Category: Social Studies Primary 2

Primary 2 Social Studies First Term, Second Term and Third Term 

1st Term Social Studies Primary 2 Social Studies  Primary 2 2nd Term Primary 2 3rd Term Social Studies       First Term, Second Term and Third Term  Social Studies   Scheme of Work and Online Lesson Notes Primary 2 FIRST TERM EDU DELIGHT TUTORS WEEK 1 – Meaning of Social Studies (Primary 2) WEEK 2

Elements of Culture Social Studies Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Detailed Student-Centered Lesson Plan for Social Studies – Primary 2 Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 2 Term: First Term Week: 3 Age: 7 years Topic: Elements of Culture Sub-topic: Comparing Cultural Elements of the Three Major Groups in Nigeria Duration: 60 minutes Behavioral Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

Meaning of Culture Social Studies Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 2

Detailed Student-Centered Lesson Plan for Social Studies – Primary 2 Subject: Social Studies Class: Primary 2 Term: First Term Week: 2 Age: 7 years Topic: Culture Sub-topic: Meaning of Culture Duration: 60 minutes Behavioral Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Define culture. List things that make up a culture.

Primary 1 Social Studies Examination. First Term

FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2020/2021 CLASS: PRIMARY 1 SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES   NAME:…………………………………………………………………………………   1.) _____________ is the head of the family (a) sister (b) uncle (c) father 2.) What is the name of your country (a) Nigeria (b) Ghana (c) Togo 3.) The nuclear family consists of the (a) uncle, sister and neighbor (b) father,

Social Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes

SOCIAL STUDIES LESSON PLAN FOR SECOND TERM PRY 2 [pt_view id=”1e82b3bbq5″] WEEK: One Second Term Revision and Readiness Test Social Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 1 Week: Two Forms of Greeting and the Importance of Greeting Social Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week : Three  Forms of Greetings Social Studies

How To Save Our Money

Class : Basic 2.   Subject : Social/Studies.   Topic : Savings.   Content: Savings is money not spent but kept for later use. Money should be saved to pay for unexpected events or emergencies. For example, a person’s car could break down, a home appliance might need repairs, or a person could fall sick

Law Enforcement Agencies

  Class: Basic 2. Subject : Social/Studies. Topic : Law Enforcement Agencies.   Content : Laws must be obeyed and respected. To make sure the laws of the country are obeyed, the government has law enforcement agencies. An agency is a department or organization that provides a service.   The police is a law enforcement

Class : Basic Two  Subject : Social Studies 

Class : Basic Two  Subject : Social Studies    1. A place where we buy and sell goods is _________ (a) Church (b) Office (c) Market    2. The act of keeping money in the bank is called ________ (a) Services (b) Road Save (c) Saving    3. The head of primary school is ______
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