Farm Animals and their young ones Agricultural Science Primary 1


Class: Basic 1

Subject: Agricultural Science


Topic: Farm Animals and their young ones


Farm animals in general give birth to young ones which look exactly like them. The names given to their young ones are different from the names of adults ones.


Here are a few examples of farm animals and the young ones.

Animal Young Ones Sound
31. African Forest Buffalo Calf Bellowing
32. Nigerian-Cameroon Chimpanzee Infant Pant-hoots
33. African Golden Cat Kitten Mewing
34. African Palm Nut Vulture Chick Screeching
35. African Giant Pouched Rat Pup Squeaking
36. White-throated Guenon Infant High-pitched calls
37. African Pygmy Hedgehog Hoglet Snuffling
38. Red-flanked Duiker Calf Barking
39. African Pied Hornbill Chick Cackling
40. Crested Porcupine Pup Grunting
41. Lesser Spot-nosed Monkey Infant Screeching
42. African Rock Agama Hatchling Rustling of scales
43. Harnessed Bushbuck Kid Barking
44. African Black Crake Chick Squawking
45. Yellow-backed Duiker Calf Barking
46. African Wood Owl Owlet Hooting
47. African Green Pigeon Squab Cooing
48. Olive Colobus Monkey Infant Chattering
49. African Slender-snouted Crocodile Hatchling Hissing
50. Crested Guinea Fowl Chick Cackling

Adult Young


Goat. Kid


Pig piglet


Cow. Calf


Rabbit. Bunny


Dog. Puppy


Horse. Colt


Sheep Lamp


Class work


List five farm animals and their young ones.