Tag: Blog

The Cost of Academic Success

Subject: LEADERSHIP STUDIES   WEEK 3 Date:……………………………………. Topic: The Cost of Academic Success The cost of a thing is the price (to be) paid for that thing or the effort needed to obtain that thing. Right from birth there is the inclination to succeed in the heart of every one. Numerous and tireless efforts are

You and the Law  

    Subject : LEADERSHIP STUDIES Term : Second Term Week : Week 1 Class : jss 1, Year 7 Topic : You and the Law Average age : 10, 11 or 12 Référence Book : Behaviour Objectives :  At the end of the lesson. Pupils should be able to   Mention three consequences of


  Subject : Agricultural Science Term : Second Term Week : Week 9 Class : jss 1, Year 7 Topic : Uses of farm animals Average age : 10, 11 or 12 Référence Book : Agricultural Science for JSS 1 by Are Content WEEK 9 TOPIC: USES OF FARM ANIMALS CONTENT: (1) Definition of farm

Breeds of cattle ,sheep goat, pig and rabbit.

    Subject : Agricultural Science Term : Second Term Week : Week 8 Class : jss 1, Year 7 Topic : Forms of Farm animals based on functions on the farm, uses or food supply. Average age : 10, 11 or 12 Référence Book : Agricultural Science for JSS 1 by Are et al.

Why Do Parents Leave Schools

Close substitute at cheaper rate More friendly and warm environment. Another school in the neighborhood that has a more superb or superior quality service. Teacher’s poor attitude towards work. School proprietors becoming semi god. No competent teachers in classrooms Poor teacher’s salary and lack of incentives. Lack of motivation for teachers Poor Pupil’s academic performance.

Renewable Energy

WEEK TEN DATE ……………. TOPIC: RENEWABLE ENERGY Energy is the amount of force or power when applied can move one object from one position to another or Energy defines the capacity of a system to do work. Energy exists in everybody whether they are human beings or animals or non living things for e.g.: Jet,

WhatsApp Hackers Working More Tirelessly. Beware

IMPORTANT INFORMATION This is to inform every members of this platform that, the hackers are now working more tirelessly ever than before and this is the way they hack your number for fraudulent activities. You will be called with a number you’re not familiar with. They will mention a group on WhatsApp where you’re a