Category: KG 2

Count and circle the correct figure 1-10.

  Class: K-G2.   Subject: Number- Readiness.   Topic: Count and circle the correct figure 1-10.   Example.   1) 🔑🔑🔑🔑. 2, (4) 1   2) 🍍🍍🍍🍍🍍. 1 (5) 2,   Home work   1) 🍬🍬🍬. 2, 3, 6.   2) 🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚🥚. 4, 3, 6.   3) 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎. 7, 3, 2.   4) ⚽⚽⚽. 7,

Taking care of the body

Subject : Health Habits Topic : Taking care of the body Class : KG 2   Term : Term Third Term Week : Week 7   Instructional Materials : Pictures of soap Toothpaste Sponge Washing hand basin Powder Mirror     Previous Knowledge : The pupils have been taught personal Cleanliness.   Behavioural Objectives : 

Types of Shapes 

  Class : Nursery 1   Subject : Number Readiness     Topic : Types of Shapes   Home- work   Re-write the name of the following shapes   1) C I r c l e _________________   2) R e c t a n g l e _____________________   3) S q u a

Good manners Wash your hand before eating.

    Subject : Social Norms.   Topic: Good manner.   1) Table manner don’t talk when you are eating.   2) Wash your hand before eating.   3) Is good to say sorry.   4) Always say thank you.   5) Always say excuse me.

Fruits apple.

  Class:KG 2.   Subject: Health habit.   Topic: Fruits.   There are different types of fruits.   Fruits are good for our body.   1) apple.   2) watermelon.   3) banana.   4) orange.   5) pineapple.   6) pawpaw.

Greetings As children we must learn how to greet.

  Class : Nursery 1   Subject : Social Norms   Topic: Greetings   Greeting is the way we greet or exchange pleasantries to our elderly ones, that is, our mummy, daddy, uncle ,aunty ,our teachers and so on.   Greeting is a sign of respect and good home – training. As children we must

Surrounding in my house

  Class:K-G2.   Subject: Science. Topic: Surrounding in my house.   A house is building where people live.   Things found in the Surrounding of a house are….   Flowers. Cars. Tree.

Scheme of work For Kindergarten (KG)

Scheme of work For Pupils That Are In Kindergarten Class (KG 1)       First Term Scheme of work and Plan Lesson Note For Pupils In Kindergarten 1 (KG 1)     Second Term Scheme of work and Plan Lesson Note For Pupils In Kindergarten 1 (KG 1)     Third Term Scheme of
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