Category: KG 2

Places around us in our neighbourhood

  CLASS: Nursery 1   SUBJECT:: Science   TOPIC: Places around us   Home -work   Re-write the names of the places around us   Playground     Cinema     School     Market     House  

Eating Habits. 

  Class: k g 2   Subject: Health_ Habits.   Topic: Eating Habits.   How do we eat our food.   1) by washing our hands before and after eating.   2) by sitting properly when eating.   3) by not talking when eating.   4) by not rushing our food.   5) by not

Objects found in the kitchen

  Class: Nursery 1 Subject: Science Topic: Objects found in the kitchen Homework Write (6) six objects found in the kitchen 1_______ 2_______ 3_______ 4_______ 5_______ 6_______

The importance and use of general parts of the body.

Class: K-G2 Subject: Science Topic: The Importance of General Body In our bodies, each part has a special job! Let’s learn about them: Eyes: They are used for seeing. 👀 Hand: It is used for writing and eating. 🖐️🍴 Nose: It is used for smelling. 👃 Teeth: They are used for cutting and chewing food.

fill in the gap using a or an

Class:Nursery2 Subject:English language Topic:fill in the gap using a or an. Examples a cup 1.—–apple 2.——elephant 3.——basket 4. ——-umbrella 5.——orange 6.—-chair 7.—–onion 8.—–book 9.—–ruler 10.—-fan

Counting of figure 1-50,

  Class: k g 2 Subject: Number- Readiness Topic: Counting of figure 1-50, writing of figure 1-30. Writing of figure 1-30. 1 _____ 3 _____ 5 ____ 7 ____ 9 ____ 11 ____ 13 ____ 15 ____ 17 ____ 19 ____ 21 ____ 23 ____ 25 ____ 27 ____ 29 _____.    

Stop Playing with sharp Objects

  Class: k g 2 Subject: Science Topic: Playing with sharp Objects. Sharp objects: Is an egde that can cut, and that is harmful to our body. Examples of sharp objects are: pin Blade Scissors Knife Bottle Nails How can you avoid playing with sharp objects. 1) by not playing with blade. 2) by not
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