, and germs from cooking tools. 🧼
    • Examples: Soap, dishwashing liquid, baking soda, and vinegar can be used to clean cooking tools.
  6. Care of Cooking Tools:
    • Taking care of cooking tools involves cleaning them after use, storing them properly, and avoiding damage. 🍳
    • Example: Washing knives separately to prevent accidents and keeping pots and pans dry to prevent rust.
  7. Basic Stitches:
    • Basic stitches are simple sewing techniques used to join fabric together. 🧵
    • Examples: Straight stitch, backstitch, and running stitch.
  8. Decorative Stitches:
    • Decorative stitches are sewing techniques used to add embellishments or decorative elements to fabric. ✨
    • Examples: Zigzag stitch, satin stitch, and embroidery stitches.
  9. Sewing Process:
    • Sewing process involves steps like measuring, cutting, pinning, stitching, and finishing. ✂️
    • Example: Making a dress involves measuring the fabric, cutting it according to a pattern, sewing the pieces together, and adding finishing touches like buttons or zippers.
  10. Sewing Tools and Equipment:
    • Sewing tools and equipment are items used in the sewing process to cut, measure, and stitch fabric. 🧷
    • Examples: Scissors, measuring tape, pins, needles, sewing machine.

Class Activity Discussion 

  1. What is a family?
    • A family is a group of people who live together and are related by blood, marriage or adoption.
  2. What are family values?
    • Family values are the beliefs and principles that guide how a family behaves and treats each other.
  3. What is a family tree?
    • A family tree shows the relationships among family members across generations.
  4. What are personal resources in a family?
    • Personal resources are the skills and abilities each family member brings to help the family.
  5. How do we clean cooking tools?
    • Cooking tools are cleaned using soap, water, and sometimes baking soda or vinegar.
  6. Why is it important to care for cooking tools?
    • Caring for cooking tools keeps them clean, safe to use, and lasting longer.
  7. What are basic stitches in sewing?
    • Basic stitches include straight stitch, backstitch, and running stitch used to sew fabric together.
  8. What are decorative stitches used for?
    • Decorative stitches add beauty and embellishments to fabric, making it more attractive.
  9. What steps are involved in the sewing process?
    • Sewing process includes measuring, cutting, pinning, stitching, and finishing fabric pieces.
  10. Name some sewing tools and equipment.
    • Sewing tools like scissors, pins, needles, and sewing machine are used for sewing.
  1. What is a family?
    • a) A group of friends
    • b) A group of people who are related by birth, marriage or adoption.
    • c) A school club
    • d) A type of food
  2. What do family values guide?
    • a) How to cook
    • b) How a family behaves and treats each other
    • c) How to play sports
    • d) How to watch TV
  3. What does a family tree show?
    • a) How to climb trees
    • b) Relationships among family members across generations
    • c) Types of trees in a forest
    • d) How to plant trees
  4. What are personal resources in a family?
    • a) Money
    • b) Skills and abilities each family member brings to help the family
    • c) Toys
    • d) Pets
  5. How are cooking tools cleaned?
    • a) With water only
    • b) With soap and water
    • c) With sand
    • d) With oil
  6. Why is caring for cooking tools important?
    • a) To make them dirty
    • b) To keep them clean, safe, and lasting longer
    • c) To use them less
    • d) To hide them
  7. What are basic stitches in sewing used for?
    • a) To sew fabric together
    • b) To draw pictures
    • c) To write letters
    • d) To make music
  8. What do decorative stitches add to fabric?
    • a) Dirt
    • b) Ugliness
    • c) Beauty and embellishments
    • d) Extra holes
  9. What steps are involved in the sewing process?
    • a) Eating, sleeping, and playing
    • b) Measuring, cutting, pinning, stitching, and finishing
    • c) Running, jumping, and swimming
    • d) Reading, writing, and drawing
  10. Name a sewing tool.
    • a) Hammer
    • b) Scissors
    • c) Pencil
    • d) Plate
  11. How do you clean cooking tools?
    • a) With soap and water
    • b) With sand
    • c) With oil
    • d) With toys
  12. What do family values guide?
    • a) How a family behaves and treats each other
    • b) How to drive a car
    • c) How to play video games
    • d) How to cook
  13. What does a family tree show?
    • a) Relationships among family members across generations
    • b) Types of trees in a forest
    • c) How to climb trees
    • d) How to plant trees
  14. What are personal resources in a family?
    • a) Skills and abilities each family member brings to help the family
    • b) Money
    • c) Toys
    • d) Pets
  15. How are cooking tools cleaned?
    • a) With soap and water
    • b) With sand
    • c) With oil
    • d) With toys
  1. Definition and Meaning of Family Values:
    • Family values are principles or beliefs that guide behavior and interactions within a family. They include honesty, respect, responsibility, and kindness. Family values shape how family members treat each other and others in society.
  2. Overview of Sewing Techniques and Stitches:
    • Sewing techniques involve methods used to join fabric together to create garments or items. Stitches are the basic units of sewing, created by the needle and thread. Common sewing techniques include hand sewing, machine sewing, and embroidery. Stitches such as straight stitch, zigzag stitch, and backstitch are used for different purposes in sewing.
  3. Importance of Caring for Cooking Tools and Utensils:
    • Caring for cooking tools and utensils is essential to maintain their functionality and hygiene. Proper care includes cleaning tools after each use, storing them in a dry place to prevent rust, and handling them with care to avoid damage. Regular maintenance ensures that cooking tools remain safe to use and prolongs their lifespan.
  4. Understanding the Role of Family in Home Economics:
    • The family plays a central role in home economics by providing a context for learning and practicing essential life skills related to managing resources, cooking, sewing, and household chores. Family members share responsibilities and contribute to maintaining a functional and harmonious home environment. Through mutual support and cooperation, families promote the well-being and development of each member.
  1. What are family values?
    • Family values are like rules that help families treat each other nicely and behave well.
  2. Why is it important to care for cooking tools?
    • Caring for cooking tools keeps them clean, safe to use, and lasts longer.
  3. What are sewing techniques?
    • Sewing techniques are different ways to sew fabric together to make clothes or things.
  4. What is the role of the family in home economics?
    • Families help us learn how to cook, sew, and take care of our homes.
  5. How can we maintain family values?
    • We maintain family values by being honest, kind, and respectful to each other.
  6. Why should we learn sewing techniques?
    • Learning sewing techniques helps us make clothes and repair things at home.
  7. What are some common stitches in sewing?
    • Common stitches include straight stitch, zigzag stitch, and backstitch.
  8. What happens if we don’t care for our cooking tools?
    • If we don’t care for our cooking tools, they might get dirty, rusty, or even break.
  9. How do family values help us in our daily lives?
    • Family values help us get along with others and make good choices.
  10. Why do we need to understand the importance of family in home economics?
    • Understanding the family’s role in home economics helps us become responsible and independent at home.


Evaluation :

  1. Family values are like rules that help families treat each other nicely and behave well. They are important because they teach us how to __________. a) argue b) love c) fight d) ignore
  2. Caring for cooking tools keeps them clean, safe to use, and lasts longer. When we care for our cooking tools, we make sure they are __________. a) dirty b) dangerous c) clean d) broken
  3. Sewing techniques are different ways to sew fabric together to make clothes or things. Learning sewing techniques helps us make __________. a) food b) clothes c) toys d) music
  4. Families help us learn how to cook, sew, and take care of our homes. The role of the family in home economics is to __________. a) clean the streets b) learn new languages c) take care of the home d) play video games
  5. We maintain family values by being honest, kind, and respectful to each other. Family values help us get along with others and make __________. a) bad choices b) good choices c) no choices d) random choices
  6. Learning sewing techniques helps us make clothes and repair things at home. Common stitches include straight stitch, zigzag stitch, and __________. a) jump stitch b) skip stitch c) backstitch d) run stitch
  7. If we don’t care for our cooking tools, they might get dirty, rusty, or even break. To prevent this, we should __________ our cooking tools regularly. a) clean b) hide c) ignore d) throw away
  8. Family values help us get along with others and make good choices. We can maintain family values by being __________ to each other. a) disrespectful b) dishonest c) rude d) kind
  9. Understanding the family’s role in home economics helps us become responsible and independent at home. We learn important skills like cooking, sewing, and __________. a) cleaning b) driving c) swimming d) flying
  10. Family values are important because they teach us how to love, respect, and __________ others. a) ignore b) fight c) argue d) care


  • Step 1: Teacher revises the previous topics of family values, sewing, and cooking tools care.
  • Step 2: Teacher introduces the concept of revision and explains its importance in consolidating learning.
  • Step 3: Teacher encourages students to actively participate by asking questions, sharing experiences, and contributing to discussions.

Teacher’s Activities:

  1. Facilitate class discussions on key topics.
  2. Provide explanations and examples to clarify concepts.
  3. Organize group activities and demonstrations.
  4. Monitor student participation and understanding.
  5. Provide feedback and corrections as needed.

Learners Activities:

  1. Engage in class discussions and ask questions.
  2. Participate in group activities and practical demonstrations.
  3. Take notes and actively listen to the teacher’s explanations.
  4. Collaborate with peers to complete assigned tasks.
  5. Reflect on personal experiences related to family values and home economics practices.


  • Evaluation Questions:
  1. What are family values, and why are they important?
  2. Name three types of stitches used in sewing.
  3. How do you care for cooking tools to ensure their longevity?
  4. Discuss the role of family in promoting home economics practices.
  5. Why is it essential to review and revise previously learned concepts?
  6. Describe a situation where sewing skills can be applied in everyday life.
  7. How can you maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the kitchen?
  8. Identify two ways to demonstrate respect for family members.
  9. What materials are needed for basic sewing projects?
  10. Explain the importance of teamwork in household chores.

Conclusion: The teacher summarizes key points covered in the revision and ensures students have a clear understanding of the concepts reviewed.

Assignment: Students are tasked with writing a short essay on the role of family in promoting home economics practices and the importance of maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in the kitchen.


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