FIRST TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION CLASS: SS 2 SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC 1. Citizenship Education. 2. Duties and Obligations of Citizens. 3. Promotion of Our Traditions and Customs. 4. National Consciousness, Integrity and Unity. 5. Capitalist Democracy. 6. Political Party. 7. Poverty and Its Effects. 8. Political Apathy. 9. Why Leaders
SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 9 CLASS: SS 2 Topic: WHY LEADERS FAIL TO PROTECT THE INTEREST OF THEIR FOLLOWERS Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of POLITICAL APATHY that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson Behavioural objectives: At the end of the
SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 8 CLASS: SS 2 Topic: POLITICAL APATHY Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of POVERTY AND ITS EFFECTS that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able
SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 7 CLASS: SS 2 Topic: POVERTY AND ITS EFFECTS Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of POLITICAL PARTY that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able
SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 6 CLASS: SS 2 Topic: POLITICAL PARTY Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of CAPITALIST DEMOCRACY that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to 1.
SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 5 CLASS: SS 2 Topic: CAPITALIST DEMOCRACY Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of NATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS, INTEGRITY AND UNITY that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners will be
SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 4 CLASS: SS 2 Topic: NATIONAL CONSCIOUSNESS, INTEGRITY AND UNITY Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of PROMOTION OF OUR TRADITIONS AND CUSTOMS that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson,
SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 3 CLASS: SS 2 Topic: PROMOTION OF OUR TRADITIONS AND CUSTOMS Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF CITIZENS that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson,
SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION Term: FIRST TERM Week: WEEK 2 CLASS: SS 2 Topic: DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF CITIZENS Previous lesson: The pupils have previous knowledge of CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION that was taught as a topic in the previous lesson Behavioural objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners will be
SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS CLASS: SS2 SCHEME OF WORK WEEK TOPIC 1 Revision of Logarithm of Numbers Greater than One and Logarithm of Numbers Less than one; Reciprocal and Accuracy of Results Using Straight Calculation. 2 Approximations; Calculations Using Standard Form; Significant Figures; and Percentage Error. 3 Sequence and Series: Concept of Sequence and Series; Terms