Home Economics for Primary 6

Subject: Home Economics Class: Primary 6 Define home hygiene………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Mention four types of home hygiene …………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………. What is clothing construction?……………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Mention any two key steps involved in clothing construction. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………… List four materials needed for clothing construction. ………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………….. State two types of stitches. ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………… Another

Understanding Civic Education for Primary 5 Students

1. Who is a bad leader? A bad leader is someone who doesn’t listen to others and is selfish, thinking only about themselves. 2. Two characteristics of a bad leader They don’t listen to others, ignoring ideas and feelings. They are selfish, caring only about their own benefits. 3. What is government? Government is a

Primary 5 Verbal Reasoning Questions

Subject: Verbal Reasoning Class: Primary 5 Study the samples and answer the questions that follow: Write out two letters that will end the first word and begin the second one. SAMPLES: i. Male ii. Rush Letter Shop Lu __ __ 2. Fema ___ ___ 3. Ca___ ___ __ __amp ___ ___ tter __ __ ttle

Explore simplified answers to common questions about basic science for Grade 5 students. Learn about soil, plant growth, types of soil, technology, measurement, and more in this easy-to-understand guide.

Answer The Following Questions: What is soil? Mention two types of soil. What is growth? List two conditions that affect plant’s growth. What soil is good for modeling? What soil is good for building bridges and houses? What soil is best for agricultural practice like planting of crops? What is change? Mention two types of

Explore commonly asked questions and answers about English Studies for Primary 5 students. Learn about ICPC, abbreviations, opposites, clauses, tenses, and more in this comprehensive guide.

Name: ………………………………………………………………………..…………… Date: …………………….. Subject: English Studies Class: Primary 5 Read the passage and answer the questions that follow. The Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) was established on 29th September, 2000 by the Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo. The creation of the commission was prompted by widespreadallegations of corruption among government workers

Explore key concepts in cultural and creative art for Primary 5 students, including clay sources, cultural components, music forms, and positive values. Improve understanding with interactive questions and answers

List two sources of clay: Riverbanks: Clay can be found along riverbanks where erosion and sedimentation processes expose clay deposits. Quarries: Clay is also extracted from quarries where it is mined from beneath the earth’s surface. Two uses of clay: Pottery: Clay is commonly used for making pottery such as pots, vases, and ceramic art

SS1 Further Maths Second Term Examination

Part A Objectives A linear inequality has a degree of ____. a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 0 In a linear inequality, the sign ≤ represents ____. a) less than b) greater than c) less than or equal to d) greater than or equal to The solution to a linear inequality is represented on

Understanding Bearings in Mathematics JSS 3 Mathematics

Topic: Understanding Bearings in Mathematics What is a Bearing? A bearing tells us the direction of one place from another using angles 🧭. How to Read a Bearing? Bearings are measured clockwise from north. Examples: North is 0°, east is 90°, south is 180°, and west is 270°. Practice Bearing Directions: If a tree is

Learn About Personal and Family Resources for Savings | Primary 5 Social Studies

Social Studies Primary 5 Second Term Organization: Definition: A structured group of people working together to achieve common goals. Examples: Red Cross Society, Green Earth Initiative. Leader: Definition: A person who guides, inspires, and influences others within an organization or group. Qualities: Integrity, good communication skills. Personal Resources: Definition: Skills, abilities, knowledge, and qualities possessed

Understanding Family Values and Household Essentials | Primary 5 Home Economics

Family Values: Definition: Principles and beliefs that guide behavior and interactions within a family. Importance: Promotes respect, kindness, responsibility, and unity among family members. Examples: Respect, honesty, kindness, responsibility, forgiveness. Personal Resources: Definition: Skills, abilities, knowledge, and qualities possessed by an individual. Importance: Helps in personal development, problem-solving, and achieving goals. Examples: Integrity, perseverance, communication