
Parenting Tips in 8 L’s.

Here are the 8 “L’s” of Parenting to help you raise happy and successful children: LOVE: Show your child that they are valued and loved through gentle touches, smiles, hugs, and undivided attention. LOOK: Acknowledge your child’s strengths and positive behaviors by making specific comments on what they do well. Believing in your child’s worth

What is SQ3R Reading Technique

SQ3R is a reading comprehension technique that stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. It is a systematic approach to reading that helps you to better understand and remember the material you are reading. Here’s an overview of the five steps of the SQ3R technique: Survey: Before you start reading, quickly scan the material


HOW TO STOP POPULATION DECREASE IN A SCHOOL Identify the root causes: Conduct a thorough assessment to determine the reasons behind the declining population in the school. This could involve analyzing data on student retention, student performance, teacher turnover rates, student feedback, and parent feedback, among other things. Improve academic standards: Review the school’s curriculum

Remarks and Comments on Learner’s Notebooks To Encourage Them

GOOD/FAIR REMARKS ON YOUR STUDENT’S NOTES. Good remarks and comments on pupils, learners or students notebooks in order to motivate them  One word comments Great Bravo! Outstanding! Impressive! Exceptional! Phenomenal! Remarkable! Splendid! Marvelous! Fantastic! Sensational! Exemplary! Commendable! Admirable! Worthy! Laudable! Splendiferous! Astounding! Majestic! Superlative! Sterling Excellent Superb Terrific Amazing Brilliant! Exceptional! Impressive! Phenomenal! Magnificent! Stupendous!

Writing : Valedictory Speech 

Lesson Plan Presentation: The Features of a Speech Grade Level: Primary 5 Subject: English Language Objectives: Students will understand the features of a speech, including the topic, body, main point, conclusion, and introduction. Students will be able to identify the purpose and audience of a speech. Students will learn how to organize and deliver a