Subject: Rhyme Topic : Evaluation. Answer the following questions 1) A _____has a tail? a) dog (b) Lion 2) I see the ____? a) water (b) moon 3) Baa, baa, ________? a) red (b) black 4)When l was a______? a) Baby (b) Sister 5) Twinkle, twinkle
Class: K-G2. Subject: Social_Norms. 1) Is it good to flight one another. (a)yes (b)no. 2) Is it good to show love to one another. (a) yes (b)no. 3) Is it good to say sorry when needed. (a)yes (b) no. 4) We must speak the truth always. (a) yes (b) no. 5) Is it good
SUBJECT:: Reading Readiness Class: k g 2 a ____ ____ ____ e f _____ _____ _____ j k _____ _____ _____ o p _____ ______ _____ t u _____ ______ ______ y z. (2) circle letter ( a ) in each sets. 1) g
SUBJECT:: Health-habits. Class: k g 2 1) Is it good to play in the toilet? (a) YES (b) NO 2) Is it good to wash our hands before eating? (a) NO (b) YES 3) Is it good to talk when eating? (a) YES (b) NO 4) Is it
CLASS: Nursery 1 SUBJECT:: Science TOPIC: Five sense organs in the body Home -work Re-write the five sense organs. 1. Eyes _____________ 2. Nose ____________ 3. Ear _________ 4. Tongue ____________ 5. Skin _____________
CLASS: Nursery 1 SUBJECT:: Reading this Readiness TOPIC: Reading and Identification of words starting with letter “G” Home -work Re-write the following words starting with letter “G” 1. G o o d ____________ 2. G o a t _____________ 3. G o _________ 4. G
Class: k g 2 Subject:Reading. Readiness. Topic: Reading of letter a_z and re-arrange the letters to name each objects. Re_arrange the letters to name each objects. a 1) t 🐜 n _____ ant b 2) a 👜 g _______ t 3) a