Examination Questions Christian Religious Studies SS 1 Second Term




  1. The place we are called to witness is __________
    a) heaven
    b) Africa
    c) Europe
    d) world
  2. The practice of our witness involves all these except _________
    a) good behaviour
    b) righteousness
    c) holiness
    d) killing the pagans
  3. The two worthless sons of Samuel were __________
    a) Joel and Abihu
    b) Joel and Abijah
    c) Nada and Abihu
    d) Gershem and Abijah
  4. The contest on Mount Carmel between Elijah and Baal prophets was organized to __________
    a) envoke rage Baal worship
    b) prove the supremacy of God
    c) show that God answers His prophet by fire
    d) prove the immortality of Elijah
  5. How old was Abraham when God made a covenant with him in the land of Canaan?
    a) 65 years
    b) 90 years
    c) 99 years
    d) 100 years
  6. Which of the following is true about the birth of Jesus? Jesus was_________
    a) conceived after Mary married Joseph
    b) laid in a manger after his birth
    c) born in Nazareth
    d) born when Augustus was governor
  7. “Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego,” Nebuchadnezzar thus acknowledges the
    a) faith and courage of the three Jews
    b) obedience of the three Jewish nation
    c) stubbornness of the Jewish nation
    d) supremacy and greatness of God
  8. The first martyr among the disciples was__________
    a) James
    b) Philip
    c) Peter
    d) Stephen
  9. Jesus said “I am the True vine and my Father is the ___________
    a) branch
    b) vine maker
    c) everlasting vine
    d) vine dresser
  10. When Jesus reached Bethany, He discovered that Lazarus had been in the tomb for ________
    a) three days
    b) four days
    c) six days
    d) eight days
  11. How many disciples went on mission _____________
    a) 10
    b) 12
    c) 4
    d) 5
  12. Eli’s lack of parental responsibility led to all the following except _________
    a) institution of the monarchy in Israel
    b) collapse of Eli’s priestly lineage
    c) decisive defeat of Israel by the Philistines
    d) death of Hophni and Phinehas
    e) capture of the ark of covenant
  13. Who baptized Jesus Christ?
    a) Peter
    b) Paul
    c) John
    d) Judas
  14. During the second coming of the Lord, surviving Christians would______
    a) reign forever on earth with Him
    b) join the happy throng to meet Him in the clouds
    c) occupy a minor position in heaven after those who had previously died
    d) join in fighting against the anti-Christ
  15. God’s promise to Abraham and his descendants that they would inherit the world became a reality through ________
    a) strict observance of the law
    b) the good works of Abraham
    c) the circumcision of Isaac
    d) righteousness of faith
  16. Reuben advised his brothers not to kill Joseph but cast him into a pit because he _________
    a) did not want them to shed the blood of an innocent person
    b) wanted to rescue him afterwards and bring him safely to their father
    c) wanted to bury him alive in a pit
    d) wanted them to sell Joseph to the Israelites
  17. God commanded Abraham to circumcise his male descendants as _____
    a) rule binding all mankind
    b) mark of honour for Abraham
    c) sign of God’s covenant with Abraham
    d) mark of faith
  18. Joseph was sold to the Israelites for ____________ pieces of silver
    a) Forty
    b) Thirty-five
    c) Thirty
    d) Twenty
  19. At the time Deborah became a Judge in Israel, she was a ____
    a) Seer
    b) Prophetess
    c) Prophet
    d) Medium
  20. ____________ was Moses’ father-in-law
    a) Horeb
    b) Jethro
    c) Barak
    d) Sisera
  21. Which of the following was responsible for the misdeed of the sons of Eli:
    a) Their own stupidity
    b) Their father’s lack of parental responsibility
    c) Their lack of religious and moral education
    d) The absence of prophecy in Israel
  22. _____________ is the wife of Moses
    a) Zipporah
    b) Deborah
    c) Lapidoth
    d) Sarah
  23. Abraham lived in ____________ when God called him
    a) Haran
    b) Canaan
    c) Egypt
    d) Shechem
  24. The fact that whatever God said during the process of creation happened as He said indicates that God
    a) loves all that He has made
    b) wanted man to have dominion over all that He had created
    c) had sovereignty over the universe
    d) He wanted the blind to see
  25. Who declared a census in the Roman Empire?
    a) Augustus Caesar
    b) Pharaoh
    c) Pilate
    d) Herod
  26. Who was promised by the Holy Spirit that he would not die until he sees the Holy child?
    a) Peter
    b) Simeon
    c) Ananias
    d) Zachariah
  27. ____________ was the Priest of Midian
    a) Moses
    b) Deborah
    c) Reuel
    d) Joshua
  28. In the creation story, the job of giving names to all living creatures was performed by
    a) God
    b) Adam and Eve
    c) The angels of God
    d) Man
  29. The second account of creation was centered on the creation of ___________
    a) man
    b) the heavens
    c) plants
    d) firmament
  30. The meaning of Moses in the Bible is ______________
    a) He is a good boy
    b) For I drew him out of water
    c) Devil is a liar
    d) He is great
  31. According to Luke’s account, Mary abode with Elizabeth for ____________ month
    a) five
    b) seven
    c) four
    d) three
  32. Adam called Eve woman because she ___________________
    a) was the author of woes
    b) caused the fall of man
    c) was taken out of man
    d) was a weaker vessel
  33. _____________ collected the commandments from the mountain
    a) Lot
    b) Abraham
    c) Moses
    d) Joshua
  34. ____________ killed Sisera
    a) Jude
    b) Jael
    c) Israelites
    d) Philistines
  35. The following are the ways through which God calls people to His service except ________________
    a) dream
    b) vision
    c) prophecy
    d) voodoo
  36. According to John, living water means the water that
    a) springs from Jacob’s well
    b) is running
    c) wells up to eternal life
  37. The good shepherd, as described by St. John, has all the following attributes except
    a) he entered the sheepfold by the door
    b) the gatekeeper opens the gate
    c) he leads the sheep
  38. “Behold the Lamb of God,” Jesus was compared to a lamb in this verse because …
    a) was slain on the cross
    b) loved His sheep and lambs
    c) the Son of God
  39. The living water Jesus offered to the woman of Samaria represents
    a) pure water
    b) word of God
    c) peace of mind
  40. One of the commandments Jesus gave His disciples is to
    a) love one another
    b) worship with one another
    c) pay homage to one another
  41. For God to show His love for the World, He sent …….. to the World
    a) Moses
    b) Jesus
    c) Abraham
  42. Who came to steal, kill and destroy?
    a) Pharaoh
    b) Satan
    c) Jesus
  43. All these are names of Jesus except
    a) bread of life
    b) Light of the World
    c) bread of the world
  44. Who is the true vine?
    a) Lucifer
    b) Jesus
    c) Satan
  45. Man should live by the good example of God by
    a) showing love to his fellow men
    b) killing his fellow men
    c) loving his fellow men more than himself
  46. Jesus called Himself the door. In which book and chapter of the Bible is this found?
    a) Gen 1;2-3
    b) Deut 3;1-4
    c) Gen 2;2-5
    d) none
  47. Love is ……….
    a) good
    b) devil
    c) human
    d) none of the above
  48. Jesus Christ is the son of ……………
    a) God
    b) Father
    c) Angel
    d) none of the above
  49. All Christians are children of ……….
    a) devil
    b) servant
    c) God
    d) pastors


1A. Summarize the story of Elijah to Mount Carmel according to 1st Kings 18:17-46

  • Elijah, a prophet of God, challenged the prophets of Baal to a contest to prove whose god was real. The challenge was to call on their gods to send fire to consume a sacrifice. Despite the prophets of Baal crying out and cutting themselves, no fire came. Elijah then prepared his sacrifice, drenched it with water, and prayed to God. God answered by sending fire that consumed the sacrifice, the wood, and even the water. The people declared the Lord to be the true God, and Elijah had the prophets of Baal executed.

1B. List three lessons learned from the action of Elijah:

  • Faith in God: Elijah trusted in God’s power to prove His supremacy.
  • Courage and boldness: Elijah fearlessly confronted the prophets of Baal, despite their numbers and influence.
  • God’s power is unmatched: God demonstrated His supreme power by answering Elijah’s prayer with fire, showing that He alone is worthy of worship.

2A. Explain how Christians should live among non-Christians according to 1st Peter 2:1-25:

  • Christians are urged to live with humility, love, and integrity. They should abstain from sinful desires and be good examples, submitting to authorities and living in a way that brings glory to God. Their behavior should reflect God’s righteousness and help non-Christians see the truth of the Gospel.

2B. According to Peter’s description of Christians, how should Christians live their life?

  • Christians should live as obedient children, free from sinful desires, and be holy in all their conduct. They are to love one another, practice humility, and submit to the will of God, even in the face of suffering.

3A. Explain the supremacy of God:

  • The supremacy of God means that God is the highest authority, ruling over all creation. He is sovereign, eternal, and His power is unmatched by anyone or anything.

3B. List and explain three lessons learned about the supremacy of God:

  • God is sovereign: He has complete control over the universe and everything in it.
  • God’s power is limitless: No one can challenge His will or authority.
  • God is the final judge: He will hold all people accountable for their actions.
  1. Explain the second coming of Jesus Christ:
  • The second coming of Jesus Christ refers to the future event when Jesus will return to earth in glory. He will judge the living and the dead, and establish God’s Kingdom. It is a time of hope for believers, as they will be reunited with Christ.

4B. What are the signs of the second coming of the Lord?

  • The signs include wars, natural disasters, the spread of the Gospel, and the rise of false prophets. There will also be a period of tribulation and the appearance of the Antichrist.
  1. Give a vivid explanation of the resurrection of Christ:
  • The resurrection of Christ is the event where Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after His crucifixion. This victory over death is central to Christian faith, symbolizing the defeat of sin and the promise of eternal life for believers.

The ark of Noah
