Third Term Examinations JSS 2 Mathematic

Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.    Subject: Mathematics    Class: J S S 2  Section A   Find the value of 40+628+320  (a)680  625 (c) 420 (d) 348  The product of 106 and 2.5 is (a) 2620 (b) 265 (c) 3050 (d) 420  The square root

JSS 3 Third Term Examination Mathematics

THIRD TERM Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.          SUBJECT:  MATHEMATICS            CLASS: J. S. S. 3              TIME: 3hrs  Frequency means the ……….       A. difference between the highest and lowest numbers     


     THIRD TERM    Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.    Subject:  MATHEMATICS            Class: SS 1      DURATION ; 2Hrs             Part 1: OBJECTIVES Time : 1HR Simplify 2 –log255    A. 11/2      B. 21/2      C. 51/2     D.

Third Term Mathematics Nursery 1

CLASS: NURSERY I                                                 SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS   NAME: ……………………………………………………   Counting number 100 – 150                                  

SS 1 Third Term Mathematics Scheme of Work with Lesson Notes

          THIRD TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS CLASS: SSS 1 SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC Mensuration: The Concept of B – D a Shape Cube, Cuboids, Cylinder, Triangular Prism, Cone, Rectangular Based Pyramid, Total Surface Area of Cone, Cylinder and their Volumes. (a) Volumes of Frustums of Cone, Rectangular Based Pyramid

JSS 3 Third Term Mathematics Scheme of Work with Lesson Notes

  THIRD TERM: E – LEARNING NOTES J S 3 (BASIC 9) SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS SCHEME OF WORK WEEK     TOPIC Measures of Central Tendency: Revision of previous work on mean, median and mode. Calculating the Median of a given data. Finding the Mode of given data. Calculate the Mean of any given data. Data Presentation: Pie

Mathematics Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes

Exploring Temperature: Learn to Compare and Convert in Mathematics Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 1 Lines, Bearing and Angles : How to draw and identify parallel lines and Perpendicular lines Primary 5 Third Term Lesson Notes Mathematics Week 2 Properties of plane shapes like Rhombus, Square, Rectangle in relation to real life situations

Primary 4 Third Term Scheme of Work With Lesson Notes  Mathematics

Weekly Lesson Notes For Primary 4 Mathematics Third Term Lesson Weekly Topics     Revision of 2nd Term’s Work Resumption Test Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes  Mathematics Week 1 Estimating length and comparing measurements Primary 4 Third Term Lesson Notes  Mathematics Week 2 Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of Weight Measurements Primary 4 Third Term

Primary 3 Third Term Scheme of Work With Lesson Notes Mathematics

Third Term Scheme of Work – Mathematics (Primary 3) Primary 3 mathematics curriculum: Topics and lesson notes   Week 1 Counting Numbers From 1 To 170 Mathematics Primary 1 Third Term Lesson Notes Week 1   Week 2 Measuring In Centimetre and Metre Primary 3 Third Term Mathematics Lesson Notes Week 2   Week 3

2nd Summative Test Grade 3 Mathematics

  THIRD GRADE MATHEMATICS FILL IN THE CORRECT NUMBERS 1. 560 562  _______, 566 _______, _______   2.1200, _______, _______, 1215 _______   3. 1000, 1010 _______, _______, _______, 1050   Order these numbers 4. 2481 is (greater than less than equal to) 2184   5. 4336 is (less than, 6. 78398 is (equal to
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