Tag: Primary 3

Civic Education Primary 3 Third Term Examination

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION                                 CLASS: PRIMARY 3 OBJECTIVES  1)        is a person or group of persons chosen to carry out a particular role or function on behalf of the people. (a)Messenger  (b)Constituted authority  (c)King  2)    Obas, Emirs and Ezes are examples of         (a)Political

Third Term Exams Home Economics Primary 3

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: HOME ECONOMICS                                   CLASS: PRIMARY 3 1)    Which of these foods contain carbohydrate?   (a)beans       (b)Vegetables   (c)Rice  2)            is one of the food we can find in our locality (a)Yam  (b)Pizza   (c)Lettuce  3)    Fish belongs to one

Physical and Health Education PHE Primary 3 Third Term Examination

THIRD TERM SUBJECT: P.H.E                                  CLASS: PRIMARY 3  1)            is the sum of all the processes by which the body takes in food. (a)Diet  (b)Nutrition (c)Health  2)    Proteins carbohydrates and vitamins are some of the classes of         (a)Food nutrient (b)Food take in (c)Food  3)   

Primary 3 Examination Third Term

Primary 3 Third Term Examination 2021 French Primary 3 Third Term Examination THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION 2018 FRENCH LANGUAGE PRIMARY 3 Primary 3 Exam Questions (2020- 2021 – First Term, Second Term and Third Term Examination PRIMARY 3 COMPUTER STUDY THIRD TERM EXAMINATION Mathematics  Third Term Promotional Examination Primary 3 Agricultural Science  Third Term Promotional

Primary 3 Examination First Term

ENGLISH LANGUAGE PRIMARY 3 EXAMINATION FIRST TERM LINKS ENGLISH LANGUAGE PRIMARY 3 EXAMINATION FIRST TERM LINKS Primary 3 Examination First Term All Subjects Creative Art Primary 3 First Term Examination Agricultural Science Primary 3 First Term Examination Basic Science Primary 3 First Term Examination Bible Knowledge Primary 3 First Term Examination Mathematics Primary 3 First

2nd Term Summative Test Grade 3 French

    Subject: French   Class: Grade 3   SECTION A   Choisissez la bonne réponse (Choose the correct option)   1. Good morning sir ______________   A. Bonjour monsieur B. Bonsoir monsieur C. Bonne journée monsieur   2.”Goodbye madam ” means,______________ A. au revoir madame B. au revoir monsieur C. au revoir mademoiselle  

2nd Term Summative Test Grade 3 Verbal Reasoning

VERBAL REASONING   SECOND TERM EXAMINATION   CLASS-PRIMARY 3   Instruction – Answer all the questions in section A   Section A   Find and underline two words made from the same letters   Example   Pan   Nap   Not   Pin Answer = Nap 1. Bore. Sore. Wear. Rose Answer =   2.
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