SECOND TERM WEEK WEEKLY LESSON PLANS WITH LESSON NOTES AND SCHEME OF WORK SUBJECT: FURTHER MATHEMATICS CLASS: SS1 WEEK 1 Sequences and Types Arithmetic progression WEEK 2 Arithmetic Series WEEK 3 Calculating devices (Abacus, Slide Rule, pocket Calculator and the Computer) WEEK 4 Scalars and Vectors/Types of vectors
FURTHER MATHEMATICS SS 1 SECOND TERM WEEK 6 DATE(S)………………………………………. SUBJECT: FURTHER MATHEMATICS CLASS: SS1 TOPIC: RELATIVE VELOCITY CONTENT: Displacement/Relative displacement Acceleration Relative velocity Motion of word problem SUB – TOPIC: Relative velocity Every object or occurrence (be it real or abstract) is relative to some other object, occurrence. If a ship
FURTHER MATHEMATICS SS 1 SECOND TERM WEEK 5 DATE(S)………………………………………. SUBJECT: FURTHER MATHEMATICS CLASS: SS1 TOPIC: VECTOR 2 CONTENT: Scalar multiplication of vectors Unit vector Direction cosines Scalar (dot) product: Application of scalar (dot) product. Projections of vectors Application of scalar product Sub-Topic: VECTOR MULTIPLICATION BY A SCALAR/UNIT VECTOR Let say and
FURTHER MATHEMATICS SS 1 SECOND TERM WEEK 4 DATE(S)…………. SUBJECT: FURTHER MATHEMATICS CLASS: SSS 1 TOPIC: VECTORS 1 CONTENT: Scalars and Vectors Forms of vectors. Parts of vectors Algebra of vectors The triangle law, parallelogram law and Resolution of vectors Place vectors SUB – TOPIC 1: Scalars and Vectors/Forms of vectors
FURTHER MATHEMATICS SS 1 SECOND TERM WEEK 3 SUBJECT: FURTHER MATHEMATICS CLASS: SS1 TOPIC: CALCULATING AND PROCESSING DEVICES CONTENT: Calculating units (Abacus, Slide Rule, pocket Calculator and the Laptop) Decimal, binary, octal, hexadecimal techniques and relationship between them Stream charts Software of movement – chart Sub – Subject: CALCULATING DEVICES Calculating units are
FURTHER MATHEMATICS SS 1 SECOND TERM WEEK 2 DATE(S)………………………………………. SUBJECT: FURTHER MATHEMATICS CLASS: SS1 TOPIC: SERIES CONTENT: Definition of series. Arithmetic sequence Geometric series Sum to infinity Sub – Topic: DEFINITION OF SERIES/ARITHMETIC SERIES Series is the summation (addition) of the phrases of a sequence. For example, the collection equal of the
SECOND TERM WEEK 1 DATE(S)………………………………………. SUBJECT: FURTHER MATHEMATICS CLASS: SS1 TOPIC: SEQUENCES CONTENT: Sequences and Types. Arithmetic progression Geometric progression Sub – Topic: SEQUENCE AND TYPES A sequence is a succession of terms generated according to some rules or laws. Examples are: (a) 1, 3, 5, 7 (b) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, … (c)
Weekly Lesson Notes And Lesson Plan Biology Second Term Week 1 CONSERVATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES Week 2 ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT Week 3 PESTS AND DISEASES OF CROPS Week 4 Invertebrate and Vertebrate Pests Week 5 Management And Control of Pests Week
Topic : Biology Subject : Adaptation in Type and Features of Residing Organisms As a result of Environmental Situations Time period : Second Time period Week: Week 11 Class : SSS 2 Earlier lesson : The pupils have the earlier data of ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT TOLERANCE that was taught within the final lesson
Subject : Biology Topic : Adaptation in Form and Functions of Living Organisms Due to Environmental Conditions Term : Second Term Week: Week 10 Class : SSS 2 Previous lesson : The pupils have the previous knowledge of ECOLOGICAL MANAGEMENT TOLERANCE that was taught in the last lesson Behavioural objectives :