Second Term Revision and Readiness Test – Home Economics Week 1: Lesson Notes 1. Reasons for Cleaning Reasons for Cleaning: Two reasons for cleaning the house, classroom, and the environment are: a) Maintaining hygiene and health b) Creating a comfortable and pleasant living or working space 2. Equipments for Making Detergent Equipments for Making Detergent:
Second Term Revision and Readiness Test – Vocational Aptitude Week 1: Lesson Notes 1. Quality or Conduct in a Profession Quality or Conduct in a Profession: The quality or conduct by which a professional carries out his duties is referred to as professional ethics. 2. Regulatory Body for Bankers Regulatory Body for Bankers: The professional
Second Term Revision and Readiness Test – Cultural and Creative Art Answer Key 1. Example of Drawing Example of Drawing: The drawing of a man flying in the air is an example of imaginative or creative drawing. 2. Still Life Drawing Still Life Drawing: Still life drawing is the representation of inanimate objects, often arranged
Second Term Revision and Readiness Test – Christian Religious Studies Week 1: Lesson Notes 1. The Israelites in the Wilderness Survivors in the Wilderness: The three people left after the death of the Israelites in the wilderness were Joshua, Caleb, and Eleazar. 2. Conversion Conversion: Conversion means a profound change of heart, turning away from
Second Term Revision and Readiness Test – Basic Science Week 1: Lesson Notes 1. Living Things Definition of Living Things: Living things are organisms that have life and can grow, reproduce, respond to stimuli, and adapt to their environment. 2. Characteristics of Living Things Characteristics of Living Things: Four characteristics of living things include: a)
Second Term Revision and Readiness Test – Civic Education Week 1: Lesson Notes 1. National Honours and Awards National Honours and Awards: The awards given to citizens of Nigeria, who, in the course of doing their work, have rendered exceptional contributions to the development of their nation is called National Honours and Awards. 2.
Second Term Revision and Readiness Test – English Grammar Week 1: Key Concepts and Review Day 1: Parts of Speech Nouns: Review types of nouns (common, proper, abstract, concrete). Practice identifying nouns in sentences. Verbs: Discuss action verbs, linking verbs, and helping verbs. Identify verbs in different sentence structures. Day 2: Sentence Structure Subject and
Second Term Revision and Readiness Test – Mathematics Week 1: Key Concepts and Review Day 1: Numbers and Operations Place Value: Review the concept of place value up to millions. Practice writing numbers in expanded form. Operations with Whole Numbers: Addition and subtraction with regrouping. Multiplication and division of larger numbers. Day 2: Fractions and
Second Term Revision and Readiness Test – Computer Studies Week 1: Key Concepts and Review Day 1: Introduction to Computers Basic Computer Components: Review the essential components of a computer system (CPU, monitor, keyboard, mouse). Discuss the purpose and function of each component. Input and Output Devices: Identify common input devices (e.g., keyboard, mouse) and
Week 1 Second Term Lesson Lesson Notes for Primary 1 To Primary 6 Week 6 Second Term Lesson Notes / Plans For Primary 1 To Primary 6 Week 7 Second Term Lesson Notes /Plans For Primary 1 To Primary 6 Week 8 Second Term Lesson Notes /Plans For Primary 1 To Primary