SUBJECT: Health Habit                       
CLASS: K.G. DATE: ________________________________.
TIME: 1 HOUR. NAME: _____________________________________________.
1.    Environment means _____________________________
2.    We should not pick any dirt we see in our homes .                    ( yes / No )
3.    What is cleanliness ? _______________________________________________
4.    Mention two things that we use to clean our surroundings .                                                                                (a) ________________ (b) _______________
5.    Dirty environment has ________________ which can cause ____________________
6.    Give three examples of personal belongings .                       (a) ____________ (b)____________ (c) ______________
7.    What is a nose ?  _______________________________________________
8.    Where can we find the nose in the part of the body ?  ________________________________________________
9.    ___________ is the place for depositing our waste and then flushing it away with water .( waste basket ,toilet , dust bin )
10.                       We  should wash  our hands after using the toilet .   ( yes / no)
11.                       We shouldn’t  walk ___________ (a) barefooted (b) with shoes on      
12 . Our fingernails must be kept short always .( true/false )      
13. We must ________ our hands before and after eating . (wash ,dust ,pick)      
14 . mention two activities you do do in school                           (a) __________________ (b)                      _______________________    
15. What is food ?  __________________________________________________      
16.Mntion two protective food that you known   (a) ____________________   (b) _______________________    
17 . What is bad habit ? ___________________________________________________    
18 . Mention three objects that cause accidents  (a) __________________ (b) ______________ (c) ________  
19 . To be neat means keeping  our things clean always .      ( yes /no )
20. Mosquito bites can cause ______________      (a) happiness (b) malaria (c) promotion
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