Category: First Term

Revision Health Habits Nursery 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 10

FIRST TERM REVISION  SUBJECT: HEALTH HABIT                                CLASS: NURSERY TWO  1)    We can cut our nails with         (a)knife   (b)blade  2)    It is good to cut our nails with              (a)short   (b)long  3)    Cleaning nails always help to prevent         (a)oil (b)germs  4)   

Exploring Science Wonders for Nursery 2: From Drugs Safety to Stone Magic!

  Subject: Basic Science Class: Nursery 2 Is it good to take drugs any how? (a) Yes (b) No Drug abuse can damage our health. (a) Yes (b) No We can smell with our ………………………… (a) nose (b) hand Mention two parts of the body. …………………………………….. …………………………………….. We use stone to build house. (a) Yes

Saul’s repentance, baptism and conversion

Subject : Christian Religious Studies   Term :First Term   Week: Week 2   Class : Basic 6 / Primary 6     Previous lesson : The pupils have previous knowledge of Saul’s early life and religion     Topic :  Saul’s repentance, baptism and conversion   Behavioural objectives : At the end of the

Marking Guide First Term Examination Primary 6 Computer Studies

Marking Guide   First Term Examination Primary 6 Computer Studies     [mediator_tech)           1.) A person who operates the computer is known as ___________ (b) humanware 2.) Which of the following is a system software (a) windows 7 3.) Word processing package is an example of ____________________ (a) application software


Marking Guide   VERBAL APTITUDE FIRST TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 6       1a) Was: Saw: Pool, Loop; Sward, Draws: 1b) Tab, Stabs; Peak, Speak; Late, Slates Best; Beast; Set; Seat; Led Lump, Slump; Tab, Stab; Late Spice, Rice; Spank, Rank; Spear Male, Lame; Tale, Late; Made Cast, Cat; Fist, Fit; Best Lifeboats Boatswain Sate

Four basic rules in long jump are

Marking Guide PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION FIRST TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 6 Part A – Objectives (b) boxers (a) eating (b) 100 meters (c) Finishing (b) 4 (a) 400 (b) close (b) anchor leg (d) finish (a) High jump (d) Hurdles (b) Women (a) 10 (c) men (d) High jump (d) tape measure (a) fight (d)

Four causes of religious Intolerance in Nigeria

FIRST TERM SUBJECT: SOCIAL STUDIES                                                                                   CLASS: PRIMARY 6 SOCIAL STUDIES FIRST TERM EXAMINATION PRIMARY 6 Marking Guide Part A – Objectives (b) culture (a) Lord Lugard (d) Ashanti (c) Emir (a) Farming (c) English (a) Religion (c) Traditional (b) Polygamy (a) Inter-ethnic (c) Marriage (b) Intra-ethnic (d) Bachelor (c) Respect (b) Spinster (d) Jesus


Book Keeping SS 1 Third Term Lesson Notes                                                       SS 1 OMEGA TERM BOOK- KEEPING                                                                     SCHEME OF WORK  WEEK 1                 Revision               Petty cash book              —Meaning of petty cash book               ___ Classification of columns               __posting of transaction      
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