Edu Delight Tutors 1st TERM EXAMINATION BASIC 2 MATHEMATICS SECTION A: 30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions (Multiple Choice) Choose the correct answer from the options (a, b, c, or d). What number comes after 134 in the sequence: 130, 132, 134, ___, ___?a) 120, 122b) 136, 138c) 136, 140d) 140, 144 Write 565 in expanded form.a)

Place value of these numbers First Term Primary 2

  FIRST TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 2SUBJECT: MATHEMATICSNAME:…………………………………………………………………………… SECTION A: Writing Numbers in Words Write these numbers in words: 20 = _______________________________ 78 = _______________________________ 80 = _______________________________ 100 = _______________________________ 150 = _______________________________ SECTION B: Fill in the Missing Numbers Complete the sequence by filling in the missing numbers: 121 122 ______ ______ 125

Jss 1 Second Term Maths Exams

MATHEMATICS JSS 1 SECOND TERM EXAMINATION QUESTIONS SECTION A (OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS) The value of 8 in 18,214 is:(a) 8 units(b) 8 tens(c) 8 hundreds(d) 8 thousands(e) 8 ten thousands The Roman numeral CXCIV represents the number:(a) 194(b) 186(c) 214(d) 215(e) 216 What is the number represented by ?(a) 32(b) 40(c) 28(d) 39 Round 3.9998 to

Exam Questions Second Term SS 2 Mathematic

CLASS: S.S.S. 2 SUBJECT: Mathematics INSTRUCTION: Answer all the questions. 1. Evaluate (101.5)² – (100.5)² a) 2b) 2.02c) 20.02d) 202e) 2020 2. Express the product of 0.06 and 0.09 in standard form. a) 5.4 × 10⁻³b) 5.4 × 10⁻²c) 5.4 × 10⁻¹d) 5.4 × 10²e) 5.4 × 10³ 3. Simplify 36½ × 64⁻¹/³ × 5⁰

Volume and Capacity Mathematics Primary 5 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 10

Volume and Capacity – Mathematics Lesson Note for Primary 5 (Second Term, Week 10) Introduction – Let’s Talk About Measuring Liquids and Spaces! Imagine you’re filling a big bowl with water. You keep pouring and pouring, but suddenly—uh-oh!—it overflows. Why? Because every container has a limit to how much it can hold. That’s what we

Second Term Exams Primary 5 Mathematics

Primary 5 Mathematics Second Term Examination Time Allowed: 1 Hour 30 Minutes General Instructions for Teachers and Students Teachers should ensure students are seated properly and no materials are shared during the examination. Students must read all instructions carefully and answer all questions. Avoid all forms of malpractice. Work independently and give your best effort.

Decimal Fractions : Addition, Subtraction and Conversion of Decimals

SECOND TERM E-NOTES FOR PRIMARY 4 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT: Mathematics CLASS: Basic Four / Primary 4 WEEK: 3 TOPIC: Decimal Fractions: Addition and Subtraction of Decimals IMPORTANCE OF TOPIC Helps in calculating with accuracy in weight, money, and distance. Aids in recording and analyzing results in sports and other activities. LEARNING OBJECTIVES By the end of

Free Lagos State Primary 6 Mathematics Examination Questions

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION CLASS: PRIMARY 5 SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS NAME:…………………………… Section A: Multiple Choice Questions Write 16,007 in words: (a) Sixty thousand zero hundred and seven (b) Six thousand, hundred zero and seven (c) Sixteen thousand and seven (d) Six hundred and seven Write three million, one hundred and six thousand and seventy-four: (a) 3006074 (b)

Mathematics Primary 1 Second Term Lesson Notes

Mathematics Primary 1 – Second Term Weekly Topics: Week 1: Introduction to Numbers 201-210 Counting Forward and Backward Skip Counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s Week 2: Numbers 211-220 Skip Counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s Week 3: Introduction to Shapes: 2D Shapes Identifying Common 2D Shapes in Everyday Objects Week 4: Numbers 221-230 Skip