Week Topics
1 Revision / Internet
2. Internet Browser
3. Benefits of the Internet
4. Internet Environment
5 News Group
6. File sharing
7and 8 Computer ethic (ii)
9. Safety measures 1
10. Safety measures 2
11. Revision

Scheme of work for 3RD TERM




The global communication network that allows almost all computers worldwide to connect and exchange information. It is a network of networks (largest computer network in the world!).

The internet could also be define as the collection of computers linked together to share information worldwide.


  1. E mail (Electronic mail): is a service provided by the internet which allows users to send and receive mails via the computers
  2. Gopher: this is system that allows the creation and use of directories of files on the computers on the internet and build links that allows users to browse through the files.
  3. File transfer protocol (FTP): this allows transfer of files between host computer
  4. Usenet: this allows automatic distribution of news among thousands of user groups called news groups.
  5. Telnet: this allows a user to log in to a remote computer and make use of it.
  6. Web page: this is a document or resource of information that is suitable for the World Wide Web and can be accessed through a web browser. Web pages are accessed through their web address. Examples of web addresses are :




  1. Website : this is a collection of web pages ,just like a book with multiple pages.
  2. Hyperlink : connects webs pages on the internet by using text or images as a links to connect to other web pages or sites .
  3. World wide web (www) : is defined as the global information medium which users can read, write and access information via the computers connected to the internet.


An internet browser, also known as a web browser or simply a browser, is a software program that you use to access the internet and view web pages on your computer. You can think of your browser as your gateway to the internet. A web browser is a computer application software with which websites can be viewed.

Examples of the internet browser include

Mozilla Firefox

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Apple safari

Google Chrome

Opera etc


Crating an email account allows you th have an email address which can be used to send and receive mails from friends and loved ones .some email accounts are created with Yahoo mail, hotmail, MSN etc and are free for internet users.

To create a free account with Yahoo mail ,follow the steps below

  1. Open the web browser and type www.yahoomail.com in the address bar
  2. On the Yahoo web page, click on Sign up
  3. Fill in your personal data
  4. Type in the proposed email address you want to use
  5. Type your password and retype your password to confirm.
  6. Type the code shown in the registration window.
  7. Click on create my account.

Examples of E-mail addresses

Yahoo :[email protected]

Google :[email protected]

Hotmail :[email protected]


1. Define the Internet

2. State resources provided by the internet

Usenet is a worldwide distributed discussion system available on the Internet. It allows users to read and post messages in various categories called newsgroups.


1. The Internet is a global __________ network.
a) communication
b) transportation
c) entertainment
d) financial

2. The Internet is the largest __________ network in the world.
a) telephone
b) television
c) computer
d) transportation

3. The Internet allows computers worldwide to __________ information.
a) delete
b) exchange
c) encrypt
d) store

4. The collection of computers linked together to share information worldwide is known as __________.
a) intranet
b) extranet
c) internet
d) ethernet

5. __________ is a service provided by the Internet for sending and receiving electronic messages.
a) Bluetooth
b) Ethernet
c) Email
d) SMS

6. Gopher allows the creation and use of directories of files on the Internet through __________.
a) browsing
b) searching
c) linking
d) downloading

7. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) enables the __________ of files between host computers.
a) sharing
b) editing
c) encryption
d) transfer

8. Usenet is a worldwide distributed __________ system.
a) messaging
b) gaming
c) file-sharing
d) shopping

9. The Internet Protocol (IP) is responsible for __________ data packets across the Internet.
a) encrypting
b) routing
c) deleting
d) storing

10. The World Wide Web (WWW) is an __________ of interconnected documents and other resources.
a) archive
b) encyclopedia
c) infrastructure
d) network

11. The Internet allows users to access information through __________.
a) books
b) magazines
c) websites
d) televisions

12. Web browsers are software applications used to __________ websites.
a) develop
b) access
c) delete
d) encrypt

13. Hyperlinks are clickable elements on a webpage that allow users to __________ to other pages.
a) download
b) search
c) link
d) navigate

14. The Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company that provides __________ access to the Internet.
a) cable
b) television
c) telephone
d) internet

15. The Internet is based on the __________ Protocol Suite.
a) Transport
b) Network
c) Internet
d) Communication

16. A __________ is a unique identifier assigned to each device connected to the Internet.
a) domain name
b) IP address
c) URL
d) browser

17. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter are examples of __________ websites.
a) educational
b) e-commerce
c) social networking
d) news

18. Online banking and e-commerce are examples of __________ services provided by the Internet.
a) communication
b) entertainment
c) financial
d) transportation

19. The Internet allows for __________ collaboration and communication.
a) local
b) national
c) international
d) offline

20. Virtual private networks (VPNs) are used to ensure __________ and secure Internet connections.



The internet offers varieties of benefits. These includes

  1. Communication / information exchange: with the internet we are able to send and receive e-mails and exchange vital information.
  2. E-learning: – this stands for electronic learning which could be defined as the use of computer resources to enhance learning.
  3. E-entertainment : the internet can also be a source of entertainment through playing of games ,music , online videos etc
  4. Fast and Cheaper Communication Service: the internet minimizes distances and provides communication services efficiently and without little or no cost.
  5. E-registration: – the internet provides examination bodies, schools associations etc a simple, cost effective registration service. Examples of such bodies are WAEC,JAMB NECO etc.
  6. E-commerce: thousand of businesses can be transacted online with the use of the internet.
  7. Research : researches can be made online at little or no cost
  8. Social Networking : the internet provide a service where people can connect, chat and meet with various people such as old friends,neigbours ,family members,friends etc .
  9. Political campaign: the internet is also used for political campaign by the politicians.
  10. Improving Productivity:most establishments now use the internet as a tool for marketing their products and for communication concerns which has helped business to reduce costs thereby improving their productivity.



Internet abuse refers to improper use of the internet and may include:


1. State the benefits of the internet

2. mention 3 internet absuses



An internet environment on a typical web browser consists of the following common features

  • Back and forward Buttons : are used to move the web pages back and forth
  • Refresh button : it reloads the current web page
  • Stop Button : it cancels the sloadving action of the current web page.
  • Home Button : this is a cmmasnd button that is used to return a user to the home page of the current website.
  • Addesss bar : is used to input web page addresses I.e Uniform Resource identifier (URI)
  • Search Bar : this is used to input terms into search engine.
  • Status Bar : is used to display progress in loading the resource and also the URI of hyperlinks when the cursor hovers over them.
  • Menu Bar : contains list of menu used for maniplating web browser and web pages.The web broswers may contain menu options such as Hiastory and Bookmarks which distinguish them from other GUI applications eg Microsoft Word


The internet is used for

  • Sending and receiving emails
  • Chatting


1. Describe the internet browser environment

2. State 3 uses of the internet


1. The internet allows us to send and receive _______________.
a) letters
b) telegrams
c) e-mails
d) postcards

2. E-learning refers to the use of computer resources to enhance _______________.
a) teaching
b) communication
c) entertainment
d) learning

3. Online videos and games are examples of _______________.
a) e-commerce
b) e-registration
c) e-entertainment
d) e-learning

4. The internet minimizes distances and provides _______________ communication services.
a) slow
b) expensive
c) fast
d) unreliable

5. WAEC and JAMB are examples of bodies that use the internet for _______________.
a) research
b) social networking
c) e-commerce
d) e-registration

6. E-commerce allows thousands of businesses to be transacted _______________.
a) offline
b) in person
c) over the phone
d) online

7. Online research can be conducted at _______________ cost.
a) high
b) no
c) moderate
d) expensive

8. The internet provides a platform for _______________ where people can connect and chat.
a) political campaigns
b) e-learning
c) social networking
d) improving productivity

9. Political campaigns can be conducted using _______________.
a) TV ads
b) radio ads
c) internet
d) billboards

10. Using the internet as a marketing tool helps businesses _______________.
a) increase costs
b) decrease productivity
c) reduce costs
d) limit communication

11. Communication and information exchange are facilitated by _______________.
a) e-commerce
b) e-registration
c) social networking
d) the internet

12. The internet offers _______________ communication services.
a) expensive
b) slow
c) efficient
d) unreliable

13. E-learning enhances learning through the use of _______________.
a) textbooks
b) computers
c) televisions
d) radios

14. Playing games and listening to music online are examples of _______________.
a) e-learning
b) e-entertainment
c) e-registration
d) e-commerce

15. The internet provides a cost-effective registration service for _______________.
a) businesses
b) examination bodies
c) political parties
d) research institutes

16. Online research can be conducted with _______________ cost.
a) high
b) no
c) moderate
d) expensive

17. Social networking allows people to connect with _______________.
a) only family members
b) only old friends
c) various people
d) only neighbors

18. The internet is used for political campaigns by _______________.
a) students
b) teachers
c) politicians
d) doctors

19. Using the internet as a marketing tool helps businesses to improve _______________.
a) costs
b) productivity
c) communication
d) research

20. The internet provides a platform for _______________ where people can chat and meet.
a) political campaigns
b) e-learning
c) social networking
d) improving productivity




Mailing list

A mailing list is a collection of names and addresses used by an individual or an organization to send material to multiple recipients. On the Internet, mailing lists include each person’s e-mail address . The term is often extended to include the people subscribed to such a list, so the group of subscribers is referred to as “the mailing list”, or simply “the list”.

News Group

Same as forum, it is an on-line discussion group. On the Internet, there are literally thousands of newsgroups covering every conceivable interest.

Newsgroups are discussion groups. To read messages posted to a particular newsgroup, you must first subscribe to the newsgroup.

Newsgroup is an excellent way to share information, to get answers, and to give your opinion to online subjects.


This is a service that searches through Usenet newsgroups to find specific content. Usenet search engines can be used to search for anything. For example, you might search for photos of a famous person (such as Bill Gates)

If you want to search for regular, text-based articles, the easiest way is to use the Google Groups Web site.


Define the following terms

1. Mailing list

2. Newsgroup





File Sharing

Network file sharing is the process of copying data files from one computer to another using a live network connection.

Before the Internet and home networks became popular, data files were often shared using floppy disks. Nowadays, some people still use CD-ROM / DVD-ROM disks and USB sticks (Flash drives) for transferring their photos and videos, but networks give you more flexible options.

FTP File Transfers

This is a method of sharing files where a central computer called the FTP server holds all the files to be shared, while remote computers running FTP client software can log in to the server to obtain copies.

P2P – Peer to Peer File Sharing

Peer to peer (P2P) file sharing is a popular method for swapping large files on the Internet, particularly music and videos. Unlike FTP, most P2P file sharing systems do not use any central servers but instead allow all computers on the network to function both as a client and a server.



A computer network is a set of computers connected together for the purpose of sharing information and resources. Networks are used to provide easy access to information, thus increasing productivity for users.

Benefits of networking

There are three main benefits of a network

File Sharing

In a computer network, one can view, modify, and copy files stored on a different computer on the network just as easily as if they were stored on your computer.

Resource Sharing

Resources such as printers, fax machines, Storage Devices (HDD, FDD and CD Drives), Webcam, Scanners, Modem and many more devices can be shared in a network.

Program Sharing

One can also share programs on a network. For example programs such as Microsoft Office, can be shared by computers in the network.

Types of Networks

Local Area Networks

Local area network (LANs) is a type of network connected within a very close geographic area, such as a floor of a building.

Metropolitan Area Networks

This is a large computer network which extends to a city or town or a community.

Wide Area Networks

This is a computer network in which the computers connected may be far apart. This network could exist between a city and another city, or even between two countries.


An intranet is basically a network that is local to a company. In other words, users from within this company can find all of their resources without having to go outside of the company.


An extranet is an extended intranet, where certain internal services are made available to known external users or business partners at remote locations.


1. Define file sharing

2. Explain the term Network

WEEK: 7-8



Computer system is a valuable and expensive piece of equipment that requires that must be properly maintained. Therefore, the following rules should be adhere to

  1. Avoid liquid from coming in contact with the computer system
  2. Cover the system with transparent covers when not in use to prevent dust from entering into them
  3. Ensure that computers system are connected to properly charged UPS systems to prevent them from damages due to power surge or failures
  4. Unplug the computer system from power source and all electrical gadgets before leaving the office at the end of the day.
  5. Food particle should not be allowed to penetrate the keyboard.
  6. Make use of surge protectors to prevent electric surge from damaging the computers.


  1. Always endeavour to check your e-mail regularly
  2. The content of your message may be received by another person , so be mindful of your words and write responsibly
  3. Always spell check your messages before they are sent
  4. Be mindful of the websites you visit, some sites are very dubious waiting for victims; others contains pornographic contents which is considered immoral in the society .
  5. Install Anti-Virus in your computer and avoid file attachments from unknown sources to prevent virus attacks
  6. While chatting, be mindful of how you exchange information about yourself .


Computers and the internet are misused by the users in the following areas

  1. Hacking: is an act of gaining unauthorized access to computers. Anyone who does the act is called a Hacker.
  2. Computer virus: virus are programs that damage our files. A lot of viruses are contacted through the internet by infected CDs , flash drives, ficticious emails etc
  3. Fraud : scam letters and false information are sent through emails and mailing lists to fraudulently collect money and other valuable items from innocent/ ignorant person
  4. Stealing (or Phishing ): internet criminals engage in stealing vital information such as ATM card Pin, email Password, username etc. from victim’s website , emails and even personal computers .
  5. Pornography: the internet is the medium for the distribution of pornographic materials.
  6. Cyber War : cyber war is the use of computers, the internet and other devices to attack the enemies of information system.
  7. Piracy : this is use of computer to duplicate other people’s work illegal especially CD, DVD , tapes , films, software etc.
  8. Plagiarism: this entails copying another person’s work such as music , books, etc. without prior written permission and presenting it as one’s work.


What is Computer Ethics ?

WEEK: 9-10


To protect the computer system and the computer personnel, some safety measures must be taken and they are as follows

  1. Good sitting posture should be maintained ( i.e.) always sit straight )
  2. Anti-glare protector (monitor filter) should be used to protect the eyes.
  3. The monitor should be positioned to the eye level to avoid bending.
  4. A computer room must be properly lit.
  5. The computer environment must be clean and free from dust.
  6. Liquid should be avoided completely in the computer system
  7. There should be no beside the eating and drinking beside the computer system
  8. Computer system and peripherals should be arranged in the computer room so as to allow free entry and free exit
  9. The computer room should be air conditioned.
  10. Unauthorized personnel should not be allowed into the computer room.


Internet The Benefits and Abuse ICT Computer Studies Jss 2 Third Term Week 3




Third Term Examinations JSS 2 ICT Computer











1. _______________ is an act of gaining unauthorized access to computers.

a) Hacking

b) Phishing

c) Fraud

d) Plagiarism


2. Computer viruses are programs that _______________.

a) protect our files

b) enhance computer performance

c) damage our files

d) improve internet speed


3. Fraudulent activities through emails and mailing lists aim to _______________.

a) provide valuable information

b) collect money and valuable items

c) spread awareness

d) improve computer security


4. Stealing or phishing involves the unauthorized collection of _______________.

a) ATM card PINs

b) email addresses

c) social media profiles

d) computer hardware


5. The distribution of pornographic materials is facilitated through _______________.

a) computer viruses

b) phishing attacks

c) hacking

d) the internet


6. Cyber war involves using computers and the internet to attack _______________.

a) innocent individuals

b) information systems

c) computer hardware

d) personal computers


7. Piracy refers to the illegal duplication of _______________.

a) computer software

b) educational materials

c) personal documents

d) phone applications


8. Plagiarism involves copying someone else’s work without _______________.

a) proper citation

b) permission

c) spell checking

d) encryption


9. Computer ethics refers to _______________.

a) responsible internet usage

b) computer programming

c) hacking techniques

d) ethical guidelines for computer use


10. Good sitting posture while using a computer involves _______________.

a) slouching

b) leaning back

c) sitting straight

d) crossing legs


11. An anti-glare protector is used to protect the _______________.

a) computer system

b) eyes

c) keyboard

d) monitor


12. Positioning the monitor at eye level helps to avoid _______________.

a) bending

b) eye strain

c) neck pain

d) computer viruses


13. A computer room should be properly _______________.

a) ventilated

b) decorated

c) lit

d) locked


14. To maintain a clean computer environment, it should be free from _______________.

a) liquid

b) dust

c) heat

d) noise


15. Eating and drinking should be avoided _______________.

a) outside the computer room

b) near the computer system

c) during computer breaks

d) during computer maintenance


16. Proper arrangement of computer systems allows for _______________.

a) restricted access

b) better security

c) free entry and exit

d) increased productivity


17. The computer room should be _______________.

a) soundproof

b) air conditioned

c) dark

d) crowded


18. Unauthorized personnel should not be allowed _______________.

a) into the computer room

b) to use the internet

c) to access social media

d) to operate the computer system


19. Checking emails regularly is a responsible _______________.

a) safety measure

b) internet usage

c) computer maintenance activity

d) ethical guideline


20. Before sending messages, it is important to _______________.

a) check the weather forecast

b) spell check

c) delete old emails

d) install antivirus software
