Fruits Watermelon

Subject : Health Habits Topic : Fruits Class : Nursery 1   Term :   Third Term Week : Week 4 Reference Materials :  . Instructional Materials :..     Previous Knowledge : The pupils have previous knowledge of     Behavioural Objectives :  At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able

Write capital letter A TO Z

SECOND TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: NURSERY 1 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAME: Write capital letter A Z Write small letter a j Complete these Write five two letter words Name these object Identification of alphabet SECOND TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: NURSERY 1 SUBJECT: VERBAL REASONING NAME: Fill in the missing letters Fill in the missing letters Match capital

Identification and mastering of six words.

  SUBJECT::Reading Readiness TOPIC: Identification and mastering of six words. CLASS : Nursery HOME – WORK Re- write the Following Six Letter Words. 1) M o t h e r ___________________ 2. F a t h e r __________________ 3. S i s t e r _______________ 4. S c h o o l ________________

Places around us in our neighbourhood

  CLASS: Nursery 1   SUBJECT:: Science   TOPIC: Places around us   Home -work   Re-write the names of the places around us   Playground     Cinema     School     Market     House  

Objects found in the kitchen

  Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Science Topic: Objects found in the kitchen Homework Write (6) six objects found in the kitchen 1_______ 2_______ 3_______ 4_______ 5_______ 6_______

Taking care of plants

  Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Social norms Topic: Taking care of plants Homework Rewrite the sentences 1. We must not pluck flowers _________________________ 2. We must plant more trees _________________________ 3. We must water plants __________________________ 4. We must look after our environment ___________________________