SS 3

Problems Facing Agricultural Extension – Challenges & Solutions

PROBLEMS FACING AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION Subject: Agricultural Science Class: SS 3 Term: First Term Week: 4 Topic: Problems Facing Agricultural Extension Duration: 40 minutes Previous Knowledge Students have prior knowledge of Agricultural Extension from their previous lesson. Behavioral Objectives By the end of this lesson, students should be able to: Identify and explain the problems facing

Animal Improvement in Agriculture: Meaning, Methods, and Benefits

Lesson Note: Animal Improvement Subject: Agricultural Science Class: SS 3 Term: First Term Week: 9 Topic: Animal Improvement Duration: 40 Minutes Previous Knowledge Students have prior knowledge of Fish Harvesting, which was taught in the previous lesson. Behavioral Objectives At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Explain the meaning of animal

Ss 3 Mock Exams Maths

Mathematics SS 3 Second Term MOCK EXAMINATION Questions 8. Find the log of 802 to base 10 (use log tables) (a) 2.9042 (b) 3.9040 (c) 8.020 (d)1.9042 9. Find the number whose logarithm is 2.8321 (a) 6719.2 (b) 679.4 (c) 0.4620 (d) 67.92 10. What is the integer of the log of 0.000352 (a) 4

SS 3 Mock Exams Further Maths

  SS3 Further Mathematics Second Term Examination SECTION A: OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS (Fill in the blank spaces with the correct option a, b, c, or d.) The variance of a binomial distribution is given by ______.a) npb) √npqc) npqd) p² The mean (µ) of a Poisson distribution is the same as ______.a) Standard deviationb) Variancec) Meand)

Data Processing SS 3 Mock Exams

DATA PROCESSING SS 3 SECOND TERM MOCK EXAMINATION PART A: Objective Questions (Fill-in-the-Blank with Options) Data models describe _____ data for storage in data management systems.a) Structuredb) Unstructuredc) Integerd) Alphabetic The key that matches a primary key in another table is called a _____ key.a) Foreignb) Surrogatec) Primaryd) Candidate A graphical representation of entities and

Christian Religious Studies SS 3 Second Term Lesson Notes

SECOND TERM E-LEARNING NOTE SUBJECT: Christian Religious Knowledge (C.R.K) CLASS: SS3 WEEKLY TOPICS 1. THE HOLY SPIRIT AT PENTECOST The Promise of the Holy Spirit – Acts 1:8 The Coming of the Holy Spirit – Acts 2:1-13 Peter’s Sermon – Acts 2:14-41 The Holy Spirit at Pentecost – Meaning, Events, and Significance 2. MISSION TO

Examination Questions Christian Religious Studies SS 3 Second Term Lesson

Christian Religious Studies SS 3 – Second Term Week 9 Examination Exam Instructions Instructions for Teachers: Ensure a quiet and orderly environment during the exam. Check that students have no unauthorized materials (textbooks, notes, mobile phones, etc.). Read and explain all instructions clearly before students begin. Monitor students closely to prevent any form of examination

Mid Term Test Christian Religious Studies SS 3 Second Term Lesson Notes

Christian Religious Studies SS 3 Second Term – Week 7 Mid-Term Assessment Assessment Components Part A: Objective Questions (Multiple Choice) Choose the correct answer for each question. The Holy Spirit came upon the disciples on the day of ______. a) Easter b) Pentecost c) Passover d) Christmas Saul was on his way to ______ when

Understanding HIV/AIDS – Causes, Prevention, and Jesus’ Healing Power

Christian Religious Studies SS 3 Second Term Lesson Notes – Week 6 HIV/AIDS Lesson Details Subject: Christian Religious Studies Class: SS 3 Term: Second Term Week: 6 Age: 15 – 18 years Topic: HIV/AIDS Sub-topics: Meaning of HIV/AIDS How People Can Be Infected by HIV/AIDS and Symptoms Prevention of HIV/AIDS Cure for HIV/AIDS (Jesus’ Care