Tag: Primary 2

Primary 2 Third Term Examination Yoruba 

3RD TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 2 Yoruba  3RD TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: Basic Two SUBJECT: Yoruba INSTRUCTION: Dahun awon ibeereyii 1. _________je aso murode okunrin a. iro b. ipele d. Agbada 2. _________ je aso imurode obinrin a. buba b. dandogo d. sapara 3. _________ lo ma n we gele (Okunrin/ Obinrin) 4. ________ nit i okunrin

Primary 2 Third Term Examination Cultural and Creative Arts 

3RD TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 2 Cultural and Creative Arts  3RD TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: Basic Two SUBJECT: Cultural and Creative Art INSTRUCTION: Underline the correct answer 1. Craft can be used to make __________ a. water b. Pottery c. Food 2. Local craft generates income (True / False 3. The person who makes craft work is

Primary 2 Third Term Examination BASIC SCIENCE 

3RD TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 2 BASIC SCIENCE  CLASS: Basic Two SUBJECT: Basic Science INSTRUCTION: Underline the correct answer 1. Is white one of the colours of the rainbow? Yes b. No c. May be 2. What is the colour of pure water?A. white B. brown C. colourless 3. The following are instruments for cleaning except

Primary 2 Third Term Examination English Grammar

3RD TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 2 English Grammar  3RD TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: Basic Two SUBJECT: English Language INSTRUCTION: Fill in the gaps in the following with the correct form of verbs 1. I have _________the room already a. sweeps b. swap c. swept 2. Have you __________the latest news a. hearb. heard c. hears 3. Jones has

Primary 2 Third Term Examination CRS 

3RD TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 2 CRS  3RD TERM EXAMINATION Basic 2 CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES Underline the correct answer. Jesus is the _______ to the father. Way b) Obstacle Jesus is the _______. Good shepherd b) Bad shepherd A good shepherd is not _______ Wicked b) caring c) kind _______ is the good shepherd. God b)

Primary 2 Third Term Examination Verbal Reasoning 

3RD TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 2 Verbal Reasoning  3RD TERM EXAMINATION Basic 2 Verbal Write letter A – Z and answer the following questions. 1. The first letter is _____________ 2. The last letter is ________________ 3. The number of vowels are _____________ 4. The tenth letter is ________________ 5. The twelveth letter is ____________ 6.

Primary 2 Third Term Examination PHE 

3RD TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 2 PHE  3RD TERM EXAMINATION Basic 2 P.H.E. 1. ________ is a sign of illness (a) Hunger (b) Fever (c) Thirst 2. A sick person should be treated in the ____________ (a) Home (b) School (c) Hospital 3. The heart beats (a) Yes (b) No 4. The breakdown of food is

Primary 2 Third Term Examination Maths 

3RD TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 2 Maths  3RD TERM EXAMINATION Basic 2 Maths 1. A square has __________ sides (a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 2. _______ is the volume of liquid or gas it can contain (a) Capacity (b) Weight (c) Litre 3. ______________ hours make 1 day (a) 36 (b) 7 (c) 24 4.

Primary 2 Third Term Examination Civic Education 

3RD TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 2 Civic Education  3RD TERM EXAMINATION Basic 2 Civic Education 1. Traditional toilets could easily produce germs (a) True (b) False 2. Drug abuse could cause ___________ (a) Malaria (b) good health (c) Madness 3. ­­­­­­­­­­­­­______________ arrests drug dealers (a) PHCN (b) NDLEA (c) MTN 4. NDLEA ensures that drug laws

Primary 2 Third Term Examination I.C.T.

3RD TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 2 ICT  3RD TERM EXAMINATION Basic 2 I.C.T. 1. Which of these is a storage device? (a) Flash disk (b) soft disk (c) Light disk 2. Hard disk is a storage device (a) Yes (b) No 3. The hard disk stores all the computer programs and ________________ (a) movies (b) files
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