

JS 2 (BASIC 8)




  1. Revision of Last Term’s work
  2. Cultism: (a) Meaning of cultism. (b) Causes of cultism – (i) home background (ii) peer group influence (iii) exposure to foreign values (iv) proliferation of arms (v) drug/substance abuse (vi) poor leadership, and (vii) injustice/marginalization. (c) Consequences of cultism – (i) violence, (ii) breakdown of social values, (iii) criminal tendencies, and (iv) moral decadence. (d) Solutions to cultism.
  3. Science and Technology in Development: (a) Meaning of Science and Technology. (b) The importance of Science and Technology.
  4. Modern Science and Technology and Societal Development: (a) Types of traditional science and technology e.g. pottery, ties, and dye. (b) Some traditional Science and technologies influenced by modernization – traditional musical instruments, means of water transportation as canoes, etc. (c) Influence of science and technology (modern and traditional), on societal development – Agriculture, construction, transportation.
  5. Common Hair Styles: (a) Common hair styles for women and men in the locality (Hausa, Igbo, Yoruba, Fulani hair styles). (b) Present day hairstyles for male and female e.g. skin-cut and low-cut for males, fixing of hair, Bob Marley for females.
  6. Adornments: (a) Meaning of adornments – those cultural items used by people to beautify themselves. (b) Adornments commonly used in Nigerian communities (beads, chains, rings, etc).[mediator_tech]
  7. Religion: (a) The meaning of religion as beliefs about the existence of God and Human behaviour. (b) The names we call God in different communities in Nigeria. (Allah, Chukwu, Ohomorihi, Olorun, Oghene, Osanobua, Abasi). (c) Types of religion – Christianity, Islam, African Traditional Religion. (d) Things our religions teach us – honesty, faith in God, love for another, holiness, patience, tolerance. (e) Similarities in our religions, e.g. one God, regulate human behaviour, agent of social orientation, peace co-existence, etc.
  8. Our School: (a) Meaning of school e.g. a place where people learn. (b) Description of a school e.g. it contains teachers, students, other workers, buildings and sport field- technique and learning, there are channels of communication, rules and regulations etc.
  9. Members of the School Community: (a)Members of school community e.g. head teachers, teachers, children, cleaners, etc. (b) Duties of school community members- obedience, respect for leaders, loyalty, cooperation, discipline, honesty, responsibility, etc. (c)Ways of encouraging members of the school community to perform their duties more effectively e.g. service, appreciation, rewards, etc.

10.Accidents in the School: (a) Types of accidents in the school – cuts, burns, electrical shocks, falls, bruises, sprains, etc. (b) Preventing and Taking care of accidents in the school – (i) How to prevent accidents in the school. (ii) Remove all dangerous things from the ground. (iii) Do not play with dangerous instruments (iv) Avoid exposed (live) electricity cable/wire. (v) In case of accidents – Report to parents/ elderly persons/ teachers, give a first aid care, take victims to nearby hospitals/clinic, remove what has caused the accidents.

  1. Revision.
  2. Examination.


TOPIC: Revision of Last Term’s Work

CONTENT: This week should be used to revise all the works done in the

first term. This revision should be brief.



TOPIC: Cultism


(a) Meaning of cultism.

(b)Causes of cultism

Sub-Topic 1: Meaning of Cultism

A cult is small group of people who have extreme belief and ideas which only members have access to. Cultism can therefore be defined as a ritual practice by a group of people whose membership, initiation, policy, activities etc. are done secretly.

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Cultist in operation in campus Renounced cultist members

Causes of Cultism

Many reasons are responsible for joining cults in Nigeria today the following are some of the causes of cultism in Nigeria today.

  1. Home Background: The way a person is brought up sometimes affects the kind of person he or she grows up to become. A child who grows up in a home where the parents belong to one cult or the other is bound to become a cultist later in his or her life.
  2. Peer Group Influence: “Show me your friend and l will tell you who you are”. This adage has proved itself beyond all doubts, people who make friends with cultist end up becoming cultist themselves.
  3. Exposure To Foreign Values: The types of films and books a person has access to can influence the persons way of life. The mass media through films have contributed immensely to the development of secret cult activities in Nigeria.
  4. Proliferation Of Arms In The Society: As more alms find their way illegally into the streets, guns, battle axes, etc are easy to get. The youths who are not matured enough to know the implication of indiscriminate use of alms are now in possession of such arms. The urge to experiment with these arms is there and a cult is the best avenue through which such arms can be used.
  5. Poor Leadership: The decline in the educational sector due to poor leadership has created an atmosphere of lawlessness unrest in our schools. The lawlessness can lead to formation of cults in our schools.
  6. Injustice/Marginalization: Injustice marginalization spur cult activities. Presently, wealth, jobs development etc are unevenly distributed in Nigeria. This has motivated young people to form cult through which they can fight injustice and marginalization in the society.
  7. Need For respect: The desire for respect and recognition that are accorded to known members of campus street cults


  1. What is cultism?
  2. List and explain three causes of cultism

Sub-Topic 2: Consequences Of Cultism

  1. Violence: This is one of the major effects of cultism in our society. Members of cult carry our various violent activities in school where they are. They indulge activities like torture, killing, maiming, kidnapping, robbery; they unleash terror on campus, secondary schools and even in towns where they operate.
  2. Breakdown Of Social Values: Societal norms and accepted values are thrown away as a result of cult activities in places where they thrive. Social values such as respect for life, self discipline, respect for the law etc. are abandoned by cultist who takes the law into their hands whenever they are operating.
  3. Criminal Tendencies: It has been observed that members of cults have criminal behaviours like raping unsuspecting girls on campus, threatening teachers and lectures for high grades, part taking in armed robbery, being used as political thugs and assassins etc. they are bound to be criminal minded.
  4. Moral Decadence: The increasing number of people who are cultist in the society has lead to a sharp fall in moral standards.
  5. It Leads To The Abuse Of Illegal Drugs: All cult members use hard drugs, this help them to carry out their violent activities.

Solutions To Cultism

  1. Undertaking: Both parents and the students should sign an undertaking in which students should promise not to join secret cult.
  2. Security: There should be a strong and effective security machinery to enforce anti cultism law in Nigeria.
  3. Strict Penalty: Any student caught belonging to a secret cult should be treated as a murderer.
  4. Adequate Funding of the University will prevent cultism
  5. Justice: University Administrators and lecturers should be fair and just to all students.[mediator_tech]


  1. Outline three consequences of cultism
  2. Give two solution to the problem of cultism

READING ASSIGNMENT: – Read chapter 4 ofSolakat Social studies for Junior Secondary School Volume two by A. OluwasolaOyewole pages 15-17



  1. ……….. a ritual practice by a group of people whose membership, initiation, policy, activities etc. are done secretly.
  2. Night guide b. Nurse c. Cult
  3. One of the following is not a cause for cultism.
  4. Home background b. Violent c. Poor leadership
  5. Exposure to foreign values can cause cultism True or False
  6. Since most cultists do not have time to study and do not want to fail they indulge in ……….
  7. Violence b. cultism c. examination malpractice
  8. Rich influential people who fund cults in schools should be punished. True or False.


  1. Define cultism
  2. Give four causes of cultism
  3. Mention four consequences of cultism.
  4. Give four solutions to the problem of cultism in Nigeria.


Date ……………..

TOPIC: Science And Technology In Development


(a) Meaning of Science and Technology.

(b) The importance of science and technology.

Meaning of Science

Science is an organized body of knowledge which depends on theory. It can also be defined as the systematic study of facts through observation, experimentation and analysis then come to conclusion.

Meaning ofTechnology

Technology is the application of scientific knowledge in the creation of things and solving of man’s problem in his environment. Technology can also be defined as the use of hand and brain to create things to solve man’s problem. Technology has helps man improve his life in all aspect e.g. in areas of transport, medicine, shelter, foods, clothing etc.


Shanghai Science And Technology Museum

The Importance Of Science And Technology

The importance of science and technology to man cannot be overemphasized. The following are some of the importance of science and technology to man and the society at large.

  1. Improved Health Care: The knowledge of science and technology have led to the manufacture of different drugs, hospital equipment and the training of medical personnel who work in hospitals.
  2. It Led To Improved Transportation: The developments of science and technology have resulted in the improvement of transportation network as well as the different means of transport. Good roads, railways line, airports etc now link different parts of the world.
  3. Improved Communication Network: Science and technology have improved the process of communication tremendously. The world is now a global village because of the speed and ease with which information can be passed.
  4. Improved Agricultural Practices and Food Production: Science and technology have led to improved agricultural practice which in turn has brought about increased food production and preservation techniques.
  5. Advancement Of The Entertainment Industry: Science and technology has brought about a great improvement in the entertainment industry. Better equipment for production of music and films are now available.


  1. What is science?
  2. Define technology.
  3. Mention four importance of science and technology.[mediator_tech]

READING ASSIGNMENT: – Read chapter 15 of Solakat Social studies for Junior Secondary School Volume two by A. Oluwasola Oyewole pages 55-60



  1. …….. is the systematic study of facts through observation.
  2. Technology b. Communication c. Science
  3. ……… can be defined as the use of brain to create things to solve man’s problem.
  4. Technology b. Communication c. Science
  5. Better equipment for production of …….. and……… are now available in entertainment industry. a. Food and water b. Telephone and computer c. Music and films.
  6. Science and technology have led to improved ………..practice which in turn has brought about increased food production and preservation techniques. a. Educational b. Communication c. Agricultural
  7. The world is now a global village because of the speed and ease with which information can be passed. True or False


  1. What is science?
  2. Define technology.
  3. Mention four importance of science and technology.


Date …………..

TOPIC: Modern Science And Technology And Societal Development


(a) Types of traditional science and technology

(b) Some traditional science and technologies influenced by modernization

(c) Influence of science and technology (modern and traditional)

on societal development.

(d) Disadvantage of Science and Technology

Types Of Traditional Science And Technology

From ancient times man has been experimenting a lot of things that affect him in the society. He has been trying to find solutions his problems. Some of the most striking aspects of traditional science and technology in Nigeria are as follows:

  1. Traditional Medicine: Ancient people were able to identify herbs, free barks, roots etc that cured so many diseases. They also had means of putting broken bones together.
  2. Black-smiting: They were able to produce farm implements, hunting and weapons of warfare with iron and stone.
  3. Art works: Traditional science and technology produced different bronze casting works, carving of wood and Ivory as well as the making of beads and glass.
  4. Food Preservation: Traditional science and technology had ways of preservation by smoking, salting and boiling.
  5. Pottery Making: They produce a wide variety of beautiful pot, Jars, Vesseletc. from clay.
  6. Clothing Dyeing: They had a way of dying clothes with the help of local dyes e.g. from can wood dye.
  7. Soap Making: They produced their soap from palm oil, plantain stem and some other additives.

Some Traditional Science And Technologies Influence By Modernization

  1. Musical Instrument: Apart from the introduction of modern musical instruments such as guitar, piano, etc, traditional instruments have been modernized and modern gadgets such as microphone, loudspeaker are used to aid their efficiency.

C:\Users\DLHS\Desktop\images.jpgMusical instruments used by the Yoruba

  1. Transportation: Trekking, use of beast of burden are no longer fashionable as modern form of transportation has taken over.
  2. Cooking Utensils: Traditional utensils such as clay pot, grinding stone, etc have been replaced by modern one.
  3. Herbal Medicine: This is now being packaged in a modern way with prescribed dosage.


  1. State four types of traditional science and technology.
  2. Mention some ways by which some traditional science and technology had being influenced by modernization.

Influence Of Science And Technology(Modern and Traditional) On Societal Development

  1. Agriculture: Agricultural practices have been greatly influence by modern science and technology. The use of traditional farming implement like hoes, cutlass, diggers, go-to-hell etc. have been replaced by modern farming equipment like tractors, harvesters etc. High yielding seeds have been developed to boost production.
  2. Construction: The former use of mud, wood and thatched roofs for house construction has been replaced by modern building equipment like concrete blocks, iron rods, corrugated roofing sheets etc.
  3. Transportation: Modern science and technology has influenced transportation greatly. We now have faster and more comfortable means of transportation. Planes, motor vehicles and ships have replaced the
  4. Medicine: Modern science and technology has influenced medical practice in a lot of ways. Better drugs hospital equipment have been developed.
  5. Security: Security of lives and properties is greatly being enhanced by science and technology. Security officers now use bullet proof. Fire fighters equipment is used to fight fire outbreaks and Close Circuit Television (CCTV) is used for the detection of crimes within organizations.

Disadvantage Of Science And Technology

The following are some of the bad side effects of modern science and technology:

  1. It has led to the destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere. This is due to emission of bad gases.
  2. Modern science and technology has increased crime rate. The current use of sophisticated weapons has made it easier to commit crime.
  3. It has resulted in the pollution of the environment (land, air and water).
  4. Lives and properties are destroyed through involvement in various types of accidents.
  5. It has made it easy for man to deplete the natural resources in the environment.


  1. State three ways through which modern science and technology has influenced societal development.
  2. Mention some disadvantages of modern science and technology.[mediator_tech]

READING ASSIGNMENT: – Read chapter 15 ofSolakat Social studies for Junior Secondary School Volume two by A. OluwasolaOyewole pages 55-60




  1. The musical instruments above are used for music by ……… people.
  2. Edo b. Yoruba c. Lgbo
  3. The most modern means of communication is ……… a. e-mail b. satellite c. telex
  4. From ancient times man has been experimenting a lot of things that affect him in the society. True or False
  5. One of the following is not the types of traditional science and technology. a. Black-smitingb. Pottery Making c. Computer
  6. Some traditional science And technologies influence by modernization include the following except one. a. Cooking utensils b. Environment pollution c. Herbal medicine


  1. State four types of traditional science and technology.
  2. Mention some ways by which some traditional science and technology had being influenced by modernization.
  3. State three ways through which modern science and technology has influenced societal development.
  4. Mention some disadvantages of modern science and technology.


Date …………..

TOPIC: Common Hair Styles:


(a) Common hair styles for women and men in their locality

(b) Present day hairstyles for male and female

Meaning Of Hairstyle

The hairstyle is the way people beautify their hair, in the African culture hair beautification is very important. Both men and women beautify their hair in order to look good and attractive. In Nigeria hair styles can be grouped into four.

  1. Cutting or barbing.
  2. Weaving or braiding.
  3. Plaiting with thread.
  4. Perm or jerry curls.

Common Hair Styles For Women In Their Locality

Cutting Or Barbing

Some females still barb their hair, though hair barbing is common only among some little girls of school age. This is not saying that some adult females don’t cut their hair, a few still do. e.g. Afro, Punk, Low cut, Anita Baker, Go to school etc.

Weaving Or Braiding

This is one of the most common hair styles for women and girls. It is currently in vogue in Nigeria. Both young and old females see this hairstyle as fashionable. It lasts long after making it and it is easy to maintain. Weaving or braid can be patterned into various styles like All back, Dada or Dreadlocks, Braids, Shuku, Clapping, Monkey Tailing, Bob Marley, Twisting etc.

Plaiting With Thread

This hairstyle is common among females in the eastern and southern parts of the country. It is sometimes referred to as “Amaka”. Black cotton thread it tied or wound round the hair from root to the tip after it has be cut into various patterns. Styles done with thread or rubber strings include Go to school, Amaka, parking etc. This hair style is gradually fading off the hair do styles because modern women prefer other hair styles.

Perm Or Jerry Curls

This hair style was introduced to Nigerian women by Europeans. Perm is done with perm creams like relaxes or blow out creams, while Jerry curls is done with Jerry curls creams.

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  1. What is hair style?
  2. Mention the four group of Nigeria’s hair styles
  3. List and explain briefly the common hairstyle for Nigeria women

Common Hair Styles For Men In Their Locality

Cutting or Barbing

This is the most common hair style done by men in Nigeria. This style is done by both young and old men. Cutting or barbing can be done in barbing salons by hair barbers. Hair patterns like low cut, skill cut, punk, R. Kelly, Bobby Brown, Afro etc. are cut. The hair style that is in vogue for men is the skin cut. It makes a man look clean and younger.

Weaving or Braiding

Weaving or braiding of hair was mainly done by both men and women from the north eastern part of the country. It is part of their culture for men to weave or braid hair. Men and boys do not weave or braid hair in the west, east, and southern parts of the country. It was regarded as a taboo for men from these parts of the country to weave or braid their hair. But hair weaving by men is associated with some professions e.g. footballers, musicians.

Perm or Jerry Curls

It is not in the Nigerian culture for men to perm or jerry curl their hair. Only a hand full of musicians, footballers and actors perm or jerry curl their hair.[mediator_tech]

Present Day Hairstyles For Male And Female

  1. Afro.
  2. Skin cut.
  3. Weaving or braiding.
  4. Perm
  5. Jerry curl.


  1. List and explain briefly the common hairstyle for Nigeria men

READING ASSIGNMENT: Read chapter 11 of Solakat Social studies for Junior Secondary School Volume two by A. Oluwasola Oyewole pages 47-48



  1. ………. Is sometimes referred to as “Amaka. a. Plaiting With Thread b. Weaving Or Braiding c. Cutting Or Barbing.
  2. It is not in the Nigerian culture for men to perm or jerry curl their hair. True or False.
  3. The following hair style are done by men except one a. Low cut, skill cut, punk b. R. Kelly, Bobby Brown, Afro c. Plaiting With Thread.
  4. ……….. hair style was introduced to Nigerian women by Europeans. a. Weaving Or Braiding b. Perm or Jerry curl c. Cutting Or Barbing
  5. Braids, Shuku, Clapping, Monkey Tailing, Bob Marley, Twisting etc. are examples of a. Plaiting With Thread b. Weaving Or Braiding c. Cutting Or Barbing.


  1. What is hair style?
  2. Mention the four group of Nigeria’s hair styles
  3. List and explain briefly the common hairstyle for Nigeria women


Date …………..

TOPIC: Adornments:


(a) Meaning of adornments

(b) Adornments commonly used in Nigerian communities (beads, chains, rings, etc).

Meaning Of Adornments

Adornment can be simply defined as an act of decorating things or the objects you use to decorate such things. They are cultural items used by people to beautify themselves. From ancient times both men and women have tried to outwit their mates by using different things to adorn themselves.

Adornments Commonly Used In Nigerian Communities

1.Beads:Beads are cultural items worn by both men and women in many communities in Nigeria. The Yoruba, the lgbo, and Itsekiri women use beads as necklace so also are some traditional rulers.[mediator_tech]

2.Decorative Chains: Chains are important adornment use by the Fulani, the Hausa and the Yoruba. The chains made by Goldsmith are worn as necklace and bangles.

  1. Rings: Goldsmith among the Yoruba, the lgbo and the Edo make rings which the men and women put on their fingers. The Fulani and Hausa women also put rings on their noses.
  2. Hat And Head Gears (Head Ties): Hat and head gears are also items of adornment in Nigeria. Hats are worn by both males and females. Males in the north put on hats on daily basis, but those from the south wear it occasionally for ceremonies when they are gaily dressed. Christian women sometimes put on hat to church.
  3. Cosmetics: These are makeup or substances applied on the body mainly on the skin in order to improve natural features. Examples are powder, body creams and oils.


  1. Define Adornment
  2. Explain four adornments commonly used in Nigerian communities

READING ASSIGNMENT: Read chapter 11 of Solakat Social studies for Junior Secondary School Volume two by A. Oluwasola Oyewole pages 45-46



  1. ……… can simple be defined as an act of decorating things or the objects you use to decorate such things. a. Cotton b. adornment c. Cloth
  2. Goldsmith among the Yoruba, the lgbo and the Edo make ………..which the men and women put on their fingers. a. Beads b. Cosmetics c. Rings
  3. Males in the ……….put on hats on daily basis, but those from the south wear it occasionally for ceremonies when they are gaily dressed. a. South b. West c. North.
  4. ……….. are makeup or substances applied on the body mainly on the skin in order to improve natural features. a. Cosmetics b. Beads c. Decorative Chains.


  1. Define Adornment
  2. Explain four adornments commonly used in Nigerian communities


Date …………..

TOPIC: Religion:


(a) The meaning of religion

(b)The names we call God in different communities in Nigeria

(c) Types of religion

(d)Things our religions teach us

(e)Similarities in our religions

The Meaning Of Religion

Religion is the belief of a group of people, it is the belief about the existence of God and human behaviour. It involves the belief in supernatural beings and their ability to influence the world and man’s existence in the world.

The Names We Call God In Different Communities In Nigeria

The different cultural groups in Nigeria speak different languages, because of the different languages, they have different names which they call the almighty God. The following are some of the names:


  1. Hausa/Fulani Allah, Ugbangiji The source of all beings and sustainers of the world
  2. Yoruba – Olorun/Olodumare: Almighty Supreme beings owner of all things

and the Lord of heaven.

  1. Igbo – Chukwu/Chineke The creator, the great spirit, source of all beings.
  2. Urhobo – Oghene/Osonobrughwe: Almighty God. Possessor of all things.
  3. Ijaw – Tamara: Maker of the soul, the creator, the supreme protector.
  4. Itsekiri – Oritse: Almighty God.
  5. Esan – Osenoble: The supreme being
  6. Benin – Osanobua: The source of all beings and sustainers of the world
  7. Etsako – Oghena/Eshinegba: God of heaven/God who created the heaven

and earth.


  1. What do you understand by the term religion?
  2. List five of the names we call God in Nigeria and give their meanings

Types Of Religion

In Nigeria there are three major religions, these are;

  1. Christianity.
  2. Islam
  3. African Traditional Religion.


It is the religious belief of the followers of Christ, whom they believe is the son of the Almighty God. A person who believes in Jesus Christ is called a Christian. In Christianity there are many denominations such as Catholic, Assemblies of God Church, Celestial Church, Pentecostal Church, The Redeemed Christian of God etc.



Islam is the religious belief of Moslems, they are the followers of prophet Mohammed whom they believe was the servant of God. Followers of Islam are called Moslems, the believe in the five pillars of Islam.

African Traditional Religion

This is the indigenous religion of the black people. It has been in existence before the white man came to Africa. This means that it has been with us before Islam and Christianity. The African traditional religion worshippers believe that there is only one Almighty God, but there are smaller gods through which he can be worshipped. Such smaller gods include Ogun, Sango, Ifa, Oramife, Olokun etc.

Things Our Religions Teach Us

  1. Tolerance: All the religions in Nigeria teaches their followers to be tolerant.
  2. Love for one another: All the religions being practiced in Nigeria teach us love for another.
  3. Honesty: It is an act of being straight forward, truthful and up right in whatever you do.[mediator_tech]
  4. Patience: Religion teaches us to be patient with each other in dealings with other people.
  5. We should live in peace: We are taught to live peacefully with other people around us. We should never be violent with our neighbours.

Similarities In Our Religions

There are a lot of similarities in the doctrines of the three major religions in Nigeria. The following are some of the similarities

  1. They all believe in the existence of the Almighty God who created the whole world and all that are there in.
  2. All the religions try to curb the excesses of man; they try to regulate human behaviour through their moral teachings
  3. They all teach love for other people so that we can live peacefully with others in the society.
  4. They all believe in a life after this physical one where good people will be rewarded by living with God in his eternal kingdom.


  1. Name the different types of religions in Nigeria
  2. Mention three of the things our religions teach us.

READING ASSIGNMENT: Read chapter 9 of Solakat Social studies for Junior Secondary School Volume two by A. Oluwasola Oyewole pages 35-38



  1. One major expectation of both Christians and Moslems is …….. a. Giving alms to the poor b. Being selfish and greedy c. quarrelling with each other.
  2. Traditional worshipers, worship in a. Church b. Mosque c. Shrine
  3. The head of Muslims in Nigeria is the ……… a. Alhaji b. Imam c. Sultan.
  4. The name giving to God by the Hausas is………. a. Tamara b. Hall

c. Oghene

  1. One out of the following is not the things our religions teach us.

(a). Hatred (b). Love (c). Honesty.


  1. What do you understand by the term religion?
  2. List five of the names we call God in Nigeria and give their meanings
  3. Name the different types of religions in Nigeria
  4. Mention three of the things our religions teach us


Date …………..

TOPIC: Our School:


(a) Meaning of school e.g. a place where people learn.

(b) Description of a school e.g. it contains teachers, students, other

workers, buildings and sport field- technique and learning, there

are channels of communication, rules and regulations etc.

Meaning Of School

A school is an educational institution in which young ones are prepared to become a functional member of the society. It is a place where people learn desirable attitudes, skills and values. Examples of schools are Nursery, Primary, Junior and Senior Secondary Schools.

Description Of A School

Schools can take different sharps and patterns. The important things in the description of a school are the facilities that must be found in a school.

An ideal school must have the following facilities;

  1. Classrooms
  2. Administrative building/block
  3. Library
  4. Laboratory.
  5. Sports field or play ground.
  6. Staff room
  7. Hostel
  8. Sick bay
  9. Dinning hall
  10. Kitchen
  11. Fence and gate house.
  12. Multipurpose hall/school hall.
  13. Computer room.

1. Classrooms: The classroom is a large room with large windows and doors for proper ventilation. There are chairs and tables for students to on sit on and write. Most teaching and learning processes take place in the classroom.

  1. Administrative building/block: Thisblock accommodates the office of the school head (principal), the bursar, the assistant school head, etc. This building acts as a reception to the school, all visitors to the school must first call at the administrative block.
  2. The Library: It can be attached to the administrative building or among other classrooms. Books and reference materials are kept in the library for students and teachers use. Both students and teachers go to read and borrow books from the library.

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  1. The Laboratory: It is a large room where science equipment are stored. It is the laboratory that students teachers carry out experiments.
  2. Sports field/Playground: A school is incomplete without a play ground/sports field. It is an open space where school children can go and play during their break periods. It is also used for games and sporting activities like inter- house sports, football playing etc.[mediator_tech]


  1. Explain the term school
  2. Mention the features that are found in a school

READING ASSIGNMENT:Read chapter 8 ofSolakat Social studies for Junior Secondary School Volume two by A. OluwasolaOyewole pages 31-32



  1. School for children between the ages of three and five years is called …….. a. Colleges of education b. Kindergarten c. Primary
  2. A school is incomplete without a play ground/sports field. True or False
  3. An ideal school must have the following facilities except one a. Classroom

b. Industry c. Library


  1. Explain the term school
  2. Mention the features that are found in a school


Date …………..

TOPIC: Members Of The School Community


(a)Members of school community e.g. head teachers, teachers, children, cleaners, etc.

(b) Duties of school community members- obedience, respect for leaders, loyalty, cooperation, discipline, honesty, responsibility, etc.

(c)Ways of encouraging members of the school community to perform their duties more effectively e.g. service, appreciation, rewards, etc.

Members of school community

A school is a group of people that engage in teaching learning process. They include:

  1. Administrative staff
  2. Teaching staff
  3. Non- Teaching staff
  4. Parents
  5. Students

Administrative staff

The administrative staff consists of those staff that formulates and execute programme of the school. At the primary level, we have:

i. The Head Teacher

ii. Assistant Head Teacher

iii. Bursar

iv. Counsellor

At the secondary level, we have the following:

i. The Principal

ii. The Vice- Principal (s)

iii. Heads of Departments

iv. Year Tutors

v. The Counsellors

  1. The Teaching staff

These are members of staff that teach the students in the school.

  1. Non- Teaching staff

The non- teaching staff in the school includes the typist, Secretary, Bursar, Office Assistants, Gateman, Cleaners, Caterers, etc.

  1. Students

Students form the largest part of the school. The students are in different classes.

Duties of School Community Members

For school community to achieve its common goal, all members should performs the following roles:

1. Obedience: All members must obey the rules and regulations of the school.

2. Respect for leader: Members should obey their leaders at different stratum of school organogram, for instance, the students must respect the class teachers.

3. Loyalty: Each member must be loyal to the school authority.

4. Co-operation: They must cooperate with one another in order to collectively achieve the goal of the community since a stick of broom cannot sweep the floor.

5. Discipline: Each member of the school haveself control in his/her behaviour.

Ways of encouraging members of the school community to perform their duties more effectively.

  1. Appreciation: member (s) of school community that effectively perform their duties must be appreciated by the superior officer(s) verbally or through a letter of commendation.
  2. Rewards: Members that play their roles effectively should be rewarded in form of cash, gift, promotion, etc.
  3. Sanction: Members who are ineffective and disobedient should be punished so as to discourage others from emulating them.
  4. Government Role: Government or Proprietor/Proprietress should provide necessary amenities so as to ensure a conducive environment for members to perform their duties.
  5. Parents Role: The Parents should complement the efforts of school staff and students
  6. Remuneration: Members of the school community that are on pay roll should be encouraged through proper remuneration in form of good salary, welfare package, provision of care services, etc.[mediator_tech]


  1. Name four members of the school community
  2. List five duties of some members of the school community.
  3. Explain four ways by which members of the school community could be encouraged to perform their duties.


Read chapter 8 ofSolakat Social studies for Junior Secondary School Volume two by A. OluwasolaOyewole pages 31-33



  1. ………… staff consists of those staff that formulates and execute programme of the school. a. Administrative staff b. Teaching staff c Non- Teaching staff.
  2. One out of the following is not at the primary level of administration a. Bursar b. Principal c. Counsellor.
  3. For school community to achieve its common goal, all members should performs the following roles except one a. Disobedient b. Loyalty c. Discipline.

4.Members of the school community that are on pay roll should be encouraged through proper ……………….. in form of good salary, welfare package, provision of care services, etc. a. Appreciation b. Remunerationc. Sanction.

  1. One out of the following is notways of encouraging members of the school community to perform their duties more effectively a. Appreciation b. Rebuke c. Sanction.


  1. Name four members of the school community
  2. List five duties of some members of the school community.
  3. Explain four ways by which members of the school community could be encouraged to perform their duties.


Date …………..

  1. TOPIC: Accidents In The School


(a) Types of accidents in the school

(b) Preventing and Taking Care of Accidents in the school

(c) How to prevent accidents in the school

What is an accident?

An accident can be defined as a non-deliberate, unplanned unintended, or unexpected event that happened suddenly which may produce undesirable effects e g injuries, deformities, damage or pain to the victims.

Accident in schools are therefore accident that occur or take place in the school environment . When accident happen in schools, they do not only endanger students and staff, it also hinders the teaching and learning process.

Types of accidents in the school

Several accident occur in the school the following are some of the common ones.

  1. Cuts.
  2. Burns.
  3. Electrical shocks
  4. Falls.
  5. Sprains.
  6. Bruises.

CUTS – Students and even member of staff can accidentally sustain cuts from broken bottles,chairs, desks and playing equipment etc.

BURNS – Burn is another form of accident in the school which may occur while burning refuse or during practical session in Home Economics Laboratory.

ELECTRICAL SHOCKS – Wrong use of electrical appliances in the school can lead to shock. The use of faulty electrical appliances can also result to electric shocks in the school.

FALLS – Many things can lead to falls in the school,sometimes in the cause of play, students can push one another down accidentally. Worn out staircase can lead to fall. Some students fall fromtrees in the school compound. In schools where floors are tiled, students can fall. No matter what led to the fall, injuries can be sustained.

SPRAINS – A sprain occurs as a result of over stretching or over twisting of the ligament of a joint. Common sites of sprains are knee joint, elbow joint, ankle joint, and wrist joint.

BRUISES – Bruises occur when the body is given a blow and it causes bleeding from the blood vessels underneath the skin without breaking it. There is swelling and discoloration of injured area and it is very painful.

How to prevent accidents in the school

Accidents in schools can be prevented by the adoption of the following measures.

  1. Removal of all dangerous things from the ground.

2.Students should be properly monitored and educated on the use of electrical appliances and the consequences of wrong handling of them.

  1. Do not play with dangerous instruments.
  2. Harmful chemicals such as acid should be used under the supervision of a teacher.
  3. Rough play be students should be discouraged.
  4. Physical fight should be discouraged in the school.

7.Fruit bearing trees should not be planted in the school and if planted, students should be monitored not to climb them or throw objects at it.

  1. Open pit should be filled or identified and the surrounding must be weeded to prevent students from falling into it.
  2. Students should avoid the electric cable or wire.
  3. Students should be taught safety measures in the school.

Steps to take when Accidents Occur in the School

In case of accidents in school, the following steps should be taken.

  1. Report to teacher, parents/elderly persons.

As soon as an accident has occurred in the school, the first step to take is to report the case to any older person around , any teacher or member of staff on ground before the case will later be reported to the parents of the victim.

2.Give first aid care:after the accident has been reported appropriately, first aid treatment should be administered to the victim by the teacher member of staff or a school nurse if there is sick bay in the school.

3.The victim should be taken to a nearby hospital or clinic if the case is beyond what the teacher or school nurse can handle.

4.Remove what has caused the accident :Whatever has caused the accident should be immediately removed so that the accident will not repeat itself.


  1. What do you understand by school accident?
  2. Mention five types of school accident.
  3. How can you prevent accident in theschool.
  4. Write three steps to take when accident occur in the school.

READING ASSIGNMENT:Read chapter 8 ofSolakat Social studies for Junior Secondary School Volume two by A. OluwasolaOyewole pages 21-22



  1. ………..can bedefined as a non-deliberate, unplanned unintended, or unexpected event. a. An accident b. A damage c. A danger[mediator_tech]
  2. One out of the following is not types of accidents in the school a. Sprains b. Falls c. Lip
  3. The following are ways by which we can prevent accident in the school except one. a. Do not play with dangerous instruments.

b. Harmful chemicals such as acid should be used under the supervision of a teacher. c. Give first aid care

  1. ………..occur when the body is given a blow and it causes bleeding from the blood vessels underneath the skin without breaking it. a. Sprains b. Falls c. Bruises
  2. One of these is a safety measure at school a. Rain fall b. Well stocked first aid kit c. Weather


  1. What do you understand by school accident?
  2. Mention five types of school accident.
  3. How can you prevent accident in theschool.
  4. Write three steps to take when accident occur in the school.

WEEK 11. Revision

WEEK 12. Examination.

