- Yours is to command, —————- is to obey (a) theirs (b) there’s (c) their (d) their’s
- The government has a special programme for ————- (a) the poor (b) a poor (c) the poors (d) poor.
- I need ————– butter for my bread (a) the (b) some (c) a (d) one.
- If it rains, the pitch ————- too slippery for the players (a) was becoming (b) becomes (c) became (d) will become.
- I’m sure the book is ————- (a) her’s (b) hers (c) hers’ (d)
- BY the time —————— again tomorrow, we will have finished the assignment. (a) meet (b) meeting (c) meets (d) met.
- Do you think you can enjoy ———– without smoking? (a) youself (b) yourself (c) yourselves (d) ourself.
- The teacher has given us ——————- to do at home (a) a work (b) some work (c) work (d) many work.
- ————- food is this? (a) which (b) whose (c) how (d) who.
- The man was attacked by a ————- of bees (a) pack (b) swarm (c) group (d) gang.
- I —————— the job well (a) do (b) done (c) did (d) doing.
- She is ———— to the market today (a) go (b) going (c) gone (d) went.
- Ade and Shalewa are selfish. They care only about ————- (a) theirselves (b) themselves (c) ourselves (d) each other.
- Shile and I went to the market (a) I (b) me (c) me (d) min.
- It was ——whom we gave the phone. (a) Her (b) she (c) herself (d) hers.
- It was ————– ordered for pizza with chicory (a) he (b) him (c) himself (d) his
- The men helped Abubakar and ————– (a) I (b) me (c) my (d) myself.
- The woman ———- (a) speak (b) speaks (c) speaking (d) speaked.
- The two boys ————- to school every day (a) treks (b) trek (c) trekking (d) has trekked.
- This is the pencil ———- got missing a while ago (a) who (b) whose (c) which (d) whom
Science and technology have assisted the world in many ways through wonderful ——-21—– ((a) inventions (b) interventions (c) intentions (d) creations) Virtually every nook and cranny of the world has felt the ——22——- ((a) Impact b) feelings (c) impart (d) actions) of science and technology. For instance, in the hospital, the —23———— ((a) technical (b) Clinical (c) mechanical (d) Mercury) thermometer can be used to measure the —-24————- ((a) coldness (b) Hotness (c) temperature (d) warmth) of the body. Doctors use a ——-25—– ((a) stetoscope b. stethoscope (c) stietoscope (d) Microscope) to listen to heartbeats. In the Laboratory, scientist use the —–26——— (a) telescope (b) microscope (c) tinoscope (d) binoculars) to see tiny objects while ———27——– (a) tools (b) Machines (c) apparatus (d) apparatus) such as beakers, funnels, tripods stands and burners are used to perform ——–28— ((a) experiments (b) cook food quickly using ——29——— ((a) Microscope (b) macrowave (c) teleware (d) Microwave) ovens and the use of the gas cookers with electric ——-30— ((a) recognition b. ignision (c) ignition (d) matchbox) Produces a flame, thereby saving the time, money and the energy expended on matches.
SECTION B: comprehension passage
Read the passage carefully can answer the questions that follow:
Title: Family Planning
A country’s human population can grow beyond available resources such as food, water and shelter. This leads to problems such as overcrowding and starvation.
Many countries have found it essential to regulate their national populations so that they can cater for. Catering for a human population does not involve only food and shelter but many other requirements such as education, medical services, employment and transportation.
A country regulates its population through family planning. Family planning means that parent voluntarily limit their children to the number they want.
An average girl is capable of becoming a mother the age of about fifteen (15), and may continue bearing children at the rate of one in two years, and all of them remain alive, she may have a total number of fifteen (15) children. If most of them women in a particular generation did this, the country’s population would explode.
Today, educated parents voluntarily limit the size of their families because they know that some people argue, especially on religious ground, that family planning is wrong because it often involves the termination of the life a baby. But in fact, there are several family planning methods and the emphasis in family planning is on the prevention of conception, rather than the termination of life. One can therefore choose a method of birth control that agrees with one’s religious beliefs.
- What are the consequences of overpopulation according to the passage?
- What does a country have to do in order to cater for its population?
- Why is it important to regulate national populations?
- What is family planning?
- From the explanation given in paragraphs 4, how many children will a woman bear if she gives birth every two year between the ages of 14 and 45?
- Which word in paragraph 4 means ‘to increase suddenly in an uncontrolled way’?
- Which other word(s) can you use to replace birth control in the passage?
INSTRUCTION; find the phrase or word that can replace the following underlined words in the passage;
- Overcrowding
- Starvation
- Termination
- Write a letter to your friend in another school informing him/her about the latest development in your school.
- Write an essay on the dangers of drug abuse to the Nigerian youths.
- Write on the topic ‘internet has done more harm than good to youth and teenagers’. As a speaker in a debate, you are to write for or against the motion.
INSTRUCTION; Answer all questions
Define prepositions
- Give three examples of prepositions
- Define conjunctions
- State two types of conjunction with two examples each.
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