Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions dont be involved.

SUBJECT: GEOGRAPHY                

TIME: 2HRS            


  1. What is the scale of the map in Representative Fraction (R. F.)? (a) 1:200,000 (b) 1:150,000 (c) 1:100,000 (d) 1:50,00
  2. Which of the following is not a function of GABO Settlement? (a) Commercial (b) industrial (c) Religious (d) Educational
  3. What is the likely occupation of the inhabitants of Odi settlement? (a) driving (b) teaching (c) farming (d) Mining
  4. Which part of the mapped area is forested? (a) South – Western (b) western (c) north – western (d) Eastern
  5. The direction of Odi settlement from Bassa settlement is (a) North – east (b) south – east

(c) north – west (d) south – west

  1. The Landform between Rik settlement and GABO Settlement is a (a) col (b) Cliff (c) saddle

(c) pass

  1. Which of the following settlements in intervisible from Odi? (a) Rik (b) Iwo (c) Glory (d) Adi
  2. What is the approximate distance by road from Odi to Adi? (a) 30km (b) 20km

(c) 14km (d) 10km

  1. Railway coaches from Odi and Rik settlements are likely to convey which of the following commodities? (a) Rice (b) Timber (c) Mineral (d) Yam
  2. In which of the following settlements is cattle and sheep rearing possible (a) Glory (b) Adi (c) Odi (d) Iwo

Use the climatic data of station Y below to answer question 11 to 13.

Station Y

TEMP (OC) 13 13 14 16 18 21 23 24 22 19 16 13
RAINFALL (MM) 125 100 125 75 50 12 0 0 25 75 150 150


  1. What is the annual range of temperature for the station? (a) 150C (b) 140C (c) 120C (d) 110C
  2. The mean monthly temperature is (a) 16.610C (b) 17.670C (c) 18.88 OC (d) 19.56 0C
  3. The annual rainfall amount in milimetre is (a) 975 (b) 887 (c) 867 (d) 786
  4. A line on a weather map connecting points having the same amount of cloudiness is

(a) isohaline (b) isohel (c) isoyet (d) Isoneph

  1. Which of the following results from the rotation of the earth on its axis?
  2. Day and night ii. Season       iii. Equinox    Iv. Deflection of winds
  3. I and II Only (b) I and III Only (c) I and Iv only (d) III and Iv Only
  4. The northernmost latitude on the surface of the Earth were the sun can shine directly overhead is (a) 23N (b) 30N (c) 66N (d)71 N
  5. At which stage of a river is the process of braiding most effective? (a) Middle (b) Mature

(c) Old (d) Erosion

  1. Raised banks formed along river valleys as a result of deposition are called (a) terraces

(b) natural levees (c) ox – bow lakes (d) gorges

  1. Which types of mountain is described as the lighthouse of Mediterranean? (a) Fold (b) block

(c) residual (d) volcanic

  1. When does lunar eclipse occur? (a) when the sun is overhead t moon (b) during the period of summer solstice (c) when the Earth comes between the sun and the moon (d) at Spring quinox
  2. The planet which resolves round the sun in a clockwise direction us (a) Jupiter

(b) mars (c) Saturn (d) Uranus

  1. Under the Greek system of climatic classification, the world is divided into (a) hot, temperate and dry zones (b) torrid, equatorial and dry zones (c) temperate, frigid and hot zones (d) torrid, temperate and frigid zone
  2. “It is a pinnacle of calcium that grows from the floor of limestone cave” this is a description of (a) clint (b) Stalagmite (c) stalactite (d) Stump
  3. What is the shape of the Earth? (a) Geoid (b) Eclipse (c) round (d) cuboid
  4. Which of the following processes is associated with the ejection of magma and other related materials from deep below the Earth onto the Earth’s Surface?

(a) Folding (b) Sedimentation (c) Metamorphism (D) Vulcanicity

  1. Which of the following features is of Volcanic origin (a) Sill (b) Zeugen (c) Loess

(d) Gorge

  1. The Step – Sided flat – floored valley in hot deserts through which occasional flash floods flaws is known as (a) bajada (b) headland (c) playa (d) wadi
  2. Rocks in the inner core of the Earth are rich in (a) iron and nickel (b) nickel and magnesium

(c) lead and iron (d) nickel and lead

  1. Which of the following conditions occurs during equinox? (a) The tropic of cancer experiences longer day than the tropic of Capricon (b) All places across the globe experience equal lengths of day and nights (c) The length of day at the Equator is shorter than the tropic of Cancer

(d) The moon is star- shaped all through the night all over the world

  1. The sea water thrown up the beaches by the breaking waves is called (a) backwash (b) undertow (c) swash (d) shore
  2. Which type of rainfall occurs when two air masses of different temperature and other physical properties meet? (a) orographic (b) relief (c) cyclonic   (d) convectional
  3. Two towns X and Y are situated on the Equator if town X is on the Greenwich Meridian and town Y is on longitude 450E, what will be the time of town Y, if the time at town X is 4.00pm? (a) 3.00pm (b) 5.00pm (c) 6.00 pm (d) 7.00pm
  4. Mountain of denudation is another term for (a) Volcanic mountain (b) fold mountain (c) block mountain (d) residual mountain
  5. When the moon comes in between the Earth and the sun in a perfect straight line, which of the following eclipse occurs? (a) Partial (b) Full (c) Solar (d) Lunar
  6. Which of the following desert landforms is associated with wind deposition? (a)Butte

(b) Yardang (c) Wadi (d) Barchan

  1. Factors which influence the practice of irrigation include all except (a) unreliable rainfall

(b) high rainfall (c) need for more food (d) presence of fertile soil

  1. Which of the following is a service industry? (a) Banking industry (b) Food Processing plant

(c) Cement factory (d) Pharmaceutical industry

  1. A negative effect of mineral exploitation is (a) afforestation (b) hydration

(c) pollution (d) oxidation

  1. The system of agriculture which combines the growing of crops and rearing of animals is known as (a) dairy farming (b) Mixed cropping (c) mixed farming (d) shifting cultivation
  2. Which of the following statements is true of transhumance? (a) it is the seasonal migration of animal rearers in mountain area (b) it is practiced by Europeans (c) it involves the growing of specialized crops (d) it is another name for mixed farming
  3. Most rural settlements in developing countries of Africa (a) are nucleated (b) are dispersed (c) have dense transport network (d) have satellite towns.
  4. Which of the following environmental resources is non – renewable? (a) Rain

(b) mineral (c) water (d) Oxygen

  1. A town which is situated at the meeting point of roads is termed (a) nodal (b) port (c) confluence (d) gap
  2. A major problem of air transportation in developing countries is (a) inadequate passengers (b) slow speed (c) inadeaquate capital (d) inadequate space for cargo
  3. All these factors determine what a country can produce except (a) size of the country (b) technology (c) climate (d) natural endowment
  4. Which of the following best explains the rapid urban population growth in developing countries of Africa? (a) Urban areas have medical facilities (b) May people migrate to urban areas in search of jobs (c) Urban areas have more living spaces (d) There is greater security in Urban areas
  5. Which of the following environmental hazard is prevalent in the coastal area?

(a) drought (b) deforestation (c) pollution (d) flooding

  1. Commodities which are used in world trade exclude (a) agricultural goods

(b) manufactured goods (c) mineral resources (d) human trafficking

  1. The Ruhr industrial area in Germany is noted for the production of (a) iron and steel (b) vehicles (c) petroleum products (d) copper and aluminum
  2. Which of the following criteria is not important in distinguishing between a village and a town? (a) Geographical situation (b) Population size (c) range of functions (d) variety of activities


Answer question 1 and any other one study the map extract provided on a scale of 1:50,000 and answer the questions that follow

  1. In your answer booklet reduce the mapped area to a third of its original map size and state the scale of the new outlines
  2. Insert and name (B) Dorwenyo (b) Minor road (c) One Steep slope area (iv) One gentle slope area.
  3. The length of the minor road
  4. Function of AFIENYA
  5. List any three types of mountains
  6. in what four ways are important to man
  7. Define Climate
  8. Describe the three climatic belts recognized by the Greek system of classification
  9. Outline three reasons why Koppens system of climatic classification is the most widely accepted.

SECTION B:   Answer two question only

  1. List four commodities exported from your country to any European country
  2. Outline four reasons for the low volume by trade among West African countries
  3. Define the following terms (a) Death rate (b) Population explosion
  4. explain five factors that influences death rate in tropical Africa
  5. Outline five factors that should be considered in the location of an industry
  6. on a sketch map of Nigeria name and locate the following

(i) International Airport          (ii).           Seaport          (iii). Lake Chard   (IV). River Niger & Benue (v). Gulf of Guinea


SUBJECT: GEOGRAPHY                 TIME: 2HRS             CLASS: SS  1


  1. There are ________ local government areas in Nigeria (a) 774 (b) 775 (c) 776

(d) 779

  1. Geo means ________ (a) planet (b) the earth (c) water (d) forest
  2. The word geography is derive from _________ (a) French (b) English (c) Greek (d) Yoruba
  3. Geography is defined as the study of _________ and ________ (a) Forest (b) Rocks (c) Water bodies (d) People and their activities
  4. An example of physical features is ________ (a) Mountain (b) Man (c) Read (d) cloth
  5. Geography is a _________ subject (a) Science (b) Social Science (c) Vocational (d) Humanities
  6. Geography ideas are _________ (a) Fake (b) Common (c) Real (d) Concisions
  7. Local geography involves the study of our immediate _________ (a) House (b) Environment (c) Towns (c) Cities
  8. _______ Refers to the surface features of the land above the sea level (a) Pods (b) Relief (c) Vegetation (d) Water
  9. A _______ is a small nucleated rural settlement (a) Village (b) Town (c) City (d) Metropolis
  10. _______ consists of the sun and 0nly nine planets (a) Solar system (b) Sun (c) Moon (d) Earth
  11. All the planets revolve around the sun in _______ orbits (a) Part (b) Elliptical (c) Axis (d) Galaxies
  12. The sun is in the _______ of the planets (a) Front (b) Centre (c) Back (d) Top
  13. The planets shines only by the reflected light of the _______ (a) Moon (b) Stars (c) Sun (d) Fire
  14. The components of the solar system include all the following except (a) Nine planets (b) Sun (c) Moon (d) Earth
  15. ________ takes 88 days to complete its orbits (a) Venus (b) Mercury (c) Jupiter (d) Mars
  16. The distance of mercury from the sun is _______ (a) 57,600,000km (b) 578,600,000km (c) 579,600,000km (d) 576 500,00km
  17. ________ is often regarded as earth twin (a) Jupiter (b) Pluto (c) Venus (d) Saturn
  18. _______ is the largest planet in the solar system (a)  Jupiter (b) Mars (c) Saturn (d) Neptune
  19. Jupiter has ……… satellites (a) 13 (b) 4 (c) 12 (d) 1
  20. Pluto is regarded as ….. planet (a) Farthest (b) Closest (c) Smallest (d) Hottest
  21. The moon revolves round the earth once in every ………. Days (a) 27 (b) 28 (c) 26 (d) 25
  22. The surface of the moon is made up of the following expect ……..(a) Crust (b) Mountains (c) Crater (d) Dry plains
  23. The First man landed in the moon in the year …….. (a) 21st July 1969 (b) 1st January 1969 (c) 20th December 1969 (d) June 21st 1969
  24. The earth is the ………planet in the solar system.(a) Second (b) Third (c) Fourth (d) First
  25. The distance of the sun from the earth is ……..(a) 148,000km (b) 148,800km (c) 148km (d) 148,800km
  26. The earth has a ……… shape (a) spherical (b) circular (c) dome (d) triangle
  27. The equatorial diameter of the earth is ……..(a)12,762km (b) 12, 760km (c) 7200km (d)12,000km
  28. The polar circumference of the earth is ……… (a) 39,955km (b) 39,954km (c) 39,953km

(d) 39,950km

  1. The evidence to proof the sphericity of the earth include the following expect ……..

(a) Circumnavigation (b) Sunrise and sunset (c) Aerial photograph (d) Earth rotation

  1. The earth moves in space in …….different ways  (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 5
  2. Rotation is defined as the movement of the earth round the sun its …….. (a) Orbit

(b) Elliptical (c)Axis (d) Plane

  1. There are ……… hours in a day (a) 24 (b) 25 (c) 12 (d) 6
  2. ……… refers to the brief period between sunrise and sunset and full daylight (a) Darkness (b) Dawn (c) Moon (d) Twilight
  3. The revolving earth is inclined at an angle of …….. to the plane of ecliptic (a) 66 o (b) 66 ½ o  (c) 66 ¼ o   (d) 65o    
  4. A leap year has ……. Days (a) 365 ¼  (b) 365 (c) 366 ( d)367
  5. March 21 is also called ………. Equinox (a) Autumn (b)Spring (c) Solstice (d) Winter
  6. The solstices occur on ………… and ………….

(A)  December 22 and June 21 (B)  December 21 and June 23 (C)   January 20 and June 22

(D)  September 23 and March 20

  1. …………. Are usually warm and bright (a) Summer (b) Solstices (c) Winters (d) Spring
  2. ……….. is formed when the three bodies sun ,earth and the moon are in a straight line (a) Rotation (b) Eclipse (c) Longitude (d) Latitude

SECTION B:Answer Three questions

1a       Define Geography

1b      State four countries that can be studied through geography.

C        Discuss the Scope of Geography

2a       Name three planet that have no satellites

2b       Describe the characteristics of the hottest and the coldest planets in the solar system .

3a.      Distinguish between rotation and revolution of the earth

3b.      State three reasons to show that the earth is spherical

4a.      calculate the distance between Ibadan Lat 50 oN and Morocco Lat 45 o N

4b.      What will be the local time in Nigeria longitude 15 oE     when it is 5:00 pm in Uganda longitude 45  0   E      


Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions dont be involved.

SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES                       TIME: 2HRS             CLASS: JSS  3

  1. The behavior people tend to expect of a particular gender is known as__________ (a) gender stereotype (b) gender socialization (c) gender smartness (d) gender hardwork (e) gender toughness
  2. Tattoos are forms of ________ (a) body decoration (b) tribal marks (c) circumcision (d) body cutting (e) Mask
  3. The following are types of religion EXCEPT__________ (a) Islamic (b) Traditional (c) Hinduism (d) Buddhism (e) Cherubim and Seraphim
  4. The two aspects of culture are______ (a) the seen and the unseen culture (b) physical and social culture (c) physical and science (d) science and technology (e) physical science
  5. Why do schools have rules and regulations? (a) To make students to disobey (b) to enable teachers punish students (c) To make teachers and students go into conflict (d) to guarantee individuals human right (e) so that the principal will be angry
  6. __________ is a strong desire for money, power and possessions than one actually needs (a) Unemployment (b) Ignorant (c) Greed (d) Discipline (e) Company
  7. The following are sources of values EXCEPT_______ (a) Family, cultural traditions (b) Religions teachings school environment (c) community experience (d) All of the above (e) cooperation
  8. The most importance function of the family is _______ (a) eating together (b) doing things in common (c) reproduction of human race (d) spending leisure together (e) living together
  9. Conflict can lead to all but ONE of the following (a) Disunity (b) riots (c) lack of peace (d) development (e) death
  10. The process of organizing knowledge to solve practical problems is known as _______ (a) observation (b) technology (c) science (d) technical (e) research
  11. All but ONE of the following can lead to conflict (a) cheating (b) lack of human consideration (c) justice (d) religious intolerance (e) selfishness
  12. The country’s population can be known through (a) registration (b) national ID Card
    (c) voting (d) census (e) attendance
  13. Abstinence means _______ (a) not engaging in sexual activities (b) HIV/ALDS (c) having sexual transmitted diseases (d) having sex (e) having sex with different type of people
  14. The North-East wind brings _______ in Nigeria (a) thunderstorm (b) harmattan (c) rainfall (d) humidity (e) snow
  15. All of these are qualities of a good friend except _______ (a) forgiveness (b) selfishness (c) keeping confidence (d) sharing (e) companionship
  16. Primary social group include ________ (a) family, kinship, and age- group (b) father, mother and children (c) primary school, family and age- group (d) school kinship and club (e) kingship, peer group and family
  17. A place where crude oil is changed to kerosene is called _______ (a) N.N.P.C (b) industry (c) petrol station (d) refineration (e) refinery
  18. Under- socialization learning could be incidental. This means the child learns______
    (a) unconsciously (b) directly (c) rudely (d) conscious (e) socially
  19. The following are examples of natural resources EXCEPT _______ (a) coal (b) tin ore (c) columbite (d) gold (e) indomie
  20. Ways of encouraging members of school community to perform effectively are _______ (a) acceptance and responsibility (b) reward and award (c) punctuality and obedience (d) loyalty and respect (e)discipline and cooperation
  21. Environmental problems can be classified into two namely ________ (a) wind and water (b) people and animal (c) man-made and natural (d) potholes and traffic (e) students
  22. The most effectively way of checking desert encroachment is through ________ (a) burning of trees (b) burning of bushes (c) cutting down of trees (d) planting of crops (e) planting of tress
  23. The major advantages of national integration is to ________ (a) make sure that one state is better than the other (b) be loyal to the country (c) protect life and property of other (d) fasten even development in the country (d) fasten even development in the country (e) have a strong and large army
  24. Man influences his environment through the aid of _______ (a) valley and mountains (b) technical experts (c) science (d) science and technology (e) amenities
  25. A group of people whose members are large with elaborate structure and functions is called __________ (a) Primary group (b) peer group (c) secondary group (d) school mates (e) family
  26. All these are uses of natural resources EXCEPT__________ (a) they are only found in Lagos State (b) they provide raw materials for our industries (c) minerals are sources of revenue for our country (d) limestone is used in our cement industry (e) they fetch foreign exchange
  27. All these are known to be non – material culture except ________ (a) music (b) dance (c) language   (d) clothing (e) stones
  28. The most important resources available for development of technology in Nigeria is ______ (a) mineral resources (b) water resources (c) forest resources (d) human resources (e) animal resources
  29. All these are correct ways of using electrical appliances EXCEPT _________ (a) use appliances only for its intended purpose (b) do not use electrical appliances in the rain (c) keeps hands, fingers, etc in the dangerous moving parts (d) if it is for indoor do not use it outdoor (e) ensure ventilation holes are not blocked
  30. Which of these does NOT belong to consequences of harmful traditional practices? (a) Self immolation (b) Exposure to sickness and death (c) infection (d) public enlightenment (e) iceloid formation
  31. An individual who has made the wrong choices of friends may develop all of the following EXCEPT ___________ (a) stealing (b) respect (c) truancy (d) arrogance (e) rudeness
  32. Which of these is NOT importance of goal setting? (a) it drives one forwards (b) it is an effective tool for making progress (c) it makes you accountable (d) it encourages individual (e) it does not encourages individual
  33. Measure to prevent harmful traditional practices are the following EXCEPT ________ (a) public enlightenment (b) parent refusal (c) parent agreement (d) legal action (e) NGO’s women’s group
  34. Air pollution mostly occurs as a result of _____ (a) soil erosion (b) sun rays (c) industrial and environmental wastes (d) strong wind (e) moon shining
  35. The conflicts within the same type of religion organization is called _____ (a) inter-religion (b) intra-religion (c) inter-ethnic (d) inter-tribal (e) religious tolerance
  36. All these are significance of socialization EXCEPT ________ (a) it promotes the  spirit of hard work (b) it helps in making people responsible in a society (c) it prepares the new entrant to known and participate In the culture of the society (d) it does not allow individuals how to play their roles effectively (e) it promotes peace, love, order and harmony among members
  37. Which of these is NOT a relationship between science and technology? (a) both science and technology use systematic method (b) there can be technology without science (c) scientific knowledge is the raw material of technology (d) scientific knowledge benefits society through technology (e) technological products are more visible in society than scientific products
  38. The act of choosing between two or more courses of action is called _______ (a) decision making (b) human emotion (c) goal setting (d) decision undertaking (e) assertiveness
  39. Goods produced in one country and brought into another where they are required are called ____________ (a) imports (b) exports (c) international (d) domestic (e) trade
  40. Which of the following is odd in this group as reasons for abstaining from sexual intercourse? (a) cultural disapproval (b) religious disapproval (c) emotionally ready (d) fear of pregnancy (e) fear of STD and HIV/AIDS



Answer three (3) in all

  1. In details explain the fundamentals of social studies
  2. Mention and explain the components of social studies

3a.      What is Human Emotion?

3b.      Mention and explain types of human emotion

4a.      Explain the meaning of Goal Setting?

4b.      State the characteristics of Goal setting

5a.      Examine the situations that required Decision making

5b.      Mention and explain four factors that influences Decision making






























SUBJECT: GEOGRAPHY                

TIME: 2HRS            


  1. The hottest planet is __________ (a) Venus (b) Photo (c) Mercury (d) Juipter
  2. The upfold portion of a fold mountain is called (a) Sia (b) Articline (c) Syncline

(d) Sill

  1. The part of the earth’s curst which is made up of silica and alumina is called __________

(a) Sima (b) Mantle (c) Barysphere (d) Sial

  1. The density of the Earth’s crust varies from (a) 17.0g/cm3 to 19.59g/cm3

(b) 8.0g/cm3 to 10.9g/cm3 (c) 4.5g/cm3 to 7.0g/cm3 (d) 2.5g/cm3 to 3.3g/cm3

  1. Which of the following features is found in the upper course of a river? (a) Levee (b) gorge (c) oxbow lake (d) Delta
  2. Which of the following elements of climate is used in the Greek system of Climatic classification? (a) Rainfall (b) Pressure (c) Humidity (d) Temperature
  3. Two opposite longitudes form (a) A Great Circle (b) the Equator (c) the international date line (d) the Arctic circle
  4. What is the local time in Town T at 45OE when it is noon 0o? (a) 6.00pm (b) 6.00am

(c) 3.00pm (d) 3.00am

  1. Which of the following examples of igneous rock is extrusive? (a) Granite (b) Basalt

(c) Gabbro (d) Diorite

  1. Ripe valleys are formed through which of the following processes? (a) Erosion (b) folding (c) Weathering (d) Faulting
  2. Which of the following processes of wind action is erosion? (a) Saltation (b) Deflation (c) Suspension (d) Traction
  3. Which of the following is a drainage pattern? (a) Delta (b) Mouth (c) Source (d) Trellis
  4. The Predominant process of weathering in the desert rgions is ______ (a) biological

(b) chemical (c) physical (d) solution

  1. The instruments barometer is used for measuring? (a) temperature(b) wind speed (c) air pressure (d) relative humidity
  2. Which of the following rocks is not metamorphic (a) shale (b) schist (c) quartzite (d) slate
  3. A crescent position feature found in a desert area is _______ (a) rock pedestal

(b) zengen (c) yadang (d) barachan dume

  1. Earth’s surface is warned by Solar energy through ______ (a) refraction

(b) Convection (c) Conduction (d) radiation

  1. Voges and black mountains are examples of (a) residual (b) block (c) fold

(d) volcanic

  1. How many standard time zones will a country with longitudinal extent of 150o have (a) 10

(b) 11 (c) 15 (d) 16

  1. Subsistence farming is practiced when people _______(a) grow crops for consumption

(b) grow only one crops (c) export only one crop (d) grow many crops for export

  1. Which of the following factors hinder the development of tourism?
    (i) Spread of diseases (II) Excalation of crime (III) Adequate publicity (IV) Inadequate appreciation of leisure (a) I & II only (b) II & III Only (c) I & IV (d) III & IV
  2. A settlement type in which buildings are aligned along road or river Is said to be (a) dispersed (b) nucleated (c) Linear (d) Clusterol
  3. The major causes of change in population size are (a) births marriage and deaths (b) births accidents and deaths (c) births, deaths, and migration (d) migration, fertility and marriage
  4. Banking, insurance and teaching are examples of which industry? (a) consumer

(b) tertiary (c) Secondary (d) Primary

  1. Most industries in the West Africa Sub- region are (a) Large Scale (b) Small Scale

(d) Medium Scale (d) Capital Intensive

  1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of metamorphic rocks? (a) are Gystaline in structure (b) Exist in different colour (c) Maybe hard or soft (d) May contain Fossils
  2. Which of the following is not an importance of plans? (a) good for human habitation

(b) good site for defense (c) sources of minerals (d) have rich for lite soils.

  1. The following are characteristics of convectional rainfall except (a) cover an extensive area (b) is short – lived (c) leave a clear sky immediately after the rain (d) usually occur in the afternoon
  2. When a erater becomes an enlarged depression it is called (a) Basic lava

(b) Calclera (c) Crater Lake (d) Cinder dome

  1. Which of the following is a feature found in the lower course of a river? (a) Gorge

(b) interlocking spur (c) Ox – Bow – Lake (d) Vinshopped valleys

  1. Glacial erosion in low land areas produces (a) corries (b) moraines (c) Puramidol peaks

(d) terminal moraines

  1. Which of the following is a purely human induced environmental hazarol?

(a) coastal erosion (b) deforestation (c) desert encroachment (d) flooding

  1. Which of the following gases is the most dominant atmosphere resources? (a) Argon (b) Carbon dioxide (c) Nitrogen  (d) Oxygen
  2. The longest ocean route is this (a) Cape route (b) north Atlantic (c) Pananiar canal (d) South Atlantic
  3. Air transport development is mostly influenced by (a) availability of land (b) government policy (c) Capital (d) high cost of fare
  4. Which of the following determines the location of a cement industry? (a) Climatic condition (b) power supply (c) Raw materials (d) water supply
  5. Which of the following towns is the largest producer of groundnut? (a) Dutse

(b) Ilorin (c) Jos (d) Katsina – Ala

  1. Perishable goods and items of high value are best transported by (a) Air (b) Rail (c) Road (d) Sea
  2. All these state are major producer of cocoa except (a) Plateau (b) Ondo (c) Ekiti (d) Osun
  3. Crude Oil was discovered in Nigeria in year (a) 1960 (b) 1957 (c) 1963 (d) 1970



Answer three questions

  1. What is an environment?
  2. Mention major types of environment
  3. State five major problems facing the environment
    2. Name five elements of weather and climate
  4. Highlights five importance of weather and climate
  5. Draw a map of Nigeria and locate five states and their capitals
  6. State Ten ethnic groups in Nigeria and list the states where they are found.
  7. On an outline map of Nigeria show the area that is mostly desert encroachment. Locate and name two importance town’s within the area and describe the major causes of desertification.
  8. With appropriate diagram explain the formation of waterfalls.
  9. List four features of wind erosion in the desert.



  1. The major economic city in Nigeria is (a) Lagos (b) Ondo (c) Minna (d) Benin
  2. The Yoruba’s can be found in the following areas except _______ (a) Lagos           (b) Ogun (c) Cross River (d) Osun
  3. __________ is the Largest producer of palm produce in the world (a) Nigeria

(b) Ghana (c) Gambia (d) Malaysia

  1. Kainji dam is located in River___________ (a) Kaduna (b) Niger (c) Nile (d) Benue
  2. Lokoja is regarded as a town________ (a) confluence (b) Nodal (c) Linea

(d) Dispersed

  1. ___________ is the capital of Ekiti State (a) Ibadan (b) Ado (c) Osogbo (d) Akure
  2. Jupiter has _______ satellites (a) 12 (b) 10 (c) 8 (d) 5
  3. Lagos State is bounded in the west by the (a) Atlantic (b) Benin Rep (c) Cameroon (d) Epe
  4. The longitude of Nigeria is between _________ and (a) 300E – 200E (b) 300E – 150E (c) 40N – 250E (d) 300E – 1600E
  5. Neil Armstrong was the first man to land in the Moon in _______ year (a) 1969 (b) 1968 (c) 1967 (d) 1970




  1. __________ is not an example of our culture (a) greeting (b) ideas and values (c) Belief (d) music, art and craft (e) society
  2. Pipeline is used to transport ____________ (a) artificial (b) liquid (c) human (d) mineral (e) animal
  3. Cultural integration is necessary in Nigeria in order to ________ (a) avoid harmony and love (b) avoid cooperation and progress (c) avoid peace and unity (d) avoid conflict and foster unity (e) avoid progress and development
  4. _______ are being used to provide electricity, good drinking water and roads (a) offering (b) wages (c) salary (d) taxes (e) tithes
  5. ___________ means refraining from or not engaging in all forms of sexual intercourse (a) absent (b) menstruation (c) negotiation (d) abstinence (e) marriage
  6. The agents of socialization does not include ________ (a) mass media (b) religious institution (c) home (d) peer group (e) voluntary organization
  7. All the following are qualities of love EXCEPT ________ (a) showing respect (b) companionship (c) confidence (d) commitment (e) understanding
  8. Having deep and warm feelings about oneself and others is called (a) esteem

(b) conflict (c) peace (d) cooperation (e) love

  1. Which of these is NOT a type of love? (a) self (b) friendship (c) interest (d) romantic

(e) comfortable

  1. The kinds of energy derived from sunlight is called ______ (a) solar (b) atomic

(c) light (d) nuclear (e) chemical

  1. The commercial nerve centre of Nigeria is _________ (a) Owerri (b) Lagos (c) Sokoto (d) lokoja (e) Abuja
  2. All these are factors responsible for children and women trafficking EXCEPT ________

(a) poverty (b) material benefit (c) physical environment (d) peer group influence

(e) unemployment

  1. _______ does NOT influence decision making (a) past experience (b) stress

(c) opportunity (d) personal value and interest (e) transportation

  1. All these are behaviors that enhance sexual abstinence EXCEPT _________

(a) decision making (b) negotiation (c) self control (d) regular sexual (e) acquiring information

  1. The adoption of other people’s culture is called _______ (a) myth (b) legend

(c) acculturation (d) value (e) culture

  1. ______ is the skill needed when seeking help (a) negotiation (b) manipulation

(c) aggressiveness (d) assertiveness (e) passiveness

  1. All these are methods of catching fish in Nigeria EXCEPT __________ (a) by using big vessels and nets (b) nets (c) lines and hooks (d) by using chemicals (e) by setting traps
  2. As leather work is for Kano so also wood carving is for ________ (a) Benin (b) Enugu (c) Bida (d) Ijebu (e) Yola
  3. One of these is NOT a commercial bank (a) central bank (b) assess bank (c) union bank (d) zenith bank (e) Wema bank
  4. The following: timber, cocoa, cotton and rubber could be called _________

(a) mineral resources (b) raw materials (c) farm materials (d) finished products

(e) farm crops




  1. The solar eclipse occur when ……… comes in between  the sun and the earth.
    • moon (b) sun (c) light (d) stars
  2. ……….. divide the earth into two equal halves (a) Tropic of cancer (b) Latitude (c) Equator (d) Longitude
  3. The importance lines of latitude include all the following expect …….. (a) Equator (b) Longitude (c) Capricorn (d) Cancer
  4. Calculate the distance between the equator lat o  and Algeria lat 30 o N ( a) 3,33km (b) 3,330km (c) 3000km (d) 33km
  5. One degree of latitude is approximately …….. km on land (a) 11.1km (b) 11.2km (c) 111km (d) 111.10km
  6. ……. Is an imaginary line that runs from North to South . (a) Latitude (b) Longitude (c) Equator (d) Orbit
  7. The longitude that passes through Britain and Accra (Ghana ) is called …….(a) Latitude (b) Longitude (c) prime meridian (d) Great circle
  8. The great circle route is often used by ……….. on s long distance journey (a) Motor cars (b) Aircraft (c) Canoes (d) Rockets
  9. 1 0 of line of longitude is equivalent to ……….. minutes (a) 4 minutes (b) 2 minutes (c) 15 minutes (d) 12 minutes
  10. What will be the time in Brazil (50 o w) when it is noon in  London ( 0  0   ) (a) 8:30 am (b) 8:40 am (c) 8:40 pm (d) 8:30 pm