THIRD TERM SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION CLASS: PRIMARY 3 OBJECTIVES 1) is a person or group of persons chosen to carry out a particular role or function on behalf of the people. (a)Messenger (b)Constituted authority (c)King 2) Obas, Emirs and Ezes are examples of (a)Political
THIRD TERM SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE CLASS: PRIMARY 3 OBJECTIVES: 1)________involves the use of crude methods and tools to do things (a)Developed technology (b)Underdeveloped technology (c)Advanced technology 2)________ are technology that make our lives easier (a)Machines (b)objects (b)Things 3) Examples of underdeveloped technology are________(a)ship and telephone (b)aeroplane and computer (c)hoe and cutlass 4)________is the ability of
THIRD TERM SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS CLASS: PRIMARY 3 1) Which of these foods contain carbohydrate? ____________ (a)beans (b)Vegetables (c)Rice 2) ____________ is one of the food we can find in our locality (a)Yam (b)Pizza (c)Lettuce 3) Fish belongs to
THIRD TERM SUBJECT: CIVIC AND NATIONAL VALUES (CNV) CLASS: PRIMARY ONE 1) is a feeling of appreciation towards people, places and things (a)salute (b)Respect (c)Obedience 2) We show respect to our parents and elders by them (a)greeting (b)hissing (c)beating 3) We should respect the
THIRD TERM SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS CLASS: PRIMARY ONE OBJECTIVES 1) Add seven, two and five together (a)Ten (b)fourteen (c)seventeen 2) Nineteen takeaway ten is (a)Nine (b)Twenty (c)Six 3) After 309 is (a)319 (b)320 (c)310 4) Before 500 is
THIRD TERM SUBJECT: BST CLASS: PRIMARY ONE 1) We need to do our daily work (a)fire (b)energy (c)money 2) is everything we need to make our lives easier. (a)Technology (b)Car (b)Broom 3) Transportation is the movement of ____________
THIRD TERM SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS CLASS: PRIMARY ONE 1) A is a place where family members live in (a)hut (b)shop (c)home 2) is a room or place for cooking our food and washing our plates (a)Parlour (b)sitting room (c)kitchen 3) Shelves
THIRD TERM SUBJECT: ENGLISH STUDIES CLASS: PRIMARY ONE Pick the correct answer to complete the sentences 1) Our teacher comes to school a car (a)in (b)for (c)is 2) Some people go to work bus (a)we (b)is (c)by 3) The bird is
THIRD TERM SUBJECT: VERBAL APTITUDE CLASS: PRIMARY 2 Fill with a suitable answer Bakery , restaurant, barrack, Orphanage, school 1) A place where flour is baked into bread is a 2) A place where pupils learn to read and write
THIRD TERM SUBJECT: ENGLISH STUDIES CLASS: PRIMARY 2 Read the comprehension passage and answer the following question Baking Cupcakes Today we are going to bake some cupcakes, “said Chidera, “will you help me?” “yes, I will, “Said Rotimi. “Great! “Said Chidera. “We are going to need three cups of
THIRD TERM SUBJECT: C.R.S CLASS: PRIMARY 2 1) Abraham is from Ur in (a)Ikeja (b)Babylon (c)Nain 2) God said to Abram to leave his country and relatives and go to a land called (a)Canaan (b)Galilee (c)London 3) How old was Abraham when
THIRD TERM SUBJECT: B.S.T CLASS: PRIMARY 2 1) is the top layer of the earth surface on which plants grow(a)Solid (b)soil (C)suffer 2) There are are types of soil (a)6 (b)4 (c)3 3) soil retain water most (a)sand
THIRD TERM SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS CLASS: PRIMARY 2 1) Food should be stored in a environment (a)bad (b)clean (c)dirty 2) Eating bad food can make us (a)ill (b)strong
SCHOOL:….. 3RD TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: Nursery I SUBJECT: Computer INSTRUCTION: Tick Yes or No 1. Computer is an electronic machine – Yes / No 2. Monitor looks like television – yes / no 3. Keyboard is part of computer – yes
SUBJECT: HEALTH EDUCATION CLASS: PRE-NUR. A _______is used for bathing (a) water (b) sand What do you eat for breakfast this morning _____________________ Water can be used for cooking (a) Yes (b) No Good food makes us grow (a) Yes (b) No We use our ears for __________ (a) playing (b) hearing A tap is a