Mastering Synonyms: Enhance Your Vocabulary Skills

Subject: English Grammar
Topic: Synonyms
Reference Book: Mastering English by M.O. Odiaka

Behavioral Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Define synonyms.
  2. Write examples of words with their synonyms.
  3. Identify and provide synonyms for underlined words in sentences.


What is a synonym?
A synonym is a word that has the same or a similar meaning as another word but is different in spelling and pronunciation. Synonyms help to express ideas with variety and precision in language.

Examples of Synonyms:

Word Synonym
Circular Round
Slim Thin
Fat Robust
Abundant Plentiful
Profit Gain
Affection Love
Far Distant
Easy Simple
Famous Well known
Halt Stop
Hard Difficult


Write the synonym of each word below.

  1. Profit
  2. Hind
  3. Active
  4. Purchase
  5. Neat
  6. Weak
  7. Stop
  8. Thin
  9. Distance
  10. New
  11. Ancient
  12. Brave
  13. Error
  14. Present
  15. Fast
  16. Illness
  17. Joyful
  18. Lazy
  19. Strong
  20. Close
  21. Gift
  22. Intelligent
  23. Correct
  24. Huge
  25. Quick
  26. Dangerous
  27. Begin
  28. End
  29. Quiet
  30. Repair


Fill-in-the-Blank Questions 

  1. A synonym for “Profit” is _____.
    a) Loss
    b) Gain
    c) Spend
    d) Expense
  2. The synonym for “Slim” is _____.
    a) Thick
    b) Wide
    c) Thin
    d) Plump
  3. “Affection” can also mean _____.
    a) Love
    b) Hate
    c) Anger
    d) Dislike
  4. “Abundant” has a similar meaning to _____.
    a) Rare
    b) Scarce
    c) Plentiful
    d) Limited
  5. The synonym for “Halt” is _____.
    a) Start
    b) Walk
    c) Stop
    d) Move
  6. “Famous” is another way of saying _____.
    a) Unknown
    b) Unfamiliar
    c) Well-known
    d) Unpopular
  7. “Hard” is similar in meaning to _____.
    a) Simple
    b) Easy
    c) Difficult
    d) Relaxed
  8. A synonym for “Far” is _____.
    a) Close
    b) Near
    c) Distant
    d) Small
  9. “Circular” means the same as _____.
    a) Square
    b) Round
    c) Flat
    d) Tall
  10. The synonym for “Purchase” is _____.
    a) Sell
    b) Buy
    c) Waste
    d) Lose
  11. “Weak” has a similar meaning to _____.
    a) Strong
    b) Powerful
    c) Fragile
    d) Energetic
  12. “New” can also be expressed as _____.
    a) Old
    b) Fresh
    c) Antique
    d) Outdated
  13. A synonym for “Fast” is _____.
    a) Quick
    b) Slow
    c) Calm
    d) Patient
  14. The synonym for “Intelligent” is _____.
    a) Foolish
    b) Smart
    c) Dull
    d) Lazy
  15. “Quiet” is another word for _____.
    a) Noisy
    b) Loud
    c) Calm
    d) Busy

Evaluation Questions 

  1. What is a synonym?
    A synonym is a word that has a similar meaning to another word.
  2. Why are synonyms important?
    Synonyms make writing more interesting and help avoid repetition of words.
  3. How are synonyms used in sentences?
    Synonyms replace words with similar meanings to add variety or clarify the meaning.
  4. Is it possible for one word to have multiple synonyms?
    Yes, many words have multiple synonyms.
  5. Can synonyms be used to change the tone of a sentence?
    Yes, using different synonyms can make a sentence sound formal or informal.
  6. Are all synonyms exactly the same in meaning?
    No, some synonyms have slightly different connotations or intensities.
  7. What is the synonym for “Simple”?
    “Easy” is a synonym for “Simple.”
  8. Is “Difficult” a synonym for “Hard”?
    Yes, “Difficult” and “Hard” can be used interchangeably in many contexts.
  9. Can you give a synonym for “Gain”?
    A synonym for “Gain” is “Profit.”
  10. What does “Well-known” mean in other words?
    “Well-known” is a synonym for “Famous.”
  11. What are examples of synonyms in everyday language?
    Examples include “small” and “tiny,” “big” and “large,” or “happy” and “joyful.”
  12. Is it correct to say “Circular” and “Round” are synonyms?
    Yes, “Circular” and “Round” have similar meanings.
  13. Can a word be both a noun and have a synonym?
    Yes, for example, “Light” as a noun has synonyms like “Brightness” or “Glow.”
  14. Are “Weak” and “Fragile” synonyms?
    Yes, they can both describe something lacking strength.
  15. What is a good synonym for “Purchase”?
    “Buy” is a synonym for “Purchase.”

Additional Evaluation Questions

  1. Define “synonym” in your own words.
  2. Give two examples of synonyms for the word “Happy.”
  3. Choose one word from your environment and write a synonym for it.
  4. Why might an author use synonyms in a story?
  5. What is a synonym for “Distant”?
  6. Which synonym can replace “Fat” in a polite way?
  7. List three synonyms for the word “Good.”
  8. How are synonyms different from antonyms?
  9. Write a sentence using the word “Slim” and replace it with its synonym.
  10. Describe a situation where using synonyms could make your writing clearer.