Tag: Primary 5

Cultural and Creative Arts First Term Examination Primary 5

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2017/2018 CLASS: PRIMARY 5 SUBJECT: CREATIVE ART   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… 1. What is fine art?_____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________   2. Mention the three types of colours you know (a) ________________________________ (b) ________________________________ (c) ________________________________   3. Art is divided into two, name it _______________________ and ______________________ 4. The Nigerian flag has how many colour __________________________________

Basic Science Primary 5 First Term Examination

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2017/2018 CLASS: PRIMARY 5 SUBJECT: BASIC SCIENCE   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… 1. _______ are substances that are capable of contaminating the environments (a) pollution (b) fossils (c) pollutants (d) hazards   2. The common cause of land pollution is _____ (a) oil (b) refuse (c) faeces (d) water   3.The washing away and carrying

Social Studies Primary 5 First Term Examination

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2017/2018 CLASS: PRIMARY 5 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… 1. The total way of life of people is ______ (a) culture (b) family (c) institution (d) friend   2. The process whereby a lady runs away with a man with the intention to marry without the parent’s consent is ____ (a) wife

Verbal Reasoning Primary 5 First Term Examination

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2017/2018 CLASS: PRIMARY 5 SUBJECT: VERBAL REASONING   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Underline the correct answer from the option provided 1.House is to men as nest is to ______ (a) pig (b) goat (c) bird (d) girl 2.One is to single as two is to ______ (a) double (b) triple (c) quadriple (d) tuple 3._______

Vocational Aptitude Primary 5 First Term Examination

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2017/2018 CLASS: PRIMARY 5 SUBJECT: VOCATIONAL APTITUDE   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Section A: 1.___________ is the ability and willingness to develop, organize and manage a business venture with all the risks involved in order to make profit (a) manager (b) entrepreneurship (c) entertainer (d) entrepreneur   2. Which of the following is not a

Civic Education Primary 5 First Term Examination

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2017/2018 CLASS: PRIMARY 5   SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Section A: 1. ____________ is a physical structure with a roof, doors and windows (a) vehicle (b) house (c) village (d) structure   2. A house built with muds and raffias as the roof is an example of __________ (a) modern house

Home Economics Primary 5 First Term Examination

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2017/2018 CLASS: PRIMARY 5   SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Section A: 1. The cooking of food in a pot with enough water is ________ frying (b) boiling (c) roasting (d) smoking   2. When cooking beans, water should _____ the food (a) not cover (b) cover (c) fill (d) burst  

English Grammar Primary 5 First Term Examination

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 5 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………… Section A: Comprehension Passage UNITY IS STRENGTH Udo and his four sons lived in a little village named Ikenze, all of them were good farmers. They had flock of sheep and a herd of cattle. Their house, though made of mud and thatch, was

Importance and Uses of farm records

  Subject :  AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE Term : THIRD TERM Week: WEEK 10 Class : Primary 5 Topic : Importance and Uses of farm records  Previous lesson:  The pupils have previous knowledge of  Types of Farm Records that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson   Behavioural objectives : At the end of the

Types of Farm Records

  Subject :  AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE Term : THIRD TERM Week: WEEK 9 Class : Primary 5 Topic : Types of farm records    Previous lesson:  The pupils have previous knowledge of  Meaning of Farm Records that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson   Behavioural objectives : At the end of the lesson,
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