Nursery 1 Subject: Reading Readiness Topic: Keyword : “Can” Home work Re -write the keyword : “Can” Can Can Can Can Can ____ ____ ___ ____ _____ Can Can Can Can Can ____ ____ ___ ____ _____ Can Can Can Can Can ____ ____
FIRST RM EXAMINATION CLASS: NURSERY 1 SUBJECT: HEALTH EDUCATION NAME: You should wash your hands before and after meal? (a) Yes (b) No After using the toilet you should wash your hands. (a) Yes (b) No Is it good to keep our class neat and tidy after eating? (a) Yes (b) No Mention 3 parts
Nursery 1 Number Work Third Term Number Readiness / Number Work Third Term Nursery 1 Age 1 to 3 Early Childhood Care Education And Development Number Puzzles Number puzzles are used to create the aware the pupils in the arrangement and the order in which numbers are arranged .