BASIC SCIENCE JSS 2 THIRD TERM Week 12 Topic: Reproduction in Plants Introduction Plant reproduction is the production of new individuals or offspring in plants, which can be accomplished by sexual or asexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction produces offspring by the fusion of gametes, resulting in offspring genetically different from the parent or parents. Asexual reproduction
BASIC SCIENCE Jss 2. Third Term Week 11 Topic: Elements, Compounds and Mixtures Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of Crude Oil and Petrochemicals that was taught in their previous lesson. Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to Define elements, mixtures and compounds Write out the chemical
Subject : Basic Science Class : JSS 2 Term : Third Term Week : Week 9 & 10 Topic: Crude Oil and Petrochemicals Behavioural Objectives : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to Define mineral resources Give examples of mineral resources Explain hydrocarbons Explain fractional distillation Previous Knowledge : The pupils
BASIC SCIENCE JSS 2 THIRD TERM Topic: DRUG ABUSE Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of Energy and Appliances in the Home that was taught in their previous lesson. Behavioural Objectives : At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to Define drug. Say the meaning of drug abuse. Mention methods
BASIC SCIENCE JSS 2 THIRD TERM Subject: BASIC SCIENCE Class: JSS 2 Term: Third Term Week: Week 6 Topic : Energy and Appliances in the Home Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of Force : Contact and Non Contact Force that was taught in their previous lesson.
BASIC SCIENCE JSS 2 THIRD TERM Subject: BASIC SCIENCE Class: JSS 2 Term: Third Term Week: Week 5 Topic : Force : Contact and Non Contact Force Previous Knowledge: The pupils have previous knowledge of Measurements. Fundamental or Basic Units of Measurement of Mass, Time, Capacity or Linear
Subject : Basic Science Class : JSS 2 Term : Third Term Week : Week 4 Basic Science JSS 2 Third Term Scheme of work With Lesson Notes Topic: Measurements Sub-topic: Fundamental or Basic Units of Measurement of Mass, Time, Capacity or Linear Measurement Methods of Teaching Role modelling Questions
Subject: Basic Science Class: Jss 2 WEEK : Week 3 Topic: Reproductive Health Sub-topic: Care and Protection of the Reproductive System Methods of Teaching Role modelling Questions and Answers Explanation Discussion Recitation Imitation Story Telling Dramatization Instructional Materials Wall chats Pictures Newspaper cutouts Safe online video on the subject matter
Subject: Basic Science JSS 2 THIRD TERM Class: JSS 2 Term : Third Term Week : 1 & 2 Topic: Thermal Energy Sub-topic: Transfer of Heat Energy Methods of Teaching Role modelling Questions and Answers Explanation Discussion Recitation Imitation Story Telling Dramatization Instructional Materials Bunsen Burner Electric iron Boiling ring Firewood Previous Knowledge: The pupils
THIRD TERM SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION CLASS: PRIMARY 3 OBJECTIVES 1) is a person or group of persons chosen to carry out a particular role or function on behalf of the people. (a)Messenger (b)Constituted authority (c)King 2) Obas, Emirs and Ezes are examples of (a)Political