Primary 4

National Values (Honesty) Civic Education JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Lesson Plan for Civic Education Subject: Civic Education Class: JSS 1 Term: First Term Week: 4 Age: 11 years Topic: National Values (Honesty) Sub-topic: Meaning of Honesty Attributes of Honesty Benefits of Honesty Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Define honesty and understand its significance.

Importance of Values and Factors that Promote Value System (Continuation) Civic Education JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Lesson Plan for Civic Education Subject: Civic Education Class: JSS 1 Term: First Term Week: 3 Age: 11 years Topic: Importance of Values and Factors that Promote Value System (Continuation) Sub-topic: Deepening Understanding of the Importance of Values Additional Factors that Promote Value System Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives By the end of the lesson,

Basic 4 Home Economics Evaluation Test

Home Economics Examination: Primary 4 Term: Second Term Class: Primary 4 General Instructions for Teachers and Students: To Teachers: Please ensure that students understand the instructions clearly before starting the exam. Emphasize to the students that they should avoid all forms of malpractice and work independently. This exam will test the students on the topics