Cultural and Creative Arts Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7: Mid-Term Assessment and Break Subject: Cultural and Creative Arts Class: Primary 6 Term: First Term Week: 7 Age: 10-11 years Topic: Mid-Term Assessment and Review Sub-topic: Review of Previous Topics Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives By the end of the assessment, pupils should
Home Economics Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7 Subject: Home Economics Class: Primary 6 Term: First Term Week: 7 Age: 10 years Topic: Mid-Term Assessment and Break Sub-topic: Assessment on Previously Covered Topics Duration: 40 Minutes Behavioural Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Demonstrate their understanding of
First Term Examination Questions Security Education Primary 6 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12: Examination of Topics Covered in the First Term Instructions for Teachers: Ensure Integrity: Make sure the examination environment is free from any form of cheating or malpractice. Explain the importance of honesty and fairness to the students before the exam starts.
Security Education Lesson Plan – Primary 6 – First Term – Week 7 Subject: Security Education Class: Primary 6 Term: First Term Week: 7 Age: 10-11 years Topic: Mid-Term Assessment and Break Duration: 40 minutes Behavioral Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: Demonstrate their understanding of personal security topics
NAME: ___________________________ CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SUBJECT: Civic Education SECTION A: OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS Awards given to national heroes for their contribution to the development of the country are called: (a) National Heroes (b) National Award (c) National Anthem (d) Rank Award __________ is a source of danger to personal security. (a) Clean Environment (b) Drug Abuse
Here’s a comprehensive Mid Term Assessment for Primary 6 Physical and Health Education, covering the topics discussed in previous weeks: Week 7: Mid Term Assessment Subject: Physical and Health Education Class: Primary 6 Term: First Term Week: Week 7 Age: 11 years Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes Part A: Objective Questions (20 fill-in-the-blank questions with
Subject: Basic Science Class: Primary/Basic 6 Term: First Term Week: 1 Age: 11 years Topic: Revision of Previous Year’s Work and Readiness Test Sub-Topic: Review of Key Concepts and Preparation for New Term Duration: 2 hours Behavioral Objectives: Review and recall key concepts from the previous year. Demonstrate understanding of previously learned topics. Identify areas
Week 7: Mid-Term Assessment and Break Subject: Mathematics Class: Primary 6 Term: First Term Week: 7 Age: 11 years Assessment Overview Part A: Objective Questions 20 fill-in-the-blank questions with options a, b, c, or d Part B: Theory Questions 20 short answer questions Part C: True or False Questions 20 True or False questions Part
Detailed Lesson Plan for Islamic Religious Studies – Primary 2 First Term, Week 7 Subject: Islamic Religious Studies Class: Primary 2 Term: First Term Week: 7 Age: 7 years Topic: Mid Term Tests and Review Sub-topic: Review of Lessons and Mid Term Assessment Duration: 40 minutes Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils
FIRST MID TERM ASSESSMENT FOR JSS 2 Simplify X8 /X3 Simplify X8 * X4 Write 52000 in standard form Write o.ooo21 in standard form Find the square root of 144 Simplify 18 ÷110x 15 Simplify (a5 x a10 ) A stick of length 1.75m was measured by a boy as 1.80m. Find the percentage error