Social Studies Examination Primary 4 Third Term Lesson

THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION 2024 CLASS: PRIMARY 4 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME: Answer all questions. __________ is an unplanned and unforeseen incident which usually results in injury to property. List two causes of road accidents. __________ and __________ List two effects of road accidents. __________ and __________ Mention two solutions to road accidents. __________ and

Social Studies Examination Primary 6 Third Term Lesson

THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION 2024 CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME: Answer all questions. __________ refers to the overuse of substance beyond moderation. Give two examples of drugs that can be abused. __________ and __________ State two effects of substance abuse. __________ and __________ List two modes of drug use. __________ and __________ Highlight

English Grammar Examination Primary 6 Third Term Lesson

THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION 2024 CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE NAME: Answer all questions. Section A: Comprehension Passage It was the Christmas holiday, I had gone to bed rather early, because I had been up late at a party the night before and was feeling very tired. I must have been asleep for about

English Grammar Examination Primary 5 Third Term Lesson

THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION 2024 CLASS PRIMARY 5 SUBJECT: ENGLISH STUDIES NAME: Grammar Comprehension, Composition & Literature Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. AIDS is caused by a virus called HIV. It is a virus that makes someone ill and very sick. People who have HIV do not look sick and

Social Studies Primary 5 Third Term Examination 2024

  THIRD TERM PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATION 2024 CLASS PRIMARY 5 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES NAME: Answer the following question by filling the gap The traditional type of olden houses in Northern Nigeria has a wall. The Fulani people traditionally live in a house. The ground floor of a story building is called the floor. Brick houses are

Mid Term Test Home Economics Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Home Economics Lesson Plan Subject: Home Economics Class: Primary 2 Term: First Term Week: 7 Age: 7 years Topic: Mid Term Test and Break Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Review what they have learned in the previous weeks. Demonstrate their understanding through a test.
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