NAME: _____________ CLASS: Primary 1 SUBJECT: Islamic Rel. Studies Suratul Fatihat is the _____________ surah in the Quran. (a) third (b) second (c) first Suratul Fatihat is the opening surah for _____________ (a) music (b) salat (c) anger Suratul Fathihat found in chapter ____________of the
Christian Religious Studies Primary 1 First Term Examination NAME: CLASS: Primary 1 SUBJECT: Christian Rel. Studies God is omnipotent means. He is ___________ (a) all powerful (b) all weakness (c) slow God is Omnipresent means. He is _______ (a) all invisible (b) everywhere (c) the creator God is Omniscience means. He is ________ (a)
UNIFIED SCHEMES OF WORK FOR PRIMARY 4- 6 CORE SUBJECTS 1. English 2.Mathematics Basic Science And Technology (BST) (i) Basic Science and Technology (ii) Physical and Health Education (P.H.E) (iii) Information Technology (IT) National Value Education (NVE) (i) Social Studies (ii) Civic Education (iii) Security Education Pre-Vocational Studies (PVS) (i) Agriculture (ii) Home Economics Nigerian
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CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES (CRS) LESSON NOTE PLAN FOR PRIMARY 1 TO PRIMARY 3 Introduction Christian Religious Studies (CRS) is an essential subject that helps young learners develop moral values, spiritual understanding, and knowledge of biblical teachings. This subject nurtures faith, obedience, kindness, and respect for God and humanity. The CRS Lesson Note Plan for
Basic Science and Technology Unified Lagos State Scheme of Work Basic Science and Technology Primary 3 Third Term Basic Science and Technology Primary 3 Second Term Basic Science and Technology Primary 3 First Term Basic Science and Technology Primary 2 Third Term Basic Science and Technology Primary 2 Second Term Basic Science and Technology Primary
Here are some important links to download the new Lagos State scheme of work For Nursery 1, Nursery 2 and kindergarten in pdf format Yoruba Nursery 1 Nursery 2 Kindergarten Social Habits Nursery 1 Nursery 2 Kindergarten Physical Development Nursery 1 Nursery 2 Kindergarten Number Work Nursery 1 Nursery 2 Kindergarten Letter Work Nursery
Civic Education Third Term Nursery 1 Civic Education Civic Education Nursery 2 Third Term Scheme of Work Social Habits Social Habits Third Term Nursery 1 Health Habits Social Habits Third Term Nursery 1 Personal Development Personal Development Nursery 1 Third Term Scheme of
TERM TWO Week 1 & 2 T0pic: Number and numeration 81 – 100 Step up odd and even numbers Writing in words and in figures 11 – 15 Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to count the numbers from 1 – 100, identify all the odd and even numbers between
MATHEMATICS TERM ONE Week 1& 2 Topic: Review numbers 1-40, introduce 41-45 Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to read, write and identify numbers 1-50. Materials: number cards, white-board, beads Activities: The teacher takes the pupils through a rigorous numeration drilling. Evaluation: practical evaluation Week 3&4 Topic: Introduce odd and