Staff Policy





Core values:

Brief History About the School:


This policy outlines the basic guidelines as to conducting and the organisation of staff activity. The policy has been drawn up through the involvement of the whole school community and we are committed to developing a work environment conducive for growth, development and comfortable work environment for every staff. It is to help us organise the work environment that will serve as a catalyst for achieving our vision as an organisation.

Staff Qualification

  • Teaching staff are expected to have at least a National Certificate in Education, verified by transcript (additional training is highly desirable). The school prefers a minimum of three-five years’ teaching experience.
  • Instructional support staff members (e.g., guidance counsellors, minders, assistant teachers) are expected to have at least a West African Examination Council. Other support staff members (e.g., nurse, business manager) are expected to have training and experience in their area of assignment.
  • Detailed responsibilities for each staff position are attached with your employment letter.

General Expectations

Staff members need to be competent workers, meeting the needs and fulfilling the goals of the organization in the specific area to which they are assigned. More specifically, they are expected to:

  • Meet the expectations set out in the relevant job description.
  • Comply with the school’s supervision, evaluation and professional development standards.
  • Attend and participate in those staff meetings deemed appropriate by their supervising administrator.
  • Engage in professional growth opportunities, including applicable in-services.
  • Provide feedbacks where necessary without delay.

Teaching staff will also be expected to:

  • Maintain an appropriate and current professional credential.
  • Keep accurate assessment and attendance records, communicating these as required.
  • Keep curriculum up to date.

Promotion of Unity

In a well-structured school such as …, the staff must not promote convictions that might be in conflict with the school mission, vision and core values. Contrary opinion or point of view should be shared to appropriate superiors.

Non-Discrimination Statement

The school provides staff of all race, colour, national and ethnic origin employment hence, does not discriminate on the basis of race, colour, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its employment practices, educational guidelines, admissions policies, tuition assistance programs and athletic and other school-administered activities. All staff must therefore endeavour to be compliant to this.

Staff Letter of Engagement

The management through the administrator will distribute letters of engagement and the staff policy or contract to all staff who are approved to work with the school. Every staff would be issued this letter on or before 3 months of resumption. Important document due for signing and returning should be done as at when due.

Work Assignment

Administrators, in cooperation with the Head of School, will assign staff to their responsibilities and duties. If an administrator determines that a staff member in his/her division should have a different work assignment, the Head of School will be consulted to determine a plan of action. The administrator will then discuss the need for change as well as the plan of action with the staff member. A plan of action will result in one of the following options:

  1. Reassignment to fill another need within the school;
  2. Reassignment to better fit a staff member’s skill set;
  3. Completion of assignment at the end of the school year.
  4. School Management will be informed of the decision. Staff members have the right to expect a fair review and reasonable treatment.
  5. Please note that staffs are not limited to the roles specified in your job description, you are to be engaged at several levels of your competence with assignment that leads to better delivery of services by the school from time to time.

Desire to Disengage Service or Change Primary Responsibility. When staff members desire to change their assignment, they will need to give a rationale for the change to their administrator with the approval of the Head of School. When staff members find it impossible to complete their assignment for a given school year, at least 30 days’ advance notice should be given enable us make arrangement a provision for your replacement. If this is not done, staff would forfeit his/her money being kept in the school cooperate account.

Supervision of Staff

Administrators and all other heads of department are responsible for the supervision of all staff in the school depending on the school structure. All staff are expected to be compliant to supervision.

Professional Development

Staff members will set annual professional goals and be involved in continuing education efforts. Some professional development activities will be planned by the school, and some will be teacher-directed. Specific arrangements would be announced by the administrator on professional development programmes organised by the school and absenteeism is not allowed. At checkpoints within each school year, staff members will report progress on their goals as well as their professional development activities.

We are flexible on plans for development of every staff, once proper communication is done and an arrangement is reached with the administrator, the school would support staff professional development plans.


Work Schedule

Staff availability is solely dependent on the school calendar for the term and must be strictly adhered to. Teachers must be available prior to resumption of students for orientation, training, scheme review and other related trainings. Please note that new staff are expected to attend additional orientation days to properly integrate them into the school system. All staff will attend the staff retreat and orientation sessions.

On school days, full time staff members are expected to be present in school on or before 7am and close at 3:30pm. Staff are expected to remain after school for staff and committee meetings on appropriate days as designed by the school administrator. Part-time staff members are to work in accordance with a schedule established by their supervisor.


Staff members dressing would be an arrangement of the school management and the school administrator. Their attire should maintain high standards of neatness cleanliness and modesty. Clothing items such as jeans, shorts, military fatigues, and scrubs are not appropriate professional. An exception to this is that on Fridays staff members may wear jeans if they wish, as long as the rest of their attire meets other guidelines.

Certain positions and activities may involve different dress requirement. These can include teachers of P.E., Art, Practical Arts, Facilities Department positions and Health Office staff. Administrator may allow relaxed or alternate dress guidelines for special days and events. For all exceptions, the individual(s) concerned will work with their school administrators to determine appropriate attire. The administrator will be responsible for implementing and interpreting this policy within their division.

Staff Events

Each year the HR office will publish a list of staff events. This will indicate which events have required attendance and which are optional. Also, the responsibility of making the event successful are solely staff responsibility. Committees would be appointed to spare head planning and they would be supported by the entire staff members

Staff Conduct

The nature and mission of the school requires that staff members and students relate to others on a basis of trust. These relationships call for mutual respect, integrity and sensitivity towards others in the spirit of love. Students are significantly influenced by the lifestyle modelled before them both in and outside the school day. Therefore, staff members will commit themselves to positively and fervently promoting the cause of proper behaviour and professional conduct.

The school will maintain strict guidelines for its staff members and students in order to reduce the risk of injury and abuse. As a multicultural school, it is recognized that there are many areas of social conduct which are viewed differently because of diverse backgrounds, we strongly do not condone the use of alcoholic beverages, tobacco or controlled substances (except as prescribed by a physician and prior evidence should be submitted to school management before use).

Staff members will refrain from discrediting the ability or conduct of other staff members, and they will seek to support one another in all issues. They will keep matters regarding students’ progress and conduct confidential. In teacher-to-teacher and teacher-to-parent discussions, they will share only as is needed to seek or give guidance.

Improper behaviour must be reported to a supervising administrator who will follow the appropriate school policy on child discipline.


The school is committed to providing a work, learning, and growth environment in which all employed staff members, students and staff are treated fairly and with respect, and are free from harassment and intimidation.

Complaints, Grievances and Whistle-Blowing

Staff members have the right to use the school’s procedure to address decisions and actions that cause them concern.

Concerns Regarding Staff Conduct

Whenever there is concern regarding a staff member’s conduct, this must be reported to the supervising administrator who will investigate as soon as possible. The administrator will document in writing all information gathered, and take notes in all interviews and meetings. Serious matters will be referred to the Head of School immediately.

Staff members will be given opportunity and time to respond to the findings of an investigation and he/she may bring a representative to any meetings with school officials. When a staff member’s conduct be reviewed while on home assignment, he/she will be contacted personally. He/she may appeal to the Head of school to return to the school to explain the circumstances in a face-to-face meeting.

During an investigation, the Head of School may temporarily or permanently remove a staff member from a work assignment and place him/her under the direct jurisdiction of school leadership. The HOS may also temporarily or permanently re-assign a staff member within the school. Should an investigation confirm a concern about conduct, the staff member will be given a growth plan and be granted time to respond. However, dismissal may be the only option available, if the school cannot find a situation for the staff member that guarantees the welfare of students. In all cases, the process will be documented; appropriate school procedures will be followed; and all steps will be reviewed by the HOS, the supervising administrator and the Board of Trustee as necessary.

In cases of dismissal, a final appeal may be made to the BOT Executive Committee which will review the documentation and the school’s final recommendation. The staff member may also request a hearing with the committee. The HOS or the Executive Committee will notify the staff member in writing and in person of the final decision. Further appeal is possible through presentation to the full BOT.

Staff Relationship to the Board of Trustees

When staff members need to communicate to the BOT, they will do this through the HOS, preferably in writing.

Outside Commitments

All staff members have been seconded to the school for the academic year, except during vacation periods. Staff members are encouraged to avoid heavy third party commitments outside of their duties at the school that would hinder their effectiveness in the school.


In preserving the primary role of staff to be of service to students, an administrator may approve no more than a total of 3 days of absence per year for a staff member, one per term. A 72 hours’ notice must be given to the school for approval before a staff can be absent. Non-adherence would result in a #5,000 deduction from your pay.


When it is necessary to be absent during the working day due to an illness or an emergency, staff members should notify the supervising administer as soon as possible. In the case of being sick, staff members should call or ask a trusted third party to call in the case where the staff cannot call. At resumption, a detailed doctor’s report from a reputable hospital would be submitted to the school for review. Staff members must speak directly with their supervising administrator regarding emergency leave for other reasons (e.g., immigration, a family need overseas).

Personal Days

Staff members may take up to three personal days during the course of a school year. These may be in either single or half-day increments. They may not be taken within one week of any quarter break, or within three weeks of the beginning or end of the school year, or on an in-service day. Requests for these days are to be directed to the supervising administrator at least one week in advance. An administrator may grant up to two staff members’ requests for a given date. Those who have served in this school longer than ten years will be granted an additional personal day, for a total of four days in a school year. Part-time staff members are not allotted personal days.

Maternity Leave

Maternity leave will be five months around the birth of their child, determined by the couple and communicated with the administrator.

Work Related Absences

Staff members may request time away from work responsibilities due to student trips and professional development opportunities as approved by the school.

Other Absences

Requests for short-term leaves of absence (e.g., for a family wedding) must be submitted to the supervising administrator, and school leadership must be informed. Staff members may also request time away for professional development opportunities and school trips. In either case, a detailed rationale must be given. Administrators must consider the impact of any days already missed for illness and emergencies. They must also consider the impact of when the leave will take place (e.g., during parent-teacher responsibility and student-teacher responsibility and the teaching target to be met). Staff members must have the approval from their supervising administrator before finalizing plans for short-term leaves. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the HOS.


The school publishes a calendar of the academic year that designates school days, work days, in-services, holidays, other breaks and major events. Each academic division also publishes calendars with important dates for teachers (e.g., when grades are due).

Staff Meetings

Once a week there will be a mandatory staff meeting after school. School Administrator will inform their staff each week of the location and topic.

Memo Boxes and Email

Memo boxes and school email accounts are to be checked each day, preferably in the morning and afternoon. Replies to emails should be made within 24 hours.

Business Office

Most school financial matters are handled through the Administrative Office, request and inquiry should be directed to that office. Services are available from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00p.m.

Student Regulations

Rules and other policies for students–including the dress code–may be found in the handbook for each division. It is the duty of every teacher to oversee and respond to student behaviour during the school day and at school events. Staff should set an example by acting consistently with student rules and policies.

Controversial Issues

Staff members should respect the views of colleagues, students and parents. They should also help students build respect and an understanding of opinions that differ from their own. Staff members should make every effort to follow the principles of the school unity

Health Services

Whenever a student needs even minor medical attention, he/she should be sent to the Health Office. The student needs a pass signed by the nurse to return to class. If there is a health emergency in class, send a runner to the Health Office to ask for assistance.



Child Safety

The safety of every child in your class is your primary responsibility hence, you bear the liability incurred for any incidence caused by your carelessness or lack of proper supervision. You are to ensure that the children are well managed and are not left unattended to.

Supervision Duties

All elementary staff share in supervising the playground before school, during lunch and recess. A rotation schedule will be distributed each quarter. Also, staff members are assigned for pickup of students daily, Staff should be on duty on or before 7:00am for morning duty. If a teacher must be absent for a designated duty, he/she should make arrangements for coverage.

Special Secretarial Requests

When teachers need a special project done, which is not normally part of a secretary’s regular workload, this must be cleared with the administrator.

Classroom Decoration

Teachers are responsible for ensuring that their classroom are well decorated and learning friendly. School provides you with materials needed amd we do everything to ensure that these materials are well used to decorate our classroom.

Supplies and Classroom Materials

Supplies may be requested from the administrator. Basic student supplies are provided by the school and shared as a common resource in each classroom. Teachers make requisition as at when due to ensure that learning hitches are well taken care of. Classroom libraries are provided and updated by the school.

Teaching Materials

The school endeavours to provide sufficient and appropriate resources for the instructional program. Please return all items, and make sure they are placed in the correct area when you have finished with them. When the need arises, refer to the administrative office to request for materials needed

Progress Reporting

Students in grades K-5 are evaluated in relation to their progress against grade level standards. Timely communication with school management regarding student progress is encouraged. Teachers should communicate with parents at the midpoint of any quarter if a child is significantly performing below average work in any subject. Report cards will be released at the end of each semester.

Coaching & Advising

Principal approval is required for an elementary teacher to take on the additional school responsibilities of coaching or supervising in a Middle School or High School extracurricular activity. Teaching performance and responsibilities must never be compromised by taking on such roles. Elementary staff will not be released from teaching to participate in MSD or HSD events.

Parental Visits

The school recognizes the value of having parents visit their child’s classroom. Arrangements for visits must be made in advance with the teacher. Parents are not allowed into the classroom in the case of an unapproved visit. Teachers should clear from school management as to whether a parent has being cleared or not.

Classroom Management and Discipline

Teachers are expected to maintain good classroom control. Teachers may impose penalties such as keeping a student after school or assigning detention. A teacher must have a written management plan that aligns with the school’s general classroom management policy. This must be submitted to the principal at the beginning of each year and be clearly communicated to students and parents. If a teacher finds it necessary to remove a student from the room for disciplinary reasons, he/she should be sent with a note to disciplinary teacher or administrator. Discretion will be used before returning the student to the same class that day. A student may be told to sit outside the classroom, but it should be no longer than 10 minutes before the teacher talks to the student. In cases where the teacher feels that higher disciplinary measures should be taken, he should do this with the consent and approval of the school administrator or head of school.

Student Concerns

If you are having any difficulty with a student’s academic, social, and emotional concerns, it is very important to discuss this with the school Guidance Counsellor. For discipline or behavioural issues, please see the counsellor.

Leaving the Classroom

Only one student at a time should be allowed to leave the classroom to go to the lavatory, lockers, Health Office, etc. Please provide an object as a hall pass that students may request from you. If you should need to leave class during a period, put a student in charge and make the absence as brief as possible. In emergency situations, alert a neighbouring teacher and inform the office as soon as possible.

Teachers holding class outside the classroom or moving their class from one location to another should ensure that other classes are not disrupted.

Compensation and Assistance

In compliance to the Labour Act of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, the school management can only approve the financial assistance of one month salary ahead of pay. Staff who would get this approval must:

  1. Provide a written application 2 weeks ahead the intended date of the need of fund
  2. Sign the necessary agreement with the school as regards termination of work in the event that salary has being released and you want to disengage service rendered.

Staff-Parent Relationship

We seek to create a very professional environment, where effectiveness is the top priority of every staff. To this effect, the following are the guide to relating with parents:

  1. No staff is allowed to handle after school lesson for any child in the school. Peradventure you were taking a child before joining the school, it should be declared so it can be properly managed by the school.
  2. You are not to discuss with parent on sensitive information about the school, information that should be disseminated from staff to parents are the ones approved by the school.
  3. Staff members are not allowed to communicate directly with parents excepted in cases approved. Any concerns and observation should be channelled to the school management for proper handling.
  4. Collecting of gifts from parent are only allowed on days approved by the school e.g. teacher’s appreciation day, open day, consultation day etc. and any gift collected must be made public to the school management for proper record keeping.

Staff-Staff Relationship

We are models to the students of the school, hence the following are guides to how staff members should relate:

  1. On no condition should staff be caught fighting or verbally abusing each other.
  2. Staff should treat each other with mutual respect no matter the position on the school organogram and follow the school’s structure when it comes to chain of command.
  3. We frown strongly at sexually harassing the opposite sex, no matter the situation at hand.
  4. Staff member should keep the relationship with each other strictly professional, hence any other forms of relating should be subject to the school relationship policy.
  5. There are rest rooms designated to different sex of staff, no staff is expected to use the rest room of an opposite sex.

Staff-Student Relationship

Relating with students should be done professionally, hence the following are rules to relating with students;

  1. On no condition should a staff make statements that affects the self-esteem and self-image of a child. Staff should maintain positive affirmations in communication to any child.
  2. All students must be treated with respect.
  3. No student should be found in obscure corners with teachers in the school.
  4. Relating with students who are same sex or opposite sex should not be done privately, at best, it should be done in the company of a supervising staff.
  5. Teachers are prohibited from sending students on personal errands.

All staff are expected to read this policy handbook before signing.

I _____________________________________ have read through and understand every aspect of this policy do sign in agreement.

Date: __________________________ Sign: _______________________________