First Term


FIRST TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASS: SS 2 SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC 1. Comprehension: Reading for Main Points (i) Structure: Revision on Nominalization of Adjectives and Verbs. (ii) Speech Work: Review of Consonants Followed by /j/ and /u/ Sounds. Summary: Revision of the Features of Summary. 2. (i) Comprehension – Learning about

Features and Format of an Informal Letter

  Subject:  ENGLISH STUDIES Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 10 Class: SS 2 Previous lesson:  The pupils have previous knowledge of SS 2 FIRST TERM REVISION TEST ENGLISH STUDIES BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to Read comprehension passage for main points – 2; Unit 4; Building,pg 66

Plural Forms of Nouns

  Subject:  ENGLISH STUDIES Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 9 Class: SS 2 Previous lesson:  The pupils have previous knowledge of SS 2 FIRST TERM REVISION TEST ENGLISH STUDIES BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to Read comprehension passage for main points – 2; Unit 4; Building,pg 66


  Subject:  ENGLISH STUDIES Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK Class: SS 2 SS 2 ENGLISH LANGUAGE Answer four questions in all; one question from Part A, and question 7,8 and 9. (50 marks)   You are the chief speaker in a debate on the topic:  “Female children are more beneficial than male children to their

Words Associated with Smell,Taste and Colour

  Subject:  ENGLISH STUDIES Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 8 Class: SS 2 Topic:   Previous lesson:  The pupils have previous knowledge of Valedictory Ceremony in My School” BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES : At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to Read comprehension passage for main points – 2; Unit 4; Building,pg 66

(i) Comprehension: Reading to Take Notes; Unit 7; Technology, pg 104 Structure: Adverb – Types (Manner, Place, Time, Frequency, Degree etc.) Summary: Reading to Summarise an Argument

  Subject:  ENGLISH STUDIES Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 7 Class: SS 2 Topic:   Previous lesson:  The pupils have previous knowledge of Valedictory Ceremony in My School” BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES : At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to Read comprehension passage for main points – 2; Unit 4; Building,pg 66

Valedictory Ceremony in My School”

  Subject:  ENGLISH STUDIES Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 6 Class: SS 2 Topic:   Previous lesson:  The pupils have previous knowledge of (Argumentative Essay) “Corruption Should be fought from the top to the bottom” BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES : At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to Read comprehension passage for main

Relative Pronouns Definition, Identification and Functions. Vocabulary Development Words Associated with Building and Construction

  Subject:  ENGLISH STUDIES Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 4 Class: SS 2 Topic: Relative Pronouns Definition, Identification and Functions Previous lesson:  The pupils have previous knowledge of  Noun Phrases: Meaning, Identification and Functions  BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES : At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to Say the meaning of relative pronouns.

Noun Phrases: Meaning, Identification and Functions 

  Subject:  ENGLISH STUDIES Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 3 Class: SS 2 Topic: (i) Comprehension: Reading to Follow Writer’s Ideas; Unit 2: Insurance, pg 33 (ii) Vocabulary Development: Words Associated with Health e.g. diagnosis, contagious etc. (iii) Structure: Noun Phrases: Meaning, Identification and Functions Previous lesson:  The pupils have previous knowledge of  Comprehension –