Health Habits Nursery 1 First Term

Health Habits Nursery 1 First Term Nursery One  Age 1 to 3 years  First Term Week 1 Illness / Diseases Week 2 Causes of Diseases Week 3 Taking Care of Ourselves to Prevent Diseases Week 4 Prevention of Diseases Week 5 Immunization Week 6 Mid Term Break Week 7 Good Healthy Habits Week 8 Poor

1st Term Examination BASIC SCIENCE NURSERY 2

  1st Term Examination BASIC SCIENCE NURSERY 2 Name:…………………………… Section A Attempt all questions ____________ things are things that have life (a)living (b)dead Goat is a living thing (a)yes (b)no Non – living things are things that have no _________ (a)motor (b)life House is a living thing (a)yes (b)no __________ is a vegetable (a)stone (b)okro

Edu Delight Tutors Nursery 2 Health Habits

TERM: SECOND TERM EXAMINATION EDU DELIGHT TUTORS CLASS: NURSERY 1 SUBJECT: HEALTH HABIT Underline the correct answers. 1. We sweep our classroom with _______ (a) knife (b) broom 2. Is a dirty classroom good for learning? (a) yes (b) No 3. We must come to school very ______ (a) early (b) late 4. We must


  Class: Nursery 2 Subject : Health Habits Topic: Nutrition What is nutrition ? Is a substance that is needed to keep living things alive e.g protein ,carbohydrates. Importance of nutrition? It helps us to grow well and healthy. It keeps us away from diseases . It makes our body fresh.etc. Mention two importance of

Simple addition and subtraction

Nursery 2 Mathematics Question. Simple addition and subtraction 1).7 + 9 = 2).8 – 5 = 3).7 + 7 = 4).14 – 6 =   Multiplication of numbers 5).3 × 4= 6).2 × 8= 7).3 × 3= 8).2 × 5=   Addition of numbers (TU) 9).    T U 3 5 3 4    


SUBJECT: SCIENCE/ HEALTH EDUCATION CLASS: NURSERY 2 1. _____ is part of the body (a) eye (b) rice 2. We walk with our ____(a) tongue (b) legs Circle the correct examples of these classes of food. 3. Carbohydrate (a) meat (b) yam 4. Fat & oil (a) maize (b) groundnut oil 5. ____ is the

Science Nursery 2 Second Term Examination

SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2019     CLASS: NURSERY II                                                                                    SUBJECT: SCIENCE       NAME:……………………………………………………………………………………        _________ makes us to see things around us clearly (a) light     (b) sun  List two types of light made by God (a) ________________________________            (b) ________________________________    List two types of light made by man


THIRD TERM EXAMINATION 2014/2015 CLASS: NUR. II                                                                  SUBJECT: SCIENCE NAME:…………………………………………………………………………   1.     Mention 5 living things: ______________________, ________________________, __________________________, ______________________, _________________________ 2.     Write 5 non living things: _______________________, _________________________, _________________________ _______________________, _________________________ 3.     Where do we get our food from? (a) flower (b) plant (c) school 4.     Write 5 domestic animals: _______________________, _________________________, _________________________
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